Deposit LDP

Ended on the 2 October 2020

13. Glossary

Adopted Plan

This is the Final stage of Local Development Plan preparatory process - where the Local Development Plan becomes the statutory Development Plan, for the purposes of the Act.


The final confirmation of the development plan as its land use planning policy by the Local Planning Authority (LPA).

Affordable Housing

Housing provided to those whose needs are not met by the open market. Affordable housing should:

  • meet the needs of eligible households, including availability at low enough cost for them to afford, determined with regard to local incomes and local house prices; and
  • include provision for the home to remain affordable for
    future eligible households, or if a home ceases to be affordable or staircasing to full ownership takes place, any subsidy should generally be recycled to provide replacement affordable housing.

This breaks down into two sub-categories:

  • social rented housing - provided by local authorities and registered social landlords where rent levels have regard to the Assembly Government's guideline rents and benchmark rents; and
  • Intermediate housing - where prices or rents are above those of social rented housing but below market housing prices or rents. This can include equity sharing schemes (for example Homebuy). Intermediate housing differs from low cost market housing, which the Assembly Government does not consider to be affordable housing for the purpose of the land use planning system. (TAN 2: Glossary).

Air Quality Management Area

Locations identified where the Council believes that national air quality objectives are not likely to be met and where improvements are needed.

The Council is under a legal obligation to declare by Order such sites as Air Quality Management Areas.


A positive element or elements that contribute to the overall character or enjoyment of an area. For example, open land, trees, historic buildings and the inter relationship between them, or less tangible factors such as tranquillity.

Anaerobic Digestion

Processes whereby bacteria break down organic material in the absence of air, yielding biogas.

Ancient Woodland

Land that has had a continuous woodland cover since accurate maps were first produced.


Where the use of land or buildings differ from the primary use and is of a lesser importance and are permitted because of their association with the primary use.

Annual Monitoring Report (AMR)

This will assess the extent to which policies in the local development plan are being successfully implemented (Regulation 37 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales) Regulations 2005).

Baseline/Pre Change Baseline

A description of the present state of an area against which to measure change.


The variability among living organisms from all sources including animals, plants, birds, insects and fish, and the habitats of which they are part.

Brownfield land

See definition for Previously Developed Land


A term relating to Conservation Areas or Listed Buildings, but also to the appearance of any urban or rural location in terms of its landscape, townscape or the layout of streets and open spaces, often giving places their own distinct identity.

Candidate Site

Candidate Sites are those nominated by anyone for consideration by the LPA as allocations in an emerging LDP.

Candidate Sites Register

Register of candidate sites prepared following a call for candidate sites by the LPA.

City Region

See Swansea Bay City Region.

Climate Change

Long-term changes in temperature, precipitation, wind and all other aspects of the Earth's climate. Often regarded as a result of human activity and fossil fuel consumption.


The merging or joining up of two separate settlements or of separate elements of settlement.


Undeveloped land with current planning permission or land which is currently being developed.


People living in a defined geographical area, or who share other interests and therefore form communities of interest.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The Community Infrastructure Levy is a planning charge, introduced by the Planning Act 2008 as a tool for local planning authorities to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area. It came into force on 6 April 2010 through the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010.A charge that local authorities can elect to place on new developments in their area to fund strategic infrastructure to support development.

Community Involvement Scheme (CIS)

Sets out the project plan and policies of the LPA for involving local communities, including businesses, in the preparation of local development plans. The CIS is submitted to the Welsh Government as part of the Delivery Agreement for agreement.

Commuted Sum

Sums are monies received from developers and ring fenced for on/off-site use, development or maintenance. For example, provision of infrastructure, provision and maintenance of open space, etc.


Planning consents for development which have been constructed or brought into operational use.

Consensus Building

A process of early dialogue with targeted interest groups to understand relevant viewpoints and agree a course of action.

Conservation Area

An area designated by the LPA under legislation which is of a special architectural or historic interest the character or appearance of which is desirable to preserve or enhance.


A formal process in which comments are invited on a particular topic or set of topics, or a draft document.

Contextual Indicator

An indicator used to monitor changes in the context within which the plan is being implemented or prepared.

Controlled Waters

Includes rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, canals, coastal waters, estuaries and groundwater.


Land that lies outside the defined settlements, as identified on the Proposals Map, and includes small groups of dwellings that are dispersed across the County.

Defined Settlements

Those settlements identified within Strategic Policy SP16: Sustainable Distribution – Settlement Framework.

Delivery Agreement (DA)

Document comprising the LPA's timetable for the preparation of the LDP together with its Community Involvement Scheme, submitted to the Welsh Government for agreement.


In the case of residential development, a measurement of either the number of habitable rooms per hectare (or acre) or number of dwellings per hectare (or acre).


The term used for the process of publishing the detailed Plan policies and proposals for public consultation. Placing the Plan "on deposit".

Deposit Documents

These include the deposit LDP, the Sustainability Appraisal report, the initial consultation report, the candidate sites register, the Review Report (if appropriate), any relevant supporting documents.

Design and Access Statement (DAS)

The requirement for a DAS and the content of such documents forms part of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2016. Design and Access statements accompany certain applications and must, amongst other things, explain the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the development, demonstrate the steps taken to appraise the context of the development and how the design of the development takes that context into account, explain the policy or approach adopted as to access and how policies relating to access in the development plan have been taken into account, and explain how specific issues which might affect access to the development have been addressed.

Development Limits

A line drawn in order to define the area of a settlement within which development is acceptable in principle subject to detailed consideration of environmental, amenity, access, public service provision and other considerations. Areas outside the limits are regarded as the open countryside.

Directly Related

Sites which are physically, functionally and visually linked to a settlement defined within Strategic Policy SP16.

Ecosystem Resilience

The ability of ecosystems to cope with pressures, disturbances and change – either by resisting them, recovering from them or adapting to them. Achieving ecosystem resilience is about working at larger scales, promoting functional connections between natural places, ensuring they have high natural diversity, are in good condition and increasing their extent. Biodiversity is an essential underpinning element of all resilient ecosystems. All functioning and resilient ecosystems have a characteristic healthy and often rich biodiversity.

Employment Land

Land used for the purposes of employment by one or more of the following: offices, manufacturing, research and development, storage and distribution (see also Use Classes).


A process which encourages substantive deliberation in a community. Proactive attempt to involve any given group of people/section of the community.

Environmental Impact Assessment

The evaluation of the likely environmental consequences of a development and considers how the severity of the impacts could be minimised. Applicants for certain types of development, often larger schemes, are required to submit an Environmental Statement to accompany a planning application, in order to set out the findings of the EIA process so that a decision on whether to grant permission may be better informed.

Evidence Base

Interpretation of Baseline or other information/data to provide the basis for plan policy.


Of, or relating to, a watercourse such as a river, stream or brook.

Fluvial Flood

Flooding from rivers.


The variety of earth materials, forms and processes that constitute and shape the Earth. It covers geology, rocks and the process by which they change and geomorphology, landforms and topography.


Relating to the earth's physical structure and substance.


The form or surface features of the earth

Green Infrastructure

The network of multi-functional green space, encompassing both land and water (blue space). The Green Infrastructure areas include existing and new (created) features in both rural and urban areas. The Green Infrastructure network delivers a wide range of Ecosystem Services including environmental and quality of life benefits for local communities.

Greenfield site

Land which has never been built on.


A non-permanent luxury style of camping.


Water that has percolated into the underground strata, including soils and may form underground ponds or streams, which may discharge above ground but lower down the catchment.


An area of nature conservation interest.

Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)

The screening and appropriate assessment of options required under Part 6 Chapter 8 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended) (the Habitats Regulations) - a recognised iterative process which helps determine the likely significant effect on a plan or programme and (where appropriate) assess adverse impacts on the integrity of a European site. The assessment is required to be undertaken by a competent authority in respect of plans or projects which are likely to have a significant effect (alone and in combination with other plans and projects) on a "European site" (see paragraph 5.1.2 of TAN 5), or as a matter of policy a proposed "European site" or Ramsar site, under the provisions of Article 6(3) of the EC Directive 92/43/ECC (the Habitats Directive), regulations 61 and 102 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations (as amended) 2010, and, regulation 25 of the Offshore Marine Conservation (Natural Habitats &c) Regulations 2007.

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

A HMO is a property occupied by three or more tenants not living together as a single family household who share basic amenities such as a kitchen, bathroom or toilet facilities but have separate bedrooms. The term covers bedsits, non self-contained flats, shared houses and lodgings.

Infill Development

The development of a small gap between existing buildings. To qualify as infill, the proposed development must be related to the size and character of the particular settlement.


Includes services such as roads, transport facilities, water supplies, sewerage and associated waste water treatment facilities, waste management facilities, energy supplies (electricity and gas) and distribution networks and telecommunications infrastructure. Soft infrastructure includes ICT and telecommunications.

Integrated Community Strategy (ICS)

Required by the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009 (Part 2: Sections 37-46) with the aim of improving the social, environmental and economic well-being of their areas. Also referred to as a "Single Integrated Plan".


Wales-wide landscape assessment that is organised by Natural Resources Wales (NRW in partnership with the Welsh local authorities. Introduced in 1997 and updated in 2003, the LANDMAP methodology and quality assurance process ensures a nationally consistent resource for landscape planning and decision making. LANDMAP information is collected in a structured and rigorous way that is defined by five methodological chapters, the Geological Landscape, Landscape Habitats, Visual & Sensory, Historic Landscape and Cultural Landscape.


An area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors.

Listed Buildings

Buildings are 'Listed' because they are considered to be of special architectural or historic interest and as a result require special protection. Listing protects the whole building both inside and out and possibly also adjacent buildings if they were erected before 1st July 1948. The prime purpose is to protect the building and its surroundings from changes which will materially alter the special historic or architectural importance of the building or its setting.

Local Area for Play (LAP)

Usually small landscaped areas of open space designed for young children located close to where the children live.

Local Equipped Area for Play (LEAP)

An equipped area of play and recreation (informal).

Local Planning Authority (LPA)

A planning authority responsible for the preparation of an LDP.

Local Development Plan (LDP)

The required statutory development plan for each local planning authority area in Wales under Part 6 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. A land use plan that is subject to independent examination, which will form the statutory development plan for a local planning authority area for the purposes of the Act. It should include a vision, strategy, area-wide policies for development types, land allocations, and where necessary policies and proposals for key areas of change and protection. Policies and allocations must be shown geographically on the Proposals Map forming part of the Plan.

Local Need Housing

All new affordable local need housing will be restricted to those who can demonstrate they have a need to live in the Locality and are in Affordable Housing Need. In practice the occupant must satisfy one of the following criteria:

  • The person is continuously resident in the Locality defined for three years immediately prior to occupation; or
  • The person has been in continuous employment in the locality defined for at least the last 12 months immediately prior to occupation; or
  • The person is a former resident who wishes to return to the locality defined having completed a post-secondary (tertiary) education course within 12 months prior to occupation and who immediately prior to attending the course lived in the locality defined for at least three years; or
  • The person is currently in prison, in hospital or similar accommodation whose location is beyond their control, and immediately before moving to this type of accommodation lived in the Locality defined for at least three years; or
  • The person needs to live in the locality defined because they need substantial care from a relative who lives in the locality defined, or because they need to provide substantial care to a relative who lives in the locality defined. Substantial care means that identified as required by a medical doctor or relevant statutory support agency; or
  • The person is a former resident who lived in the Locality defined for three years and then lived outside the locality defined for social and/or economic reasons and is returning to live in the Locality defined within three years of the date of their departure.
  • The person:
    1. Is serving in the regular forces or who has served in the regular forces within five years of the date of their application;
    2. Has recently ceased, or will cease to be entitled, to reside in accommodation provided by the Ministry of Defence following the death of that person's spouse or civil partner where -
      1. The spouse or civil partner has served in the regular forces; and
      2. Their death was attributable (wholly or partly) to that service; or
    3. Is serving or has served in the reserve forces and who is suffering from a serious injury, illness or disability which is attributable (wholly or partly) to that service and, housing for local affordable need is also restricted to:
  • Those who do not have available to them and could not afford to acquire or rent a home suitable to their needs at normal market prices or rents prevailing in the locality, and
  • Needs to move from accommodation which is shared, temporary, overcrowded or has significant hazards. Regard should be had to the relevant housing legislation, or
  • Needs to be housed as a result of leaving tied accommodation, or
  • Is an older person or disabled and needs to move to more suitable accommodation due to medical conditions.

Local Well-being Plan

Under The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 Public Service Boards will be established for each local authority area; it is intended that each will prepare a Well-being Plan to replace the SIP by April 2018 (s.39).

Marine Plan

The Welsh National Marine Plan prepared under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.

Market Housing

Private housing for rent or sale where the price is set in the open market. (TAN2: Glossary).


Measures to avoid, reduce or offset significant adverse effects.

Mixed Use

Developments or proposals comprising of more than one use type on a single site.

Multi-use Games Area (MUGA)

A versatile outdoor area made from macadam, polymeric surfacing, or artificial grass and is designed to be used for a variety of different sports and games including football, hockey, rugby, cricket, and tennis.

National Development Framework (NDF)

Provision is made under Planning (Wales Act) 2015 for the preparation of an NDF. Prepared by the Welsh Government the NDF will set out a 20 year land use framework for Wales and will replace the current Wales Spatial Plan.

National Nature Reserve (NNR)

An area designated for its national importance in nature conservation terms and managed through joint nature reserve agreements with landowners etc.

Natural Resources

Materials that occur naturally that are useful to man. Includes minerals, timber, land, ecosystems, etc.

Neighbourhood Equipped Area for Play (NEAP)

Equipped play area for children and young people.

Non-Defined Rural Settlements

Non-defined rural settlements are those consisting of a group of existing dwelling houses which make up a hamlet / settlement that are not defined in Policy SP16.

Objective/Strategic Objective

A statement of what is intended, specifying the desired direction of change in trends.

Open Space

All space of public value, including public landscaped areas, playing fields, parks and play areas, and also including not just land, but also areas of water such as rivers, canals, lakes and reservoirs, which can offer opportunities for sport and recreation or can also act as a visual amenity and a haven for wildlife.

Ordinary Watercources

All watercourses that are not a designated main river, and which are the responsibility of local authorities to regulate.


Other local/National Park authority departments and statutory bodies where the LDP will help to deliver some of the objectives of their strategies. Partners may be expected to contribute to formulating relevant parts of the LDP.


Process and tool to collectively design and manage the public realm to create quality places that people want to live and work in, that are appealing, accessible, safe and support social interaction and amenities.

Plan Period

The period of time a plan covers namely up to 2033.

Planning Obligation

A legal agreement between an applicant and the local planning authority to ensure a development is carried out in a certain way. Also referred to as a Section 106 Agreement.

Planning Policy Wales (PPW)

Planning Policy Wales sets out the land use planning policies of the Welsh Assembly Government. It is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes. Procedural advice is provided through circulars and policy clarification letters.

Playing Fields

Land set out with a pitch or pitches for games.


Relating to rainfall - increase of the amount of rain, which can cause surface water flooding before entering watercourses and the drainage system.

Pluvial Flooding

Flooding from surface water. This occurs when heavy rain saturates drainage systems and excess water cannot be absorbed.

Pre-deposit Documents (LDP)

These include the vision, strategic options, preferred strategy, key policies, the Sustainability Appraisal report, the candidate sites register, Review Report (if appropriate).

Pre-deposit Stage

In the LDP Manual, referred to as the Strategic Options and Preferred Strategy stage of LDP preparation.

Previously Developed Land

See the definition of Previously Developed Land contained in PPW: Edition 10 - paragraph 3.51.

Protected Species

Plant and animal species afforded protection under certain Acts and Regulations.

Public Rights of Way (PROW)

Paths that the public have a right to pass. PROWs are inclusive of footpaths, bridleways and byways.


A wetland site of international importance for nature conservation. Designation is enabled by the Ramsar Convention 1971 whereby participating European Governments undertake to protect such areas.

Regionally Important Geological/ Geomorphological Sites (RIGs)

Locally designated earth science sites, which are selected using nationally agreed criteria.

Renewable Energy

For the purposes of planning policy, renewable energy is defined as those sources of energy, other than fossil fuels or nuclear fuel, which are continuously and sustainably available in our environment. This includes wind, water, solar, geothermal energy and plant material (biomass). Low carbon energy is the term used to cover technologies that are energy efficient (but does not include nuclear).

Residual Waste

Residual waste remains after recyclable or compostable material has been removed from the waste stream.

Review Report

The required statutory report under S69 of the 2004 Act and/or Reg41; to conclude on the LDP revision procedure to be followed based on a clear assessment of what has been considered and what needs to change and why, based on evidence.

Ribbon Development

The linear extension of settlements, including frontage development along approach roads, resulting in the unnecessary intrusion of development into the countryside.

Riparian Corridor

The part of the floodplain closest to the water channel and greatly influenced by the stream/river. The stream/ river and corridor interact with each other in a way that is mutually beneficial.

Rural Enterprise

Land related businesses including agriculture, forestry and other activities that obtain their primary inputs from the site, such as the processing of agricultural, forestry and mineral products together with land management activities and support services (including agricultural contracting), tourism and leisure enterprises.

Scheduled Ancient Monument

Nationally important archaeological sites or historic buildings, given protection against unauthorised change through primary legislation.

Section 106 Agreement

See Planning Obligations.

Single Integrated Plan (SIP)

Discharges statutory duties identified by Welsh Government ("Shared Purpose – Shared Delivery", WG 2012), including Community Strategies; prepared by a Local Service Board. See "Local Well-being Plans" which are to replace SIPs".

Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)

Sites of Special Scientific Interest are notified by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) under legislation to afford protection to flora, fauna and geological or physiological feature of special interest.

Site Specific Allocations

Allocations of sites (proposals) for specific or mixed uses or development. Policies will identify any specific requirements for individual proposals with the allocations shown on the LDP's proposals map.


In order to be adopted, an LDP must be determined 'sound' by the examination Inspector (S64 of the 2004 Act). Tests of soundness tests and checks are identified in PPW.

Special Area of Conservation (SAC)

Sites of international conservation importance designated by the Welsh Ministers under the European Directive on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and Wild Flora and Fauna. In addition there are candidate SAC's which should, as a matter of Government policy, be viewed as full SAC's when examining land use impacts.

Special Protection Area (SPA)

Special Protection Areas For Wild Birds under The E.C. Council Directive On the Conservation of Wild Birds (79/4C9/EEC) provides for the protection, management and control of all species of naturally occurring wild birds.

Specific Policies

A suite of criteria-based policies which will ensure that all development within the area meets the aims and objectives set out in the Strategy.


Interests directly affected by the LDP (and/or SEA) - involvement generally through representative bodies.

Statement of Common Ground (SocG)

The purpose of a SOCG is to establish the main areas of agreement between two or more parties on a particular issue.

Strategic Development Plan (SDP)

Provision is made under the Planning (Wales) Act 2015 for the preparation of SDP's at a regional level. SDP will have regard to the NDF and responding at a regional level to strategic issues.

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

Term used internationally to describe environmental assessment as applied to plans and programmes. SEA process is derived from European legislation and defined at European level – Directive 2001/42/EC. The Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes (Wales) Regulations 2004 (SEA Regulations) require a formal "environmental assessment of certain plans and programmes, including those in the field of planning and land use".

Strategic Objectives

A set of overarching intentions that elaborate on the Vision and that focus on the delivery of the Plan.

Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)

Forms a supplementary document/information in respect of the policies in an LDP. SPG does not form part of the development plan and is not subject to independent examination but must be consistent with the Plan and with national planning policy. Can be developed to consider individual or thematic aspects of the Plan and site allocations including masterplans.

Sustainability Appraisal (SA)

Tool for appraising policies to ensure they reflect sustainable development objectives (i.e. social, environmental and economic factors). Each LPA is required by S62(6) of the 2004 Act to undertake SA of the LDP. This form of SA fully incorporates the requirements of the SEA Regulations.

Sustainability Appraisal Report (SA Report)

Document required to be produced as part of the SA process to describe and appraise the likely significant effects on sustainability of implementing the LDP, which also meets the requirement for the Environmental Report under the SEA Regulations. S62(6) of the 2004 Act requires each LPA to prepare a report of the findings of the SA of the LDP. The SA Report is first produced at the Preferred Strategy stage (the Interim SA Report), expanded at the Deposit LDP stage and finalised alongside the Adoption Statement.

Technical Advice Notes (TAN)

A topic-based document published by the Welsh Government to supplement Planning Policy Wales.


Defines the core purpose of the Plan.

Wales Spatial Plan (WSP)

A plan prepared and approved by the National Assembly for Wales under S60 of the 2004 Act, which sets out a strategic framework to guide future development and policy interventions, whether or not these relate to formal land use planning control. Under S62(5)(b) of the 2004 Act a local planning authority must have regard to the WSP in preparing an LDP.


Appendix 1: Context – Legislative and National Planning Policy Guidance

Appendix 2: Regional and Local Strategic Context

Appendix 3: Supplementary Planning Guidance

Appendix 4: Minerals Sites

Appendix 5: Active Travel Routes

Appendix 6: Policy Assessment

Appendix 7: Housing Trajectory

Appendix 8: Waste Management Facilities

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