Deposit LDP

Ended on the 2 October 2020

6. A Vision for 'One Carmarthenshire'

6.1 The Revised LDP needs to be underpinned by a concise, long-term vision and strategy. In order to achieve this, a clear Vision has been developed that is built on consensus. The Strategic Vision outlines how the County is planned to develop, change or be conserved up to 2033.[22]

6.2 The Revised LDP vision directly incorporates the vision set out in the Council's Corporate Strategy "Moving Forward in Carmarthenshire - the next 5 years – 2018-2023"[23]. Whilst there is no vision to directly draw upon from the Carmarthenshire Wellbeing Plan, the Revised LDP vision reflects its four well-being objectives which are (1) Healthy Habits (2) Early Intervention (3) Strong Connections and (4) Prosperous People and Places.

6.3 The supporting text of well-being objective 4 has been incorporated into the Revised LDP vision due to this objective's emphasis on "maximising opportunities for people and places in both urban and rural parts of our county". This responds to the strong emphasis on recognising rural areas within the conversations undertaken around issues identification. The Revised LDP vision acknowledges and celebrates that our county is one of contrast and engenders a sense of place.

6.4 A "One Carmarthenshire" approach recognises the need to balance conflicting demands and interests and provides a platform for consensus and shared ownership of the Revised LDP. The Revised LDP vision also recognises the Swansea Bay City Deal and this sets the tone for Plan to be positive and deliverable whilst allowing for appropriate aspiration.

One Carmarthenshire

Carmarthenshire 2033 will be a place to start, live and age well within a healthy, safe and prosperous environment, where its rich cultural and environmental qualities (including the Welsh language) are valued and respected for residents and visitors alike.

It will have prosperous, cohesive and sustainable communities providing increased opportunities, interventions and connections for people, places and organisations in both rural and urban parts of our County.

It will have a strong economy that reflects its position as a confident and ambitious driver for the Swansea Bay City Region.

[22] Planning Policy Wales, Edition 9 (Section 2.2.1) and Welsh Government Local Development Plan Manual – Edition 2 – August 2015, Section 6.1.1


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