Preferred Strategy

Ended on the 8 February 2019

Appendix 1: Policy Assessment

Strategic Policy: SP1 Strategic Growth

Strategic Objectives

SO3 - To assist in widening and promoting education and skills training opportunities for all.

Local Well-being Goals

Early Intervention - To make sure that people have the right help at the right time; as and when they need it.

Prosperous People and Places - To maximise opportunities for people and places in both urban and rural parts of our county.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Active and Social Places & Productive and Enterprising Places.

Strategic Policy: SP2 Retail and Town Centres

Strategic Objectives

SO4 - To ensure that the principles of equal opportunities and social inclusion are upheld by promoting access to a high quality and diverse mix of public services, healthcare, shops, leisure facilities and work opportunities, as well as vibrant town centres.

Local Well-being Goals

Early Intervention - To make sure that people have the right help at the right time; as and when they need it.

Prosperous People and Places - To maximise opportunities for people and places in both urban and rural parts of our county.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Active and Social Places & Productive and Enterprising Places

Strategic Policy: SP3 Providing New Homes

Strategic Objectives

SO10 - To make provision for an appropriate mix of quality homes across the County based around the principles of sustainable socio-economic development and equality of opportunities.

Local Well-being Goals

Prosperous People and Places - To maximise opportunities for people and places in both urban and rural parts of our county.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Placemaking & Active and Social Places

Strategic Policy: SP4 Affordable Homes

Strategic Objectives

SO10 - To make provision for an appropriate mix of quality homes across the County based around the principles of sustainable socio-economic development and equality of opportunities.

Local Well-being Goals

Prosperous People and Places - To maximise opportunities for people and places in both urban and rural parts of our county.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Placemaking & Active and Social Places

Strategic Policy: SP5 Strategic Sites

Strategic Objectives

SO12 - To encourage investment & innovation in rural and urban areas by making adequate provision to meet employment need and to contribute at a regional level to the delivery of the Swansea Bay City Deal.

Local Well-being Goals

Prosperous People and Places - To maximise opportunities for people and places in both urban and rural parts of our county.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Productive and Enterprising Places

Strategic Policy: SP6 Employment and the Economy

Strategic Objectives

SO12 - To encourage investment & innovation in rural and urban areas by making adequate provision to meet employment need and to contribute at a regional level to the delivery of the Swansea Bay City Deal.

Local Well-being Goals

Prosperous People and Places - To maximise opportunities for people and places in both urban and rural parts of our county.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Productive and Enterprising Places

Strategic Policy: SP7 Welsh Language and Culture

Strategic Objectives

SO11 - To assist in protecting, enhancing and promoting the Welsh Language and the County's unique cultural identity, assets and social fabric.

Local Well-being Goals

Prosperous People and Places - To maximise opportunities for people and places in both urban and rural parts of our county.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Distinctive and Natural Places

Strategic Policy: SP8 Infrastructure

Strategic Objectives

SO14 - To reflect the requirements associated with the delivery of new development, both in terms of hard and soft infrastructure (including broadband).

Local Well-being Goals

Prosperous People and Places - To maximise opportunities for people and places in both urban and rural parts of our county.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Productive and Enterprising Places

Strategic Policy: SP9 Gypsy and Traveller Provision

Strategic Objectives

SO10 - To make provision for an appropriate mix of quality homes across the County based around the principles of sustainable socio-economic development and equality of opportunities.

Local Well-being Goals

Prosperous People and Places - To maximise opportunities for people and places in both urban and rural parts of our county.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Active and Social Places

Strategic Policy: SP10 The Visitor Economy

Strategic Objectives

SO13 - To make provision for sustainable & high quality all year round tourism related initiatives.

Local Well-being Goals

Prosperous People and Places - To maximise opportunities for people and places in both urban and rural parts of our county.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Productive and Enterprising Places

Strategic Policy: SP11 Placemaking, Sustainability and High Quality Design

Strategic Objectives

SO9 - To protect and enhance the diverse character, distinctiveness, safety and vibrancy of the County's communities by promoting a place making approach and a sense of place.

Local Well-being Goals

Prosperous People and Places - To maximise opportunities for people and places in both urban and rural parts of our county.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Placemaking & Active and Social Places

Strategic Policy: SP12 Rural Development

Strategic Objectives

SO2 - To assist with widening and promoting wellbeing opportunities through access to community, leisure and recreational facilities as well as the countryside.

Local Well-being Goals

Healthy Habits - People have a good quality of life, and make healthy choices about their lives and environment.

Prosperous People and Places - To maximise opportunities for people and places in both urban and rural parts of our county.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Active and Social Places & Productive and Enterprising Places & Distinctive and Natural Places

Strategic Policy: SP13 Protection and Enhancement of the Natural Environment

Strategic Objectives

SO1 - To ensure that the natural environment, including habitats and species, are safeguarded and enhanced.

Local Well-being Goals

Healthy Habits - People have a good quality of life, and make healthy choices about their lives and environment.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Distinctive and Natural Places

Strategic Policy: SP14 Protection and Enhancement of the Built and Historic Environment

Strategic Objectives

SO5 - To safeguarded and enhance the built and historic environment and promote the appropriate reuse of redundant buildings.

Local Well-being Goals

Healthy Habits - People have a good quality of life, and make healthy choices about their lives and environment.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Distinctive and Natural Places

Strategic Policy: SP15 Climate Change

Strategic Objectives

SO7 - To make a significant contribution towards tackling the cause and adapting to the effect of climate change, including promoting the efficient use and safeguarding of resources.

Local Well-being Goals

Strong Connections - Strongly connected people, places and organisations that are able to adapt to change.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Placemaking & Distinctive and Natural Places

Strategic Policy: SP16 Sustainable Distribution – Settlement Framework

Strategic Objectives

SO6 - To ensure that the principles of spatial sustainability are upheld by directing development to sustainable locations with access to services and facilities and wherever possible encouraging the reuse of previously developed land.

Local Well-being Goals

Strong Connections - Strongly connected people, places and organisations that are able to adapt to change.

Prosperous People and Places - To maximise opportunities for people and places in both urban and rural parts of our county.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Placemaking & Active and Social Places & Productive and Enterprising Places & Distinctive and Natural Places

Strategic Policy: SP17 Transport and Accessibility

Strategic Objectives

SO8 - To contribute to the delivery of an accessible integrated and sustainable transport system, including links to alternative transport methods.

Local Well-being Goals

Strong Connections - Strongly connected people, places and organisations that are able to adapt to change.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Productive and Enterprising Places

Strategic Policy: SP18 Mineral Resources

Strategic Objectives

SO7 - To make a significant contribution towards tackling the cause and adapting to the effect of climate change, including promoting the efficient use and safeguarding of resources.

Local Well-being Goals

Strong Connections - Strongly connected people, places and organisations that are able to adapt to change.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Productive and Enterprising Places

Strategic Policy: SP19 Waste Management

Strategic Objectives

SO7 - To make a significant contribution towards tackling the cause and adapting to the effect of climate change, including promoting the efficient use and safeguarding of resources.

Local Well-being Goals

Strong Connections - Strongly connected people, places and organisations that are able to adapt to change.


The following indicators will monitor the effectiveness of the policy:

To be developed as part of the deposit LDP.

Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 alignment

Productive and Enterprising Places

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