Preferred Strategy

Ended on the 8 February 2019

11. Strategic Policies

11.1 The following sections set out the Strategic Policies which form the framework for implementing and delivering the LDP. The format and structure reflects the core elements of sustainability and sustainable development, and the four well-being objectives or themes as identified within the Carmarthenshire Well-being Plan. This allows the Strategic Policies to cross reference to the strategic objectives set out in this document as well as the relevant Well-being goals. The strategic policies will therefore marked with an asterisk (*) in the following ways:

  • *Early Intervention - To make sure that people have the right help at the right time; as and when they need it
  • **Prosperous People and Places - To maximise opportunities for people and places in both urban and rural parts of our county.
  • ***Healthy Habits - People have a good quality of life, and make healthy choices about their lives and environment.
  • ****Strong Connections - Strongly connected people, places and organisations that are able to adapt to change

11.2 It is recognised that there will be some overlap between the respective themes and the policies and as such they should be read in conjunction with one another. Each strategic policy is accompanied by an explanatory text.

*Early Intervention - To make sure that people have the right help at the right time; as and when they need it

11.3 The implications for the well-being of individuals, their families and communities is recognised within this Preferred Strategy through a focus on creating sustainable and inclusive places. This as part of a connected approach across all the themes allows long term solutions to ensure opportunities are available to maintain and enhance well-being.

11.4 It recognises that sustainable places are created from a balance of environmentally friendly, economically vibrant, and socially inclusive characteristics, that aim to benefit not only current inhabitants but also future generations.

11.5 Whilst it is recognised that there is an overlap between the themes and the assignment of policies the following having been identified under this theme:

  • Strategic Policy – SP 1: Strategic Growth
  • Strategic Policy – SP 2: Retail and Town Centres

11.6 It should be noted that specific policies will be developed as part of the Deposit LDP and will as appropriate be identified within the context of the relevant theme.

11.7 The following policies seek to support the delivery of the Plan's strategic objectives, but also provide high level links and broad conformity with the Well-Being Goals.

*Strategic Policy – SP 1: Strategic Growth

The LDP will provide for the future growth of the economy and housing requirement through the provision of following:

  1. 10,480 new homes to meet the identified housing requirement of 9,887.
  2. A minimum of 5,295 new jobs

The focus on regeneration and growth reflects the Councils core strategic ambitions with development distributed in a sustainable manner consistent with the spatial strategy and settlement hierarchy.

11.8 This Preferred Strategy puts at its heart the creation of a balanced and cohesive County. It recognises that to deliver this the County's role as a strong and economic driver for growth both locally and regionally, and that this places Carmarthenshire at the centre of a prosperous and sustainable Wales.

11.9 The strategy builds on the corporate emphasis on regeneration and the opportunities presented through the City Deal, whilst also recognising the opportunities presented through the rural economy and diverse needs of communities across the County. The strategy therefore, whilst not entirely employment led, has a strong recognition of the role employment plays in creating a prosperous County - with appropriate growth of housing with jobs and employment opportunities.

11.10 The Council, as part of its corporate policy, placed regeneration as its number one objective. This is reflected through:

  • The Swansea Bay City Deal;
  • Transformations – Carmarthenshire Regeneration Plan; and
  • Moving Forward in Carmarthenshire: The Council's New Corporate Strategy 2018 – 2033.

11.11 This focus on job creation and investment is based on Carmarthenshire's strategic location and its regional economic role. This draft preferred strategy therefore seeks to recognise and reflect this, and the corporate objectives, in supporting and creating an attractive place to workers and investors.

11.12 The level of job growth and its relationship to the housing requirement in the Plan is recognised in developing this Draft Preferred Strategy. Ensuring that our housing growth requirements are reflective of, and in support of, our economic ambitions allows for a co-ordinated and integrated approach ensuring that the shared role that economic growth is not in isolation of housing and vice a versa.

11.13 This approach requires the development of a balanced set of population and household projections that challenge the Welsh Government 2014-based projections. This is to ensure there is a sufficient supply of homes to support the delivery of our economic ambitions and the needs of our communities.

11.14 The population and household trends, set through the Welsh Government's 2014-based projections, have been derived from demographic patterns during a recessionary period. We feel that they do not reflect the positive ambitions of the County and the region over the plan period (or the rates of housing completions over the preceding years). This draft strategy and its growth levels are intended to be ambitious but deliverable, and reflect wider objectives than this LDP alone.

11.15 This draft Preferred Strategy will seek to distribute growth through a sustainable settlement hierarchy derived from the preferred spatial option. This recognises the role Carmarthenshire's rural areas as well as urban and their contribution in delivering this strategy and its vision for 'One Carmarthenshire'.

11.16 We will work closely with partners, infrastructure providers, developers and investors, and communities in delivering the LDP, its strategy, policies and proposals.

11.17 Retail provision within the County as identified through the retail hierarchy below reflects the role such centres play in providing essential goods and services which are readily accessible to residents, preferably by a choice of means of transport, whilst also providing the opportunity to access a wide range of other, non-essential goods and services within reasonable distances.

*Strategic Policy – SP 2: Retail and Town Centres

Proposals for retail development will be considered in accordance with the following retail hierarchy.

Proposals will be permitted where they maintain and enhance the vibrancy, viability and attractiveness of our retail centres. They should protect and promote the viability and vitality of the defined retail centres, supporting the appropriate delivery of retail provision (comparison and convenience), leisure, entertainment, office and cultural facilities.

Proposals for small local convenience shopping facilities in rural and urban areas where they accord with the settlement framework will be supported.

11.18 This recognises the general pattern of provision in a traditional hierarchy of centres ranging from the small localised provision through to the larger centres and providing a greater choice over a wider product range. The larger centres also act as locations for related activities in the leisure and entertainment sphere including cinemas and restaurants etc. and for commercial office uses including solicitors, accountants and estate agents etc.

11.19 In general, local provision represents goods and services required on a day-to-day basis (convenience items) and for which residents may make short journeys frequently, whilst the larger centres not only provide such facilities but also more specialised items (comparison goods) sought less frequently and for which shoppers are prepared to travel further. Traditionally, shopping provision has evolved in a hierarchy of centres with overlapping catchments reflecting their size and importance.

11.20 It is this pattern of retail provision which characterises Carmarthenshire with the larger centres of Carmarthen, Llanelli and Ammanford serving extensive catchment areas with a broad and specialised range of goods and items. The smaller towns or market towns of, for example, Newcastle Emlyn, Llandeilo and St Clears with their smaller more localised catchments typically meet local needs with some specialised provision. This is supplemented by often larger villages which may provide essential items required to meet day to day needs.

11.21 As in many areas out-of-centre shopping with large retail warehouses (including bulky goods) has participated in changing retail trends and have in certain instances challenged the vibrancy and role of existing and established town centres. Whilst these challenges are recognised it is also noted that they can present opportunities in broadening the retail offer.

11.22 The retail strategy of the LDP reflects the social, economic and environmental principles of sustainable development which underpins the Plan. It also seeks to reflect the changing nature of retailing and the need for traditional town centres to adapt to such changes. The Strategy seeks to:

  1. Protect and enhance the roles of the principal centres of Carmarthen, Llanelli and Ammanford in serving wide catchment areas for comparison shopping (clothing, footwear, electrical etc.) and specialised items to ensure their continued attractiveness as town centre and shopping destinations. The challenge will be to maintain their competitiveness and market share whilst understanding the needs of each centre and their respective role and contribution in retail terms;
  2. In other, smaller centres, ensure that local communities have reasonable access to a satisfactory range of high street facilities and services particularly convenience goods (food and other essential day-to-day requirements); and,
  3. In the larger villages, maintain the viability of the village shop and other local facilities.

11.23 The Updated Retail Study (2015) for Carmarthenshire examined retail issues across the County and assessed the capacity for growth across the retail sectors and was prepared to provide evidence in respect of policy formulation and in guiding decision making

11.24 PPW requires us to identify a retail hierarchy for the Plan area. Consequently, the "town centres first" principle in tandem with a sequential approach to the selection of sites will be used to promote town centres as the principal locations for new retail, office, leisure and health facilities. In doing so the aim will be to create more reasons why people should visit such centres with a resultant increase in social and economic activity thereby retaining its viability. The Retail Hierarchy is set out in the table below and comprises three tiers. The upper tier comprises the traditional Town Centres where there is a recognisable town centre and a wide range of uses such as retail, leisure, office, cultural and transport facilities. The middle tier comprises of a number of those settlements classified as Service Centres. Such centres include smaller retail centres and distinct groupings of retail and other uses. The Deposit LDP will identify town centres in both these tiers with further specific policies in respect of retail activity within the Principal Centres. The lowest tier is that of Local Centres which range from small shopping parades in often largely residential areas to loose clusters of retail and other uses in settlement or village centres.

Principal Centres:




Service Centres:

Burry Port



Newcastle Emlyn

St Clears


Local Provision (Service Centres):












11.25 The Plan recognises that certain types of retail and leisure facilities cannot be suitably accommodated within town centre locations and that Regional Centres (Retail Parks) can play a role in accommodating this need. However, the sequential approach should be adopted which means that first preference should be for existing town centre locations as listed in the retail hierarchy, and then for sites immediately adjoining town centres. If there are no suitable available sites in these locations, only then may development in the following existing regional centres (retail parks) be considered. This approach reflects the guidance set out within TAN4 Retail and Commercial Development which also states that 'Out of centre retail parks whose development has been based solely on retailing should not normally be included in the local hierarchy':

11.26 Regional Centres: (Retail Parks)

  • Stephens Way, Carmarthen;
  • Parc Pensarn, Carmarthen;
  • Parc Trostre;
  • Parc Pemberton, Llanelli;
  • Cross Hands Retail Park.

11.27 We recognise that the role of town centres and traditional retail patterns is changing, as such both town centre and primary and secondary retail boundaries as identified previously will be reviewed and where appropriate revised. This recognition of the changing retail pattern and the potential for flexibility in maintaining occupancy and footfall, as part of the creation of vibrant and living environments.

**Prosperous People and Places - To maximise opportunities for people and places in both urban and rural parts of our county.

11.28 The recognition of the issues (including poverty and deprivation) facing both rural and urban parts of our County within this Preferred Strategy is implicit as part of its "One Carmarthenshire" ethos. To this end, this Preferred Strategy seeks to tackle these issues by maximising opportunities for everyone to maintain and/or increase their sense of wellbeing.

11.29 These opportunities include the provision for new homes (including affordable homes) and jobs, as well as steering new investment and infrastructural priorities – whilst also respecting the County's social fabric (including the Welsh language) and its sense of place.

11.30 Whilst it is recognised that there is an overlap between the themes and the assignment of policies the following having been identified under this theme:

  • Strategic Policy – SP 3: Providing New Homes
  • Strategic Policy – SP 4: Affordable Homes
  • Strategic Policy – SP 5: Strategic Sites
  • Strategic Policy – SP 6: Employment and the Economy
  • Strategic Policy – SP 7: Welsh Language and Culture
  • Strategic Policy – SP 8: Infrastructure
  • Strategic Policy – SP 9: Gypsy and Traveller Provision
  • Strategic Policy – SP 10: The Visitor Economy
  • Strategic Policy – SP 11: Placemaking, Sustainability and High Quality Design

11.31 It should be noted that specific policies will be developed as part of the Deposit LDP and will as appropriate be identified within the context of the relevant theme.

11.32 The following policies seek to support the delivery of the Plan's strategic objectives, but also provide high level links and broad conformity with the Well-Being Goals.

11.33 It is a fundamental aim of the Plan to facilitate the delivery of the required number and range of quality new homes, which will meet the identified housing needs of our future generations.

**Strategic Policy – SP 3: Providing New Homes

In order to ensure the overall housing requirement of 9,887 homes for the plan period 2018-2033 is met, provision is made for 10,480 new homes in accordance with the settlement framework.

11.34 The housing requirement figure for the County is based on the Population Growth (PG) - Long Term projections scenario. This scenario projects a housing requirement which would support the economic ambitions of the County through supporting job creation, and re-address the imbalance of an ageing population within Carmarthenshire. The rationale for using this preferred growth option also considers the past build rates within the County over the previous 10 years and allows an ambitious, yet sound basis, on which to deliver the Council's overall strategic aims.

11.35 This Draft Preferred Strategy factors in a number of various contributors to meet this housing need, together with a flexibility (uplift) to ensure that the overall aim of the strategic policy to provide new homes is met. The housing supply is made up of the following elements: [21]

  • Housing Allocations (over 5 homes)
  • Windfall and Regeneration Allowance
  • Small Site Component (less than 5 homes)
  • Windfall Component (5+ Homes)
  • Flexibility (6%)

Housing Allocations

11.36 A key source in meeting the identified housing land requirement is through sites allocated for residential development within the LDP. These housing allocations will be identified within the specific housing policies, or included as part of mixed use allocations.

11.37 The specific policies will consider the developments which have been commenced / committed since the base date of the revised LDP, and they will be monitored through the work undertaken as part of the Joint Housing Land Availability (JHLA) Study.


11.38 The windfall allowance is made up of the below two factors:

  • The first relates to the potential contributions of sites of less than five dwellings (small sites) within the defined settlements.
  • Secondly, there will be a windfall allowance through sites of five or more dwellings which have traditionally made an important contribution to housing delivery within Carmarthenshire. Existing windfall sites which make a contribution in the adopted LDP may be considered as housing allocations within the revised LDP, provided that the homes are completed after the base date of the revised LDP, and that evidence is provided to show its potential deliverability.

**Strategic Policy – SP 4: Affordable Homes

The Plan will maximise the delivery of affordable homes up to 2033 through the provision of XXXX affordable homes.[22]

11.39 Affordable housing represents a key issue to be considered in the preparation of the Revised LDP particularly in contributing to the development of sustainable and balanced communities.

11.40 This policy seeks to reflect the requirements set out in TAN 2 – Planning and Affordable Housing which seeks to put mechanisms in place to ensure that affordable housing is accessible to those who cannot afford market housing, both on first occupation and for subsequent occupiers.

11.41 In assessing the need for affordable dwellings appropriate regard will be had to the most up to date Carmarthenshire Local Housing Market Assessment (LHMA). However, whilst the LHMA identifies the level of housing need, it is not expected that the planning system alone will, or should provide for this shortfall.

11.42 The Plan will also take into account the Council's Affordable Housing Delivery Plan 2016-2020 which sets out a five year vision for delivering affordable housing, with the initial programme set to deliver over 1,000 additional affordable homes over its five year period. The revised LDP and the planning system will make a significant contribution to this target through various affordable housing mechanisms, in addition to mechanisms through other policies and strategies. The LDP can support the aims of achieving this target through:

  • On-site provision of affordable housing as a percentage of the overall development, or on sites acquired by social housing providers;
  • Commuted sum contributions to support the delivery of affordable housing; and
  • Local Need housing.

11.43 The location of affordable homes should be related to identified need and be in accordance with the Plan's Spatial Strategy. Proposals should address locational considerations including safe and convenient accessibility to open space, education, employment and other services.

**Strategic Policy – SP 5: Strategic Sites

In reflecting their contribution to the future growth requirements for Carmarthenshire and as key components of the Swansea Bay City deal, two Strategic Sites have been identified as making an important contribution to the overall provision for growth during the Plan period:

  • The Llanelli Life Science and Well-being Village; and
  • Yr Egin – Creative Digital Cluster, Carmarthen

Llanelli Life Science and Well-being Village

11.44 The Life Science and Well-being Village will create a physical village providing facilities and services which promote and improve well-being, integrate business development, education, healthcare, leisure, tourism, wellness support and research in life-sciences in one location and deliver transformational social and economic benefits.

11.45 The village will include an institute of life science providing space for research and development into new medical devices and healthcare technologies. The institute will also offer large office, laboratory and clinical space for growing and new regional companies as well as opportunities for business start-ups.

11.46 There will be a wellness hub which will include a leisure centre, outdoor sports facilities, recreation opportunities and well-being promotion activities. There will be assisted living, a care home and dedicated housing for people with cognitive impairment or in medical rehabilitation.

11.47 There will be a life science and well-being centre where a range of wellness services from health, public, private and third sectors will be available in one location. The centre will also include training opportunities which will be developed to meet skills shortages. There will be relaxation opportunities to improve wellness[23]

11.48 This 'world class' village will be situated along the Llanelli coastline. It will be the largest ever regeneration project in South West Wales, and aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people across the region, creating up to 2000 high quality, well paid jobs and boosting the economy by a staggering £467 million over 15 years. It will be interlinked and integrated within the natural landscape, set around a freshwater lake and located within walking distance of the Millennium Coastal Park.[24]

11.49 The outstanding coastal setting in post-industrial South Llanelli is testimony to a long standing track record regeneration initiatives by the Council and its partners, including Welsh Government.

11.50 In noting the strategic context, this project remains firmly rooted in the promotion of wellness at a local level. The opportunity to increase in wellbeing within those current and future generations residing in the nearby communities, as well enable the delivery of a renowned physical development, are fully in keeping with the Strategy of the Revised LDP.

Yr Egin – Creative Digital Cluster, Carmarthen

11.51 The Egin project will create a new digital and creative cluster in Carmarthen, provide start up and development space for creative and digital companies and promote the Welsh Language.

11.52 The project will build a new creative, digital and media hub on the University of Wales Trinity Saint David's (UWTSD) Campus in Carmarthen. It will be the base for the Welsh language broadcaster S4C and will provide start up and development space for creative and digital companies.

11.53 The facility will create a cluster of businesses in the creative and digital industry, encouraging collaboration, providing common facilities and generating opportunities for shared learning.

11.54 By taking advantage of the new infrastructure proposals of the Internet Coast, Yr Egin will create major and positive change in the creative and digital economy of Wales.[25]

11.55 The opportunities afforded by this project are many and varied. In spatial terms, it is envisaged that it will re affirm the role of Carmarthen as a key hub on the gateway to West Wales and a focal point for those rural communities to the north.

11.56 The future development of employment sites, and indeed the future economic development of the County, should be viewed in the wider context. The Swansea Bay City Deal was signed in 2017, securing £1.3 billion for Swansea, Carmarthenshire, Neath Port Talbot and Pembrokeshire councils. It is anticipated that the Deal will transform the economic landscape of the area, boost the local economy by £1.8billion, and generate almost 10,000 new jobs over the next 15 years.

**Strategic Policy – SP 6: Employment and the Economy

Sufficient and appropriate land will be allocated for the provision of employment opportunities for the Plan period (figure to be quantified) in accordance with the Plan's Spatial Strategy / Settlement Framework.

11.57 The Deal will see three specific projects for Carmarthenshire – a Wellness and Life Science Village at Delta Lakes, Llanelli; a creative industry project at Yr Egin in Carmarthen; and a skills and talent initiative which will support skills development.

11.58 The Council commissioned an Employment Sectoral Study (ESS) in 2016, the focus of which, in respect of the LDP, was on providing an understanding of future employment need in respect of the nine priority sectors identified by the Welsh Government. In so doing the study sought to review employment land provision and job figures and to subsequently provide a figure for the amount of employment land that would be required for the Revised LDP period.

11.59 The ESS calculated that up to 127ha of employment land would be required to be delivered in Carmarthenshire by 2032 in order to accommodate the forecasted employment need of 18,681 new jobs. The database (and forecasting model) for the ESS was developed with the functionality to test a number of different scenarios. Subsequent work on population growth models undertaken as part of the spatial strategy for the Revised LDP estimates that a smaller number of new jobs would be required over the Plan period and that consequently less land needed for employment purposes.

11.60 So whilst the 127ha figure is therefore aspirational, it nevertheless recognises that the distribution of employment opportunities throughout the County is crucial in supporting the aims and objectives of the economic aspirations of the County as set out within Transformations – a Strategic Regeneration Plan for Carmarthenshire 2015-2030.

11.61 Whilst the Study emphasises the new strategic focus associated with the new Swansea Bay City Deal, new sites located outside of the highest tiers of the hierarchy can make a significant contribution to the settlements and communities they serve, especially in rural areas where opportunities for new businesses to establish or existing businesses to expand would be severely constrained in the absence of appropriate sites and premises.

11.62 With respect to sectoral employment, the sectors identified are the nine 'priority sectors' identified by the Welsh Government. However, as well as the headline numbers of jobs in each sector, it is also important to acknowledge that certain sectors will be generating significant number of 'valued added' jobs in the priority sectors. This is particularly the case for the estimated 2,500 Life Science jobs as these are likely to generate significant amounts of additional economic wealth locally compared to jobs in more traditional sectors such as construction.

11.63 In order to meet this potential, a range and choice of sites would be required, with a larger proportion of land being allocated in the larger centres, but also extending into rural areas in order to sustain these areas through helping to create self-supporting and viable communities and settlements.

11.64 Consequently, the LDP will provide a range of sites for potential inward investment and relocations through the employment land allocations. These will provide an appropriate range and choice to meet the needs of a variety of potential employers. This includes potential sites for larger employers as well as sites to accommodate smaller scale uses with the policy framework also providing scope for new and start-up businesses.

11.65 It should be noted that allocated employment sites, and thus the total land provision, includes non-operational land with scope for landscaping, buffer zones and other such uses.

**Strategic Policy – SP 7: Welsh Language and Culture

The Plan supports development proposals which safeguard and promote the interests of the Welsh language and culture in the County. Development proposals which have a detrimental impact on the vitality and viability of the Welsh language and culture will not be permitted unless the impact can be mitigated.

11.66 The Welsh language and culture play an important role in the social, cultural and economic life of Carmarthenshire's residents and visitors. The proportion of Welsh speakers in Carmarthenshire is significantly higher than the Welsh national average and as such is a significant part of the social fabric of the County's communities, providing a strong sense of place and identity.

11.67 The Plan seeks to 'promote the Welsh language and culture'[26] and is committed to contributing to the Welsh Government's long-term aim of achieving 1 million Welsh speakers by 2050[27]. To deliver on this aim, the Council will support and promote the Welsh language by ensuring that there are sufficient and proportionate employment and housing opportunities to sustain both the rural and urban communities in the County. In doing so, the Plan seeks to ensure that the local population remain in Carmarthenshire rather than leave in search of work opportunities and housing.

11.68 The need to safeguard and promote the Welsh language applies to developments proposed across the County and is not restricted to specific areas within the County. Development proposals will be required to acknowledge the official status of the Welsh language and commit to treating the Welsh and English languages equally.

11.69 Specific policies will provide further guidance to ensure that development of an appropriate scale, type and character is delivered to meet the needs of the communities. Furthermore, it will aim to ensure that development occurs at a rate which can be absorbed and assimilated without damaging the character of the community.

11.70 The Plan also seeks to safeguard and promote the Welsh language in Carmarthenshire through other relevant policy objectives, namely through the provision of housing and affordable housing, promoting a vibrant economy and employment opportunities and the provision and retention of community facilities.

**Strategic Policy – SP 8: Infrastructure

Development will need to be directed to locations where the infrastructure, services and facilities considered necessary to deliver and support the development proposal are available.

Development proposals will need to demonstrate that there is sufficient capacity in the existing infrastructure to deliver and support the proposed development. Where this cannot be achieved, proposals will need to demonstrate that suitable arrangements are in place to provide the infrastructure capacity considered necessary to deliver and support the development.

Planning obligations may be sought to ensure that the infrastructure, services and facilities needed to deliver and support the development are delivered.

11.71 The provision of appropriate infrastructure, services and facilities is vital to ensure the delivery of the Plan's policies and proposals. Appropriate infrastructure is key to facilitate development but is also a necessity to support the ongoing needs and demands of a development and Carmarthenshire's communities.

11.72 The infrastructural requirements of developments will vary greatly according to their location, existing infrastructure provision, scale and type. In considering the needs of development proposals the following infrastructure, services and facilities may be required:

  • Roads and other transport facilities including sustainable transport
  • Schools and other educational facilities
  • Affordable Housing
  • Health
  • Public open spaces and green infrastructure
  • Flood defences
  • Leisure, sporting and recreation
  • Utility services
  • Biodiversity and environmental protection
  • Community facilities
  • Digital Infrastructure
  • Other facilities and services considered necessary

11.73 The requirements of planning obligations will take into consideration the financial viability of a proposed development. In instances where there is dispute regarding the impact which the requirements have upon the financial viability of the scheme, the applicant will be required to meet the costs of securing an independent viability appraisal, completed by a suitably qualified and approved third party.

11.74 The Plan seeks to ensure that the infrastructure, services and facilities needed to support development is delivered in a timely manner prior to, or upon commencement, of the development, or where appropriate phased through the development process. The Plan encourages the delivery of infrastructure is undertaken in a coordinated manner with minimal disruption caused to existing communities.

11.75 Contributions to infrastructure will be secured through Planning Obligations in accordance with the legislative and policy framework provided.[28]

**Strategic Policy – SP 9: Gypsy and Traveller Provision

Land will be allocated to meet the identified need for Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation and to allow for the potential future expansion of Gypsy and Traveller Households.

11.76 To consider the future Gypsy and Traveller provision within Carmarthenshire, the County Council has undertaken and published a Gypsy Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment (GTAA) which identifies the current unmet need for Gypsy and Traveller pitches within the County. The Assessment considered the methodology set out by Welsh Government Guidance and outlines two types of the assessment of need; the first considers the first 5 years of the GTAA period; and the second considers the full 15 year GTAA period.

11.77 Based on this assessment, Carmarthenshire's estimated provision for the first 5 years is for 29 additional pitches. A large proportion of this need has arisen from households living in bricks and mortar, and new household growth from within these households. The make-up of this need is located within Llanelli, where a large number of these households had previously lived on the public site at Penybryn.

11.78 An estimate has also been made for newly arising Gypsy and Traveller households in years 6-15 of the GTAA. This would include, for example, young adults living on existing sites who, in time, will form their own household and therefore would require their own pitch. The GTAA estimates a need for a 10 further pitches in years 6-15, totalling a requirement of 39 pitches through to 2031.

11.79 Further evidence will be provided which will consider the pitch requirement for the last 2 years of the Plan period.

11.80 The GTAA also looked at the accommodation needs for Travelling Showpeople within Carmarthenshire. This element of the assessment identified 8 authorised or tolerated pitches and 1 unauthorised pitch for Travelling Show people within the county. In considering the future projection, the assessment identifies a requirement of 5 additional pitches in the first five years of the assessment.

11.81 In accordance with the Housing (Wales) Act 2014, the Council must undertake a new GTAA every five years. The requirement and take-up of pitches will be closely monitored through the Annual Monitoring Report and the requirement for additional pitches will be reviewed in the latter part of the Plan period through the monitoring framework.

11.82 Specific criteria based policies to support the development of Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation will be considered within the Deposit LDP.

**Strategic Policy – SP 10: The Visitor Economy

Proposals for tourism related developments will be supported where they:

  1. add value to our visitor economy; and,
  2. preserve our social, economic and environmental fabric for future generations; and,
  3. are sustainably located.

11.83 Tourism is a key component of Carmarthenshire's economy. It is a major source of employment and revenue supporting over 6,000 full time equivalent jobs either directly or indirectly. It generates over £434m revenue to the County's economy annually (STEAM Trend Report 2017).[29]

11.84 The County is home to a wide range of attractions, including Ffos Las Racecourse, the National Botanic Gardens and Pembrey Country Park. Carmarthenshire is the "cycling hub of Wales", with the Cycling Strategy capturing the Council's aspirations to be a national lead in the provision of cycling infrastructure events and development.[30]

11.85 Tourism is a dynamic industry with a wide demographic / customer base. Carmarthenshire is well poised to capitalise on the sector's potential given that it is a beautiful county located within a four hour drive of London and within easy reach of Ireland via sea. The ever changing demands and trends within the sector do however provide challenges in terms of drafting 15 year land use planning policies.

11.86 This strategic policy sets the framework for a policy approach within the Revised LDP that is sufficiently responsive and flexible to market demand up to 2033, whilst also seeking to protect the very communities, landscape and townscape that makes Carmarthenshire a fantastic place to visit and enjoy. Whilst the strategic policy provides the overarching context, it will be for the specific policies to provide the detail. This would include clarifying any role that the settlement limits of defined settlements play in informing the determination of proposals.

11.87 In interpreting this policy, it should be noted that tourism related developments includes new, as well as extensions to existing facilities. Extensions to existing facilities should be subordinate in scale and function to the existing facility and proposals that constitute substantive extensions should be construed as new development.

Adding Value

11.88 Proposals can add value to the County's visitor economy by contributing to the creation of a diverse, high quality, all year round destination and accommodation offer. Economic benefits could range from an increase in visitor numbers and visitor days to job creation, contributing to a wider mix of accommodation and attraction types – as well as extending the tourism season beyond the summer months. There are opportunities for proponents to seek to align to and support those emerging corporate priorities, including the Council's cycling aspirations. It is accepted that added value will be commensurate with the scale and nature of the proposal.

Respecting the County's social, economic and environmental fabric

11.89 A "One Carmarthenshire" approach underpins this policy. All parts of the County possess qualities that contribute to the overall sense of place. These include landscape, nature conservation, social fabric and built environment. These are assets which must be protected for our future generations and cannot be unduly compromised by tourism related development.

11.90 There should also be an emphasis on high quality in all aspects of proposals, particularly design. In considering the acceptability of proposals, consideration will be given to location, siting, design and scale, access to the primary and core highway network and the impact of any resultant in traffic generation. Furthermore, the extent to which the site is serviceable by public transport, walking and cycling are important considerations. The scale, size and type of any proposals will be appraised along with siting and impact. Proposals should reflect the character and appearance of the area with appropriate landscaping and screening utilised as required.

Sustainably located

11.91 Tourism related development should be directed to sustainable locations. Regard should be had to the LDP spatial strategy in determining the appropriateness of any location. In this respect the scale and nature of the proposal will be important considerations, as will its siting, appropriateness and its spatial context. The specific policies will provide further more specific guidance on the implementation of this spatially driven approach.

11.92 Tourism related proposals should reflect the character of the area and the impacts on the vicinity of the site as part of a place making approach. A recognition of the sense of place within the vicinity of the proposal should be implicit within the context of the cluster based approach which groups the settlement framework.

11.93 In spatial terms, this would indicate that those larger scale high trip generating tourism proposals lend themselves to being situated in the south of the County where the infrastructure is in place to support them.

11.94 In noting the established primarily coastal offer that characterises the south west of the County, due regard will need to be given to any landscape impact arising from any potential for an over intensification of uses.

11.95 The County's rural areas are well placed to accommodate proposals for high quality and sustainable proposals that are of an appropriate scale. Proposals should respect the County's assets whilst supporting vibrant rural communities.

11.96 Some tourism related developments, by their very nature, must be located in the countryside. It is important that these developments do not have any significant negative impact on the landscape, natural environment or amenity.

**Strategic Policy – SP 11: Placemaking, Sustainability and High Quality Design

In order to facilitate sustainable development, new development should acknowledge local distinctiveness and sense of place, and be designed to high standards that are adaptable to climate change.

In order to achieve this, all development should:

  1. Contribute towards the creation of attractive, safe places and public spaces, which enhance the well-being of communities, including safeguarding amenity, landscaping, the public realm and the provision of open space and recreation;
  2. Retain and where appropriate incorporate new green infrastructure which encourages opportunities to enhance biodiversity and ecological connectivity;
  3. Be adaptable to climate change and utilise materials and resources appropriate to the area within which it is located;
  4. Exhibit and demonstrate a clear understanding of the existing natural and built heritage, local character and sense of place;
  5. Be accessible and integrated allowing permeability and ease of movement;
  6. Have regard to the generation, treatment and disposal of waste;
  7. Manage water sustainably, including incorporating sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS) into development proposals where feasible.

11.97 Planning Policy Wales sets out the land use planning policies of the Welsh Government (WG). Its central objective is to promote and provide a framework for sustainable development within Wales. One of the key factors in achieving this is the promotion of sustainability through good design.

11.98 The WG is committed to promoting more sustainable forms of development, and their sustainable development scheme, One Wales: One Planet, (2009) sets out their approach to sustainable development. Through the planning system in Wales, good design can be used to play a major role in delivering sustainable forms of development and PPW and TAN 12: Design provide guidance on how the planning system in Wales can achieve this.

11.99 Achieving good design and creating an effective sense of place requires an understanding of the relationship between all elements of the natural and built environment. Design is a fundamental component in creating sustainable development, which is itself at the forefront of the Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015.

11.100 The Act means that public bodies such as local authorities must work to ensure that developments should acknowledge and seek to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of an area.

11.101 There are environmental, social, as well as economic benefits to creating a well-designed development. Designing a high quality environment is an essential ingredient to achieving economic prosperity as it will be more attractive to potential investors as well as being more appealing to customers, key workers and tourists. Similarly, better designed buildings and places for work will result in more productive employees. At the same time, well-designed neighbourhoods will create happier and healthier communities that will be more committed to the maintenance of their surroundings. The environmental benefits might include less pollution through the reduction in traffic, the protection or enhancement of biodiversity, and the conservation of the built heritage. All these benefits are central to achieving sustainable development and to the long term economic prosperity of an area.

11.102 This policy is intended to ensure that development proposals can achieve positive economic, social, environmental and cultural outcomes, and can minimise adverse ones. It will, along with the more detailed policies to be developed in the Deposit LDP, form the basis of all planning decisions, and indicators will be developed as part of the Plan's monitoring framework to show the effectiveness of the policies.

11.103 The well-being implications arising from health conditions and varying life expectancy are recognised within this Preferred Strategy through its emphasis on protecting and enhancing the County's built & historic as well as natural environment.

***Healthy Habits - People have a good quality of life, and make healthy choices about their lives and environment.

11.104 The Preferred Strategy embraces the wellbeing potential afforded by our natural environment and access to our green spaces, particularly if this is done in a connected way. It is also noted that such spaces provide an opportunity to soften the impact of our changing climate.

11.105 Whilst it is recognised that there is an overlap between the themes and the assignment of policies the following having been identified under this theme:

  • Strategic Policy – SP 12: Rural Development
  • Strategic Policy – SP 13: Protection and Enhancement of the Natural Environment
  • Strategic Policy – SP 14: Protection and Enhancement of the Built and Historic Environment

11.106 It should be noted that specific policies will be developed as part of the Deposit LDP and will as appropriate be identified within the context of the relevant theme.

11.107 The following policies seek to support the delivery of the Plan's strategic objectives, but also provide high level links and broad conformity with the Well-Being Goals.

***Strategic Policy – SP 12: Rural Development

The Plan supports development proposals which will contribute towards the sustainability of the County's rural communities. Development proposals in rural areas should demonstrate that they support the role of the rural settlements in the settlement hierarchy to meet the housing, employment and social needs of Carmarthenshire's rural communities.

11.108 The rural settlements of the County have an important role to play in improving the sustainability of the wider geographical area in which they are located as well as the County's overall sustainability. The Plan's strategy and settlement hierarchy reflects the significant role which the rural communities play through supporting growth of a proportionate scale which can make a positive contribution towards the long-term sustainability of the rural economy and rural communities.

11.109 Proportionate and sensitive development can provide the level of growth required to retain and enhance the services and facilities provided in the County's rural settlements. It can also serve to safeguard and promote the Welsh language in rural areas and enhance rural employment opportunities. However, the Plan seeks to ensure that development and growth does not have negative impacts upon a community's sustainability. Key to this is ensuring that development is not permitted at a scale or rate which would affect the community's ability to absorb and adapt to growth and change. This is imperative when considering the impacts which development can have upon the local infrastructure, the vitality of the Welsh language and the sustainability of the countryside and natural environment.

11.110 The Council is committed to addressing and safeguarding the needs of rural communities and to this end have established a Rural Affairs Task Group with the aim of assessing the needs of rural communities and taking positive steps to address these. The Plan supports the aims of the Task Group through its strategy and policies, principally through policies relating to the provision of housing and affordable housing, the economy and employment, the Welsh language and the natural environment; development proposals will need to demonstrate that they accord with these policies as well as the provisions of national planning policy.[31]

***Strategic Policy – SP 13: Protection and Enhancement of the Natural Environment

Proposals for development will be expected to protect and enhance the County's natural environment.

Proposals must reflect the role an ecologically connected environment has in protecting and enhancing biodiversity, defining the landscape, creating a sense of place and contribute to a sense of Well-being.

11.111 Carmarthenshire has a rich and diverse natural environment with a number of designated sites and protected species. This policy seeks to recognise the quality and value of the natural environment and landscapes across the Plan area, and their fundamental role in defining the County's identity, character and distinctiveness.

11.112 The protection and enhancement of these elements form an important component of the Strategy, which looks to reflect not only those international and national designations, but also the contribution of sites and landscapes at the local level. The LDP will also seek to conserve and enhance natural resources such as geodiversity, water, soil and air quality.

This policy also recognises the often interconnected components of the natural environment and their contribution towards maintaining and enhancing biodiversity, as well as the creation of attractive and cohesive spaces for communities and the well-being of Carmarthenshire's population.

11.113 Protection and enhancement of connectivity, and the contribution it makes the quality of Carmarthenshire's landscape, natural environment and biodiversity is an important consideration. As a result, the potential impact of the Plan and its policies and proposals upon nature conservation interests, amenity value, water/soil/air quality, hydrology, geology and geomorphological regimes will continue to inform the plan-making process.

11.114 A Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) has been undertaken to assess the impacts of the Plan on European protected sites, including those in the candidate stage of designation.

11.115 Whilst the Plan recognises the need for new development for both social and economic purposes, the Council will, where appropriate, seek to safeguard Carmarthenshire's environmental qualities. We will seek to ensure the protection and enhancement of the natural environment through detailed policy.

11.116 In addition, and reflecting the duties placed upon Local Authorities , we will have regard to the National Park designation and the purpose for which it is designated, where it may affect the consideration of planning proposals.

***Strategic Policy – SP 14: Protection and Enhancement of the Built and Historic Environment.

Development proposals should preserve or enhance the built and historic environment of the County, its cultural, townscape and landscape assets, and, where appropriate, their setting.

Proposals will be expected to promote high quality design that reinforces local character and respects and enhances the cultural and historic qualities of the plan area.

11.117 Carmarthenshire has a rich and diverse historical and cultural built heritage, with a range of Conservation Areas, Listed Buildings, and Scheduled Ancient Monuments etc. The recognition of the Plan area's built heritage and its conservation is essential providing a sense of history, character and to as a sense of place.

11.118 The Plan area also contains archaeological sites and features including many of which have not yet been discovered. The Policy and the Plan aims, in conjunction with primary legislation on the built environment and historic buildings, to safeguard the cultural integrity of the historic settlements, features and buildings within the Plan area, and where applicable contribute to the enhancement of the historic and built environment. This recognises that our historic assets are irreplaceable resources and their conservation provides social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits.

11.119 Such historic assets include:

  • listed buildings;
  • conservation areas;
  • historic parks, gardens and landscapes; and
  • undesignated assets which provide character to the area.

11.120 The County's historic buildings, townscape and landscape should be regarded as assets and positively conserved and enhanced for the benefit of residents and visitors alike. The special and often diverse character of the County, with its unspoilt countryside, industrial heritage and wealth of historic towns and villages, reflects the changes experienced through the ages, linking the past to the present and maintaining the area's distinct cultural identity.

Such features and structures not only affected by change and neglect, but also by changes to their setting. As such this is an important consideration in making decisions on proposals which may have an effect.

11.121 The need for new appropriate development across the County must be recognised, and as such the LDP will seek to direct and manage potential growth in a way which respects the importance of the built and historic environment.

11.122 This Preferred Strategy recognises the importance of community and sense of place by seeking to distribute new development in manner that recognises and respects the role and function of our settlements.

****Strong Connections - Strongly connected people, places and organisations that are able to adapt to change

11.123 By distributing growth in a sustainable manner and in a way that acknowledges our key connectivity routes, this Preferred Strategy can assist in the creation of connected communities that are resilient, vibrant and can foster a well-being amongst residents.

11.124 Whilst it is recognised that there is an overlap between the themes and the assignment of policies the following having been identified under this theme:

  • Strategic Policy – SP 15: Climate Change
  • Strategic Policy – SP 16: Sustainable Distribution – Settlement Framework
  • Strategic Policy – SP 17: Transport and Accessibility
  • Strategic Policy – SP 18: Mineral Resources
  • Strategic Policy – SP 19: Waste Management

11.125 It should be noted that specific policies will be developed as part of the Deposit LDP and will as appropriate be identified within the context of the relevant theme.

11.126 The following policies seek to support the delivery of the Plan's strategic objectives, but also provide high level links and broad conformity with the Well-Being Goals.

****Strategic Policy – SP 15: Climate Change

Where development proposals respond to, are resilient to, adapt to and minimise the causes and impacts of climate change they will be supported. In particular proposals will be supported where they:

  1. Reflect sustainable transport principles and minimise the need to travel, particularly by private motor car;
  2. Avoid, or where appropriate, minimise the risk of flooding including the incorporation of measures such as SuDS and flood resilient design;
  3. Promote the energy hierarchy by reducing energy demand, promoting energy efficiency and increasing the supply of renewable energy;
  4. Incorporate appropriate climate responsive design solutions including orientation, layout, density and low carbon solutions (including design and construction methods) and utilise sustainable construction methods where feasible.

Proposals for development which are located within areas at risk from flooding will be resisted unless they accord with the provisions of Planning Policy Wales TAN 15.

11.127 The need to tackle climate change represents a fundamental challenge if sustainable development and the obligations under the Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015 are to be delivered. The economic, social and environmental implications arising from Climate change will be profound and a failure to address it will result any effort to plan for sustainability unsuccessful.

11.128 The changing climate and the impacts for Wales predicted by the UK Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP) present the planning system with serious challenges. In addressing them, Planning Policy Wales (PPW) outlines a series of objectives which should be taken into account during the preparation of a development plan.

11.129 The LDP categorises settlements into a hierarchy which reflects their relative sustainability. The Plan's aspiration of minimising the need to travel, particularly by private motor car, and its contributory role towards the facilitation of an integrated transport strategy seeks to direct development to appropriate locations which serve to achieve this.

11.130 The potential impact of flood risk forms an important consideration in the assessment of the appropriateness of sites for inclusion within the LDP. In this regard, a precautionary approach will be adopted in the identification of sites for inclusion in the Plan. The consideration of any proposals in respect of flooding have regard to the provisions of PPW and TAN15: Development and Flood Risk which provides guidance on assessing developments at risk from flooding.

11.131 Proposals affected by flood risk will be required to submit a Flood Consequences Assessment as part of any planning application and the Council will consult with Natural Resources Wales (NRW). Where a site is in part impacted upon by flood risk, the developer will need to consider the impact of the risk on the developability of the remainder of the site. Where appropriate they should undertake the necessary evidential work (including a flood consequences assessment and/or topographical survey) to the satisfaction of NRW.

11.132 Developments will be expected to exhibit good design principles to promote the efficient use of resources, including minimising waste and pollution generation, and maximising energy efficiency and the efficient use of other resources. Reference should be had to policy SP19 in relation to the waste and the waste hierarchy and minimisation of waste.

11.133 Development proposals will be expected to make full and appropriate use of land. The potential impacts of climate change should be central to the design process, including the contribution that location, density, layout and built form can make towards climate responsive developments.

11.134 The Welsh Government is committed to using the planning system to optimise renewable energy and low carbon energy generation. PPW states that Local Planning Authorities can make a positive provision by considering the contribution that their area can make towards developing and facilitating renewable and low carbon energy, and enable this contribution to be delivered. Renewable energy targets have been set by the Welsh Government, one target is for Wales to be generating 70% of its electricity consumption from renewable energy by 2030.

11.135 Proposals/land uses and land management practices will be encouraged where they help to secure and protect carbon sinks (including peat). Such an approach will enhance resilience to the impacts of climate change and to reducing the causes of climate change through the protection of carbon sinks and as a sustainable energy source[32].

11.136 PPW sets out clear guidance in terms of requirements for climate responsive developments and sustainable buildings. Reference should be made to the Practice Guidance – Planning for Sustainable Buildings (WG, 2014).

****Strategic Policy – SP 16: Sustainable Distribution – Settlement Framework

The provision of growth and development will be directed to sustainable locations in accordance with the following spatial framework.

Cluster 1

Cluster 2

Cluster 3

Cluster 4

Cluster 5

Cluster 6

Tier 1 – Principal Centre

  • Carmarthen
  • Llanelli
  • Ammanford/Crosshands

Tier 2 – Service Centre

  • Pontyates/ Meinciau/ Ponthenri
  • Burry Port
  • Pembrey
  • Fforest/Hendy
  • Llangennech
  • Trimsaran/Carway
  • Brynamman
  • Glanamman/Garnant
  • Pontyberem/Bancffosfelen
  • Newcastle Emlyn
  • Llanybydder
  • Pencader
  • Llandovery
  • Llandeilo
  • Llangadog
  • St Clears/Pwll Trap
  • Whitland
  • Laugharne
  • Kidwelly
  • Ferryside

Tier 3 – Sustainable Villages

  • Cynwyl Elfed
  • Llanybri
  • Llansteffan
  • Bronwydd
  • Cwmffrwd
  • Llangyndeyrn
  • Brechfa
  • Llangain
  • Idole/Pentrepoeth
  • Peniel
  • Alltwalis
  • Llanpumsaint
  • Llandyfaelog
  • Rhydargaeau
  • Llanarthne
  • Capel Dewi
  • Nantgaredig
  • Pontargothi
  • Llanddarog
  • Porthyrhyd
  • Cwmduad
  • Mynyddygarreg
  • Five Roads/Horeb
  • Llansaint / Broadway
  • Carmel
  • Cwmgwili
  • Foelgastell
  • Ystradowen
  • Drefach/Felindre
  • Waungilwen
  • Llangeler
  • Pentrecwrt
  • Saron/Rhos
  • Llanllwni
  • Cwmann
  • Capel Iwan
  • Llanfihangel ar arth
  • Trelech
  • Pontyweli
  • Cenarth
  • New Inn
  • Caio
  • Ffarmers
  • Llansawel
  • Rhydcymerau
  • Talley
  • Cwrt Henri
  • Llanfynydd
  • Llanwrda
  • Cwmdu
  • Cwmifor
  • Salem
  • Abergorlech
  • Llanboidy
  • Glandy Cross
  • Efailwen
  • Llangynin
  • Meidrim
  • Bancyfelin
  • Llangynog
  • Pendine
  • Llanddowror
  • Llanmiloe
  • Llannon
  • Llanedi

Tier 4 – Rural Villages

(No development limits)

  • Hermon
  • Abernant
  • Blaenycoed
  • Bancycapel
  • Nantycaws
  • Croesyceiliog
  • Crwbin
  • Felingwm Uchaf
  • Felingwm Isaf
  • Llanegwad
  • Pontantwn
  • Nebo
  • Talog
  • Penybont
  • Whitemill
  • Pont-Newydd
  • Pontarsais
  • Cynheidre
  • Four Roads
  • Capel Seion
  • Derwydd
  • Heol Ddu
  • Maesybont
  • Milo
  • Pantllyn
  • Pentregwenlais
  • Temple Bar
  • Cefnbrynbrain
  • Rhosamman
  • Drefach (Llandyfan)
  • Stag and Pheasant
  • Mynyddcerrig
  • Penboyr
  • Drefelin
  • Cwmpengraig
  • Cwmhiraeth
  • Pentrecagal
  • Gwyddgrug
  • Dolgran
  • Bancyffordd
  • Bryn Iwan
  • Pencarreg
  • Ffaldybrenin
  • Crugybar
  • Cwm-du
  • Ashfield Row
  • Felindre (Llangadog)
  • Cynghordy
  • Golden Grove
  • Broad Oak
  • Trapp
  • Manordeilo
  • Penybanc
  • Felindre,(Dryslwyn)
  • Dryslwyn
  • Rhydcymerau
  • Waunystrad Meurig
  • Bethlehem
  • Capel Isaac
  • Llangathen
  • Llansadwrn
  • Rhandirmwyn
  • Porthyrhyd
  • Pumsaint
  • Siloh
  • Cilycwm
  • Cwmfelin Mynach
  • Cwmbach
  • Blaenwaun
  • Llanglydwen
  • Cwmfelin Boeth
  • Cross Inn
  • Llansadurnen
  • Broadway
  • Red Roses
  • Llanfallteg

11.137 The Plan seeks to distribute growth and development spatially across the County having regard to the spatial strategy and spatial framework and national policy[33]. This emphasises the need for a settlement strategy to provide the basis for a spatial pattern of housing development, balancing social, economic and environmental needs. Whilst the majority of development will be directed to the top tiers of the settlement hierarchy, the diversity of the County is recognised and regard will be had to housing in rural areas and the value such areas play within the County, its communities and to the economy.

11.138 The Plan seeks to distribute the growth in a way which reflects the diversity of the settlement clusters and in a sustainable manner. It will have regard to the role and function of the settlements but also accepts that some settlements which may by virtue of services and facilities available may not necessarily be the most appropriate options for all the growth. This may reflect a number of factors not least environmental constraints but also historical delivery of growth within such settlements. Additionally, cross-border influences and proximity to adjacent settlements are influencing factors to varying extents. These include: Pontarddulais, Lampeter, Adpar, Narberth and Llandysul.

11.139 The approach will avoid any assumption that that every settlement in every tier must contribute towards growth, rather it will consider the settlements on their merits having whilst having regard to their sustainability and position within the framework. Therefore, it does not seek to apportion development spatially within the hierarchy purely by the use of proportional distribution or quotas.

11.140 The strategy accepts that the principal centres will be the main focus of growth, with its precise spread across the County being responsive and not constrained by a rigid proportional distribution. Regard will be made to the scale and character as well as the role of the settlement.

11.141 The following sets out an indicative apportionment of residential growth by tier; this will be further developed as the Plan progresses through its preparatory stages:

  • Principal Centre 50 - 55%;
  • Service Centre 15 - 20%;
  • Sustainable Villages 15 - 20%;
  • Rural Villages 15- 20% , and
  • Non-Defined Rural Settlements < 1%.

11.142 The rural villages will have provision for small scale housing opportunities focused on infill and logical extensions as well as small scale rural exceptions for affordable housing. This provides scope for limited market housing provision.

11.143 Within the undefined rural settlements, new housing development will be limited to small scale opportunities where local needs affordable housing is provided. Such proposals will be focused around infill and opportunities for logical extensions. Both these tiers will not have development limits with proposals considered through criteria based policies.

11.144 Whilst the above refers specifically to residential growth, the settlement framework will, in conjunction with specific policies, also guide the consideration of appropriate locations and scale of other developments (including employment).

11.145 The following sets out an indicative outline on the nature of development likely by tier including their scale and type. Further details will be developed as part of the Deposit Plan, as will the specific criteria policies necessary to support to consideration of proposals such as rural exceptions and defined rural villages:

Principal Centres

Strategic Sites

Large and small scale Employment Areas

Housing Allocations

Small housing sites (under 5 homes);

Affordable Housing Provision on sites of 5 or more units

Windfall housing opportunities

Service Centres:

Small Scale Employment Areas

Housing Allocations

Affordable Housing Provision on sites of 5 or more units

Small housing sites (under 5 homes);

Windfall housing opportunities

Sustainable Villages:

Housing Allocations

Affordable housing on sites of 5 or more units

Small housing sites (under 5 homes);

Windfall housing opportunities

Small Scale Rural Exceptions Schemes for Affordable Housing adjoining settlement boundaries

Rural Villages (No Development Limits):

Small sites – housing through infill or logical extensions/rounding off.

Small Scale Rural Exceptions Schemes for Affordable Housing

Non Defined Rural Settlements:

Local needs affordable housing and Small Scale Rural Exceptions Schemes for Affordable Housing

****Strategic Policy – SP 17: Transport and Accessibility

Sustainable and deliverable development requires an integrated, accessible, reliable, efficient, safe and sustainable transport network to underpin delivery. The Plan therefore contributes to the delivery of a sustainable transport system and associated infrastructure through:

  1. Reducing the need to travel, particularly by private motor car;
  2. Addressing social inclusion through increased accessibility to employment, services and facilities;
  3. Supporting and where applicable enhancing alternatives to the motor car, such as public transport (including park and ride facilities and encourage the adoption of travel plans) and active transport through cycling and walking;
  4. Re-enforcing the function and role of settlements in accordance with the settlement framework;
  5. Promoting the efficient use of the transport network;
  6. Enhancing accessibility to employment, homes, services and facilities at locations accessible to appropriate transport infrastructure – including significant trip generating proposals;
  7. The incorporation of design and access solutions within developments to promote accessibility. Provide walking and cycling routes, linking in with active travel networks and green infrastructure networks; and
  8. Adopt a sustainable approach to the design, function and layout of new development, including providing appropriate levels of parking.

11.146 The strategy reflects and promotes the principles of sustainability and accessibility to essential services and facilities with the aim of achieving viable, self-supporting settlements and sustainable communities thus increasing social inclusion and cohesion. The settlement framework reflects the sustainability of settlements where services, jobs, shopping and leisure facilities are located whilst recognising the diversity of the County and its communities including the rural areas.

11.147 In achieving the above the strategy has regard to the highway and rail network along with accessibility to public transport and the potential for growth of settlements reflecting levels of accessibility (to be considered as part of the Deposit LDP).

11.148 Due to the diversity of the County, accessibility and the aim of reducing the need to travel (and reducing CO2 emissions) remains a challenge for a large part of Carmarthenshire. This challenge is particularly evident when addressing the need to sustain rural areas and ensure that their communities do not suffer social exclusion. This must also relate to a realistic acceptance that the motor car remains an important means of travel in such areas.

11.149 Minimising travel may also be possible through an integrated transport strategy and the development of self-sustaining communities (including the availability of services and facilities) and the availability of alternatives through appropriate initiatives such as 'Bwcabus'. It is however also recognised that as technology progresses the potential impact or otherwise of the motorcar will change.

11.150 The LDP will seek to positively promote solutions which encourage access to technological changes, including electric charging points, in promoting a reduction in harmful emissions and enhancing social inclusion and accessibility.

11.151 Road schemes that are identified within the relevant Transport Plan will, where there is sufficient certainty, be identified within the Deposit LDP and where appropriate safeguarded.

Where a scheme is identified as requiring further feasibility, design and preparation it may not be identified in the Deposit LDP as this reflects the potential for an absence of clear indications of delivery.

11.152 The role of the County as a centre for cycling in Wales is recognised and the publication of the Cycling Strategy will be considered and where appropriate reflected as the LDP progresses. In this respect the role of the cycling network as an economic driver and leisure and tourism asset is recognised. Similarly, its contribution to the promotion of accessibility and benefits to our communities is also recognised - as is that afforded through the public footpath network and bridleways.

11.153 The LDP should ensure that the County provides mineral resources to meet society's needs and that such resources, are safeguarded from sterilisation. In doing so, the LDP seeks to ensure that a proper balance is struck between this fundamental requirement, the need to ensure a prudent use of these finite resources, and the protection of existing amenity and the environment.

****Strategic Policy – SP 18: Mineral Resources

The County's identified mineral resources will be sustainably managed by:

  1. Ensuring supply by maintaining an adequate landbank of permitted aggregate reserves (hard rock and sand and gravel) throughout the Plan period;
  2. Encouraging the efficient and appropriate use of high quality minerals and maximising the potential for the re-use and recycling of suitable minerals as an alternative to primary won aggregates;
  3. Safeguarding areas underlain by minerals of economic importance where they could be worked in the future to ensure that such resources are not unnecessarily sterilised by other forms of development;
  4. The use of buffer zones to reduce the conflict between mineral development and sensitive development;
  5. Securing appropriate restoration which can deliver specific environmental and community benefits.

11.154 Carmarthenshire has a wide variety of mineral resources as a result of its complex geology. The main feature in the south of the County is the broad sweep of the Coal Measures outcrop, fringed to the north by Carboniferous Limestone. Limestone quarrying is the largest of the extractive industries in the County. The northern parts of the County are underlain by older rocks of Ordovician and Silurian age, mainly sandstones, shales and slates. The economic significance of these is variable.

11.155 The South Wales Regional Technical Statement (RTS) 2014 sets out the contribution that each constituent local authority should make towards meeting the regional demand for aggregates (both hard rock and sand and gravel). The LDP's second Annual Monitoring Report (AMR, 2016/17) establishes that the County's landbank figures, for both hard rock and sand and gravel, is notably in excess of the minimum requirements set out in Minerals Technical Advice Note (MTAN) 1: Aggregates, and consequently there is no requirement to allocate new sites for mineral development.

11.156 The system of waste management and waste planning is undergoing a rapid transition. Targets for waste minimisation and recycling and will require new methods of managing waste, together with a potential significant increase in the number of facilities to enable these methods to be implemented and the targets to be met.

****Strategic Policy – SP 19: Waste Management

Provision will be made to facilitate the sustainable management of waste through:

  1. The allocation of adequate appropriate land to provide for an integrated network of waste management facilities;
  2. Supporting proposals for waste management which involve the management of waste in accordance with the ranking set out within in the waste hierarchy;
  3. Supporting proposals for new in-building waste management facilities at existing and allocated industrial sites which are suitable for waste management facilities;
  4. Acknowledging that certain types of waste facility may need to be located outside the development limits of settlements;
  5. Ensuring that provision is made for the sustainable management of waste in all new development, including securing opportunities to minimise the production of waste.

11.157 In accordance with the Overarching Waste Strategy Document for Wales Towards Zero Waste (TZW), and Planning Policy Wales, local authorities are required to develop a sustainable approach to the management of waste, including the support of proposals for waste operations which move the management of waste up the waste hierarchy, and the identification of land appropriate to facilitate an integrated and sustainable network of waste facilities.

11.158 New technological advances and changes in legislation, policies and practices, mean that modern in-building waste management facilities now have the external appearance of any other industrial unit, and contain methods of industrial de-manufacturing or energy generation no different to modern industrial processes. The in-principle suitability of B2 industrial sites therefore has become accepted and allows a greater scope of possible sites.

11.159 Technical Advice Note (TAN) 21 sets out that collaboration between local planning authorities will be necessary to monitor progress towards establishing an integrated and adequate network for the disposal of waste and recovery of mixed municipal waste. Consequently, the Country has been split into 3 regions which each have the task of producing an annual Waste Planning Monitoring Report (WPMR).

11.160 One of the principal roles of the WPMR is to present data to enable the effective monitoring of how the region's residual waste arising's are managed, particularly the progress being made towards alternatives to landfill, in order to assess the region's performance against the targets set out in TZW. The information and analysis presented in the reports should provide a basis for local authorities (and other organisations) to take action on the waste arising's within their area. The Reports should also provide an information base to assist the waste management industry make key investment decisions.

11.161 In formulating development proposals, consideration should be given to the implications for waste. The location and scale of developments should have regard to the availability and capacity of waste management facilities in the area. In this respect, proposals should not result in unnecessary trip generation.

[21] The table will be populated as part of the preparation of the Deposit LDP.

[22] The level of affordable homes will be populated as part of the preparation of the Deposit LDP.




[26] Carmarthenshire's Wellbeing Objectives 2018-18

[27] Cymraeg 2050 A Million Welsh Speakers, Welsh Government (2017)

[28] Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended); Planning Policy Wales; Welsh Office Circular 13/97 Planning Obligations

[31] Planning Policy Wales; Technical Advice Note 6 Planning for Sustainable Rural Communities (July 2010)

[33] Planning Policy Wales (Edition 9)

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