Preferred Strategy

Ended on the 8 February 2019

3. What is in the Preferred Strategy?

3.1 The format and structure of the Preferred Strategy has sought to reflect the core elements of sustainability, along with the four well-being objectives within the Carmarthenshire Well-being Plan[4]. The Strategic Policies will follow this structure with cross-referencing to the relevant Plan objectives, as well as the relevant Well-being goals.

3.2 This Draft Preferred Strategy will be made available for public consultation, aimed at engaging with communities, the public, partners, developers and interest groups.

What is NOT included within this Preferred Strategy include:

  • Site specific allocations or development limits/settlement boundaries, for example housing or employment sites. These will be identified in the Deposit LDP;
  • Detailed or specific planning policies – additional and more specific policies to support the Strategic Policies. These will be included in the Deposit LDP; and
  • A detailed evaluation of the Candidate Sites submitted – the register of candidate sites is available to view as is the Site Assessment Methodology which we will use to look at the suitability of each site.

3.3 The Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Preferred Strategy has been published as a separate document along with the Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening Report. Both these documents are available for consultation with comments welcomed on their content.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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