WL1: Welsh Language and New Developments

Showing comments and forms 1 to 5 of 5


Second Deposit LDP

Representation ID: 4789

Received: 11/04/2023

Respondent: The Home Builders Federation

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? Yes

Representation Summary:

The HBF are not clear on what is meant by 'Residential development of 5 or more dwellings on allocated or windfall sites that do not address evidence of need and demand for housing recorded in a Housing Market Assessment or other relevant local sources of evidence'. In particular how would a site which is allocated in the plan not address evidence of need and demand for housing? Further windfall sites are generally within the settlement

All windfall sites are unanticipated by their very nature and what is the size threshold for 'large scale housing development'.

Change suggested by respondent:

Amended wording of the policy to make requirement clearer.

Full text:

The HBF are not clear on what is meant by 'Residential development of 5 or more dwellings on allocated or windfall sites that do not address evidence of need and demand for housing recorded in a Housing Market Assessment or other relevant local sources of evidence'. In particular how would a site which is allocated in the plan not address evidence of need and demand for housing? Further windfall site are generally within the settlement

All windfall site are unanticipated by their very nature and what is the size threshold for 'large scale housing development'.

Our response:

The production of SPG will provide additional clarity and guidance, however, further consideration can be given to he matter during the examination.


Second Deposit LDP

Representation ID: 5528

Received: 11/04/2023

Respondent: Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority

Agent: Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority

Representation Summary:

Both Plans seek to ensure that their Plan areas natural and historic environment and landscape will be protected from inappropriate development and, where possible, enhanced.

The Welsh language which continues to be an important component in the social, cultural and economic life of many communities will be protected and supported by managing development sensitively in areas where it has a significant role in the community.

Change suggested by respondent:

No change to the Plan

Full text:

2nd Deposit Revised LDP – Commentary

Reference and Comment

A. Spatial Strategy
The National Park Authority has no comment on the spatial strategy proposed.

No comment.

Reference and Comment Support/Object/
B. Employment
The Spatial Strategy commentary above sets out where there is consistency of approach on where employment undertakings can take place in the County along with notes of clarification.

The employment and economic development strategy of Carmarthenshire County Council’s Preferred Strategy focusses on the Swansea Bay City Deal, and other Carmarthenshire-specific strategies. Carmarthenshire County Council and this National Park Authority are stakeholders in a Regional Strategic Economic study along with Pembrokeshire County Council and Brecon Beacons National Park Authority. The final report was published in October 2019. The study broadly concludes that there is sufficient strategic land available to meet demand across the area. The policy approach across the Pembrokeshire County Council, Carmarthenshire County Council and Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority is to protect strategic and smaller employment sites for employment use.
Support the general conformity of approach.

C. Housing Growth
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority has no comment on the anticipated scale of growth proposed.

D. Affordable Housing
The National Park Authority has no comment.
No comment.

Climate Change
The Authorities have a shared understanding of the need to plan for climate change and to mitigate its impacts and to provide for high quality design to ensure that new development is adaptable to climate change.

This National Park Authority supports the approach taken to future-proofing communities in light of predicted sea-level rise and the identification of a Coastal Change Management Area, supported by the South Wales Shoreline Management Plan. Support in principle. Support Policy PSD1 Placemaking and sustainable places, Policy NE5 Coastal Management NE6: Coastal Development; and NE7 Coastal Change Management Area and SP16 Climate change.
Note: See comment across.

Visitor Economy
Both Authorities recognise the importance of the visitor economy to west Wales and aim to support the sector and attract visitors all year round. Both also recognise that some attractions require a countryside setting but that this should be the exception, and the majority of tourism related development being sustainably located. Support SP11 The Visitor Economy, VE1 Visitor Attractions and Facilities; VE2 Holiday Accommodation; VE3 Touring Caravan, camping and Non-Permanent Alternative Camping Accommodation; VE4 Static Caravan and Chalet Sites and Permanent Alternative Camping Accommodation.

Both Authorities’ strategies focus on the need to maintain / create vibrant and diverse town, district, and local centres. Retail provision in both Authorities is identified through the retail hierarchy with Carmarthenshire’s hierarchy being based on Sub Regional- High Order Town Centres, Mid Order Town Centres and Lower Order Town Centres. Support SP 2 Retail and Town Centres

Renewable Energy
Both plans have regard to the need to generate more electricity from renewable sources. Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority has a renewable energy strategy policy seeking the delivery of appropriate renewable energy developments.

Both Authorities implement joint guidance on assessing the cumulative impact of wind turbines

It would be useful to confirm if Carmarthenshire intends to bring forward the Cumulative Impact of Turbine Guidance in the replacement Local Development Plan.

Carmarthenshire includes renewable energy as part of Strategic Policy 16: Climate Change (parts c and d), and both CCH1: Renewable Energy within Pre-Assessed Areas and Local search Areas and CCH”: Renewable Energy Outside Pre-Assessed Areas and Local Search Areas. Whilst Pembrokeshire does not have Local Search Areas, these policies are broadly in line with this Authority’s Renewable and Low Carbon Energy policy.
LSA for solar is shown on the Proposals map and it is considered that none of these are likely to have an impact on the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park.
Support SP 15 Climate Change and CCH1 / CCH2

Both Plans seek to ensure that their Plan areas natural and historic environment and landscape will be protected from inappropriate development and, where possible, enhanced.

The Welsh language which continues to be an important component in the social, cultural and economic life of many communities will be protected and supported by managing development sensitively in areas where it has a significant role in the community. Support SP8 Welsh Language and WL1 Welsh Language and New Developments, SP14
PSD3: Green and Blue Infrastructure Network
Maintaining and Enhancing the Natural Environment. SP 15 Protection and Enhancement of the Built and Historic Environment and BHE2 Landscape Character. SP14 Maintaining and Enhancement of the Built and Historic Environment

Note See across for comment.

Regional Working
Strategic Policy – SP 14: Maintaining and Enhancing the Natural Environment: Reasoned Justification: 11.409 In addition, and reflecting the duties placed upon Local Authorities, the Plan has regard to the National Park designation and the purpose for which it is designated, where it may affect the consideration of planning proposals.
BHE2: Landscape Character Development proposals should relate to the specific landscape and visual characteristics of the local area, ensuring that the overall integrity of landscape character is maintained by: …. b) protecting international and national landscape designations including National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and their settings;

11.456 Carmarthenshire is characterised by diverse and high-quality landscape resources and areas of notable visual value. It also includes or borders a range of landscape designations, including the Brecon Beacons and Pembrokeshire Coast National Parks and Gower AONB.

Appendix 2 Regional and Local Strategic Context:
Regional working: Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority’s adopted LDP is broadly compatible with a hierarchical settlement structure and a consistency in the broad planning policy approach with Carmarthenshire. Continuing liaison will ensure a mutual understanding of the respective approaches including through regional arrangements and the scope and progress of the Strategic Development Plan. A proactive approach towards regional and sub-regional working is implicit on policy matters, evidence gathering and strategic considerations.

The terrestrial sand and gravel landbank and the apportionment of provision to meet future needs is now considered on a regional basis with the RTS Second Review setting out the contribution that each constituent local authority should make towards meeting the demand for aggregates. There is no requirement for a landbank to be maintained within National Park (PPW 11)

Although Carmarthenshire is now in a separate sub-region to Pembrokeshire, previous combined working arrangements with regard to future apportionments and allocations for sand and gravel as suggested in the RTS1 as recommended to continue in RTS2 with the production of a Statement of Sub-regional Collaboration between Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion to meet the allocation requirement of 3.626 million tonnes.

The Area of Search for Sand and Gravel is located to the west as shown on the Proposals Map, the northern end of which lies approximately 4.3km south east of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park.
Support the compatibility of approach between the two Plans.
Support SP 18: Mineral Resources.

Both authorities’ policies on waste management are broadly aligned. Carmarthenshire acknowledges TAN 21 and the need for collaboration between local planning authorities to progress towards an integrated and adequate network for waste management.
Support SP 19: Sustainable Waste Management

Sustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Appraisal

Appendix E: Growth Options
1st Deposit LDP Preferred Growth Option: check shading for ISA3. The appraisal is ‘+/-‘and the shading is that of minor negative effect rather than the yellow of positive and negative effect.

Appendix F: ISA Strategic Policies
SP 2: Retail and Town Centres: ISA Objective 1 has a positive assessment but no commentary.

SP 10: Gypsy and Traveller Provision: ISA Objective 8 is neutral. Could this be a positive since providing sites sustains Gypsy and Traveller culture?

Habitats Regulations Assessment


Thank you for considering and incorporating PCNPA’s comments on the Habitat Regulations Assessment Report (2020) as detailed in the appendices to the Habitats Regulations Assessment Addendum report.

4.3 Interim action plan – land available for constructed wetlands.
It is suggested that it would be beneficial to include discussion of the identified lands current use (e.g. to eliminate land of existing or other potential nature conservation value from consideration).
Other discussion points:
The long-term use of wetlands as nutrient sinks is not well understood.
The ability of wetlands to remove nutrients may be influenced by climate change scenarios, e.g. drying out, flood events.

Page 8 (PPP) – while not yet adopted, we note that consultation recently (February 2023) closed on Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water’s draft Water Resources Management Plan 2024
“3.2.15 ‘screened out screened out’
3.3.2 ‘unlikely to have a significant effects’
4.2.17 ‘there are important’
4.2.20 ‘which can demonstrate not cause the failure’
4.3.1 ‘ready in conjunction’


Our response:

Support is welcomed.


Second Deposit LDP

Representation ID: 5773

Received: 14/04/2023

Respondent: Cllr. Meinir James

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Er mwyn sicrhau bod ein cymunedau yn leoliadau “lle mae’r Gymraeg yn ffynnu”, rhaid cael Asesiad o’r Effaith ar y Gymraeg ar gyfer pob datblygiad o 5 tŷ neu fwy yn yr 2il CDLl gan gynnwys y dyraniadau tai sydd ym mholisiau HOM1 a HOM3. Mae pob datblygiad yn mynd i effeithio ar y Gymraeg yn y gymuned.
Nid yw Cynllun Gweithredu Iaith yn ddigonol ar gyfer y datblygiadau hyn nag unrhyw ddatblygiad o fewn y Sir, i sicrhau parhad a thwf y Gymraeg yn iaith hyfyw yn ein cymunedau. Mae angen Asesiad Effaith ar y Gymraeg a wneir yn annibynnol ac allanol ar raddfa a lefel sydd ar gyfer unrhyw asesiad arall e.e. priffyrdd, NRW, cadwraeth. Rhaid i’r Asesiad Effaith ar y Gymraeg gael ei drin a’i drafod hefyd ar yr un statws a’r asesiadau statudol eraill. Mae pwysigrwydd y Gymraeg yng nghymunedau’r Sir yn haeddu’r ystyriaethau ar y lefel hyn er mwyn cyrraedd y nodau a osodir yn neddfwriaethau Llywodraeth Cymru ac yn amcanion a nodau Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin a osodir yn Amcanion Llesiant Sir Gaerfyrddin a Strategaeth y Gymraeg.
Mae angen bod yn rhagweithiol i weld y cynnydd yn y Gymraeg a ddymunwn er lles ein cymunedau.
To ensure that our communities are locations "of thriving Welsh language", a Welsh Language Impact Assessment must be held for all developments of 5 or more houses in the 2nd LDP including the housing allocations included in the HOM1 and HOM3 policies. Every development is going to impact the Welsh language in the community.
The Language Action Plan is not sufficient for these developments or any development within the County, to ensure the continuity and growth of Welsh as a viable language in our communities. A Welsh Language Impact Assessment is required which is undertaken independently and externally at a similar scale and level as would be for any other assessment e.g. highways, NRW, conservation. The Welsh Language Impact Assessment must also be dealt with and discussed with the same status as the other statutory assessments. The importance of the Welsh language in the County's communities deserves to be considered at this level in order to reach the goals set out in Welsh Government legislations and in Carmarthenshire County Council's objectives and aims set out in Carmarthenshire's Wellbeing Objectives and the Welsh Language Strategy.
We need to be proactive to see the increase in the Welsh language that we desire for the benefit of our communities.

Change suggested by respondent:

Fel y nodir yn y crynodeb.
As set out in the summary.

Full text:

Diolch am y cyfle i ymateb 2il CDLl Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin a nodaf fy sylwadau isod. Rwy’n fodlon i’m sylwadau ysgrifenedig gael eu hystyried gan yr Arolygydd ond nid wyf am siarad mewn sesiwn gwrandawiad.
Cynghorydd Meinir James
Ward Llangyndeyrn

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Carmarthenshire County Council's 2nd LDP and my comments are noted below. I am happy for my written comments to be considered by the Inspector but I do not wish to speak at a hearing session.
Councillor Meinir James
Llangyndeyrn Ward

SP1 Twf Strategol 8 Opsiynau Twf
SP8 Y Gymraeg a Diwylliant Cymru
Mae 8,822 yn nifer rhy uchel o dai mewn cyfnod cymharol fyr a fydd yn handwyol iawn i’r Gymraeg yn Sir Gaerfyrddin. Mae darpariaeth hefyd yn yr 2il CDLl ar gyfer hyd at 9,704 o dai newydd yn fygythiad pellach i’r Gymraeg barhau a ffynnu yn ein cymunedau.
Mae rhagestyniadau twf poblogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru yn amcangyfrif cynnydd llawer is yn y boblogaeth ac yn gyffredinol mae mwy yn marw nag sydd yn cael eu geni yn Sir Gâr. Yn ôl ffigyrau Llywodraeth Cymru, 4100 o gynnydd yn y boblogaeth a welwyd mewn 10 mlynedd yn 2011.
Dylid ystyried beth yw’r gofynion yn y cymunedau ond mae opsiwn gofodol yn ystyried y defnydd o dir yn hytrach na’r effaith ar y defnydd tir ar y bobol a’r gymuned.
Mae’r opsiwn a ffefrir hefyd yn rhy uchelgeisiol o ran yr economi ag yn anelu at dyfiant llawer rhy gyflym fydd hefyd yn effeithio’n fawr ar y Gymraeg yng nghymunedau’r Sir.
Mae’r Cynllun yn nodi mai mewnfudo yw’r prif ffactor sy’n effeithio ar nifer y boblogaeth yn y Sir a phobol ifanc yw’r nifer fwyaf sy’n gadael y Sir. Mae angen i ni gadw ein pobol ifanc yn y Sir i sicrhau dyfodol a defnydd o’r Gymraeg yn ein cymunedau. Mae angen tai fforddadwy a thai pris cyrraeddiadwy i’n pobol ifanc i’w galluogi i brynu tŷ ag i aros yn y Sir. Mae adeiladu nifer fawr o dai, mawr, drud, allan o gyrraedd y rhai sydd am brynu eu cartref cyntaf.
Mae angen twf graddol a gofalus i ddiogelu a datblygu ein cymunedau i fod yn gymunedau hyfyw. Mae nifer o gadarnleoedd y Gymraeg yn ein pentrefi a chymunedau gwledig ac mae angen cynyddu niferoedd siaradwyr Cymraeg yn arbennig yn yr ardaloedd hyn.
Byddai 6500-7000 o dai yn ffigwr yn fwy realistig o ran y darpariaeth sydd ei angen gyda 45% o rhain yn dai fforddadwy, canran a awgrymir yn Fframwaith Datlbygu Cenedlaethol 2040 (Llywodraeth Cymru) yn rhoi bron 3000 o dai fforddadwy, a galli hynny gynnwys tai fydd y Cyngor yn eu prynu fel stoc dai hefyd.
Mae Fframwaith Datblygu Cenedlaethol 2040, Llywodraeth Cymru, yn nodi bydd angen 23,400 o dai yn Rhanbarth Canolbarth a De-Orllewin Cymru tan 2039 a thros y 5 mlynedd cyntaf fod angen 45% o rhain i fod yn dai fforddadwy. Mae Sir Gaerfyrddin yn rhan o’r rhanbarth yma sy’n cynnwys poblogaeth o dros 900,00 ac yn cynnwys Castell Nedd Port Talbot ac Abertawe ymhlith yr 8 ardal sydd o fewn y rhanbarth. Mae 8,822 o dai fel a nodir yn yr ail CDLl yn 37.7% o gyfanswm y tai mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn nodi sydd ei angen o fewn y rhanbarth. Nid yw hyn yn realistig nac ymarferol ac yn ategu bod 8,822 yn ffigwr rhy uchel ar gyfer Sir Gaerfyrddin.
Mae angen i ni fod yn uchelgeisiol dros ein cymunedau a pharhad y Gymraeg yn Sir Gaerfyrddin ond rhaid sicrhau bod yr uchelgais wedi’i nodi ar yr elfennau perthnasol fydd yn sicrhau cymunedau ffyniannus er lles ein trigolion. Mae pryder mawr bod cyfanswm y tai a fwriedir yn yr 2il CDLl yn atal ffyniant a pharhad y Gymraeg yn iaith gymunedol yn Sir Gaerfyrddin.

SP8 Y Gymraeg a Diwylliant Cymru
Nid yw ffigyrau niferoedd siaradwyr Cymraeg yn Sir Gaerfyrddin yng nghyfrifiad 2021 wedi’u hystyried ar gyfer yr 2il CDLl a’r ffigyrau o 2011 sydd wedi’u defnyddio, wedi dyddio. Gan fod y ffigyrau diweddaraf wedi dangos cwymp sylweddol i nifer y siaradwyr o fewn y Sir mae oblygiadau pell gyrhaeddol i’r 2il CDLl o ystyried y ffigyrau’n fanwl. Dylid edrych nid yn unig ar gyfanswm y nifer o siaradwyr Cymraeg, ond ym mhle mae’r nifer uchaf o siaradwyr er mwyn diogelu a datblygu’r Gymraeg yn y cymunedau hynny.
Dylai polisïau cynllunio a fabwysiedir o fewn yr 2il CDLl alluogi parhad a datblygiad y Gymraeg yn iaith fyw ym mhob cymuned o fewn y Sir gyda sylw arbennig yn cael ei roi i’r cymunedau sydd á’r canrannau uchaf o siaradwyr yng nghyfrifiad 2021.
Gan fod y niferoedd wedi gostwng yn sylweddol o fewn y Sir ers cyfrifiad 2011, mae’n amlwg nad yw’r polisïau cynllunio presennol yn ddigonol i barhad y Gymraeg yn iaith hyfyw o fewn y Sir. Rhaid wrth bolisiau cryf i sicrhau bod y Gymraeg yn ffynnu yng nghymunedau’r Sir.
Mae’n rhaid ail edrych ar yr 2il CDLl gan ddefnyddio ffigyrau Cyfrifiad 2021 i sicrhau bod y CDLl yn “hyrwyddo’r Gymraeg a’i diwylliant” (Amcanion Llesiant Sir Gaeryfrdidn 2017-18) “ac mae hefyd yn ymrwymedig i gyfrannu at nod hirdymor Llywodraeth Cymru o sicrhau 1 miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050”(Cymraeg 2050: Miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg, Llywodraeth Cymru 2017). Mae Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol yn nodi “Cymru â diwylliant bywiog lle mae’r Gymraeg yn ffynnu” ac mae angen sicrhau bod y ffigyrau o’r cyfrifiad diweddaraf i sicrhau y gall Sir Gaerfyrddin gyrraedd y nod hwnnw.

WL1: Y Gymraeg a Datblygiadau Newydd
Er mwyn sicrhau bod ein cymunedau yn leoliadau “lle mae’r Gymraeg yn ffynnu”, rhaid cael Asesiad o’r Effaith ar y Gymraeg ar gyfer pob datblygiad o 5 tŷ neu fwy yn yr 2il CDLl gan gynnwys y dyraniadau tai sydd ym mholisiau HOM1 a HOM3. Mae pob datblygiad yn mynd i effeithio ar y Gymraeg yn y gymuned.
Nid yw Cynllun Gweithredu Iaith yn ddigonol ar gyfer y datblygiadau hyn nag unrhyw ddatblygiad o fewn y Sir, i sicrhau parhad a thwf y Gymraeg yn iaith hyfyw yn ein cymunedau. Mae angen Asesiad Effaith ar y Gymraeg a wneir yn annibynnol ac allanol ar raddfa a lefel sydd ar gyfer unrhyw asesiad arall e.e. priffyrdd, NRW, cadwraeth. Rhaid i’r Asesiad Effaith ar y Gymraeg gael ei drin a’i drafod hefyd ar yr un statws a’r asesiadau statudol eraill. Mae pwysigrwydd y Gymraeg yng nghymunedau’r Sir yn haeddu’r ystyriaethau ar y lefel hyn er mwyn cyrraedd y nodau a osodir yn neddfwriaethau Llywodraeth Cymru ac yn amcanion a nodau Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin a osodir yn Amcanion Llesiant Sir Gaerfyrddin a Strategaeth y Gymraeg.
Mae angen bod yn rhagweithiol i weld y cynnydd yn y Gymraeg a ddymunwn er lles ein cymunedau.
SP5 Strategaeth Tai Fforddiadwy
AHOM1: Darparu Tai Fforddiadwy – Cyfraniadau Ar-safle
Dylid gosod polisi amodol bod rhai o’r tai fforddiadwy i’w hadeiladu ar ddechrau’r datblygiad neu o leiaf yn rhan o’r 5 neu 10 tŷ cyntaf yn y datblygiad i sicrhau y caiff y tai fforddiadwy eu hadeiladu yn y tymor hir, yn ddi-rwystr.
Mae’n amodol i annedd sengl rhan-dalu swm cyfnewid wrth i’r annedd gael ei adeiladu a dylai amod tebyg i fod yn rhan o gyfraniad ar-safle at dai fforddiadwy hefyd.
Bydd hyn yn galluogi i ymateb i’r galw am dai fforddiadwy ynghynt hefyd gan y bydd yr anheddau ar gael ar ddechrau datblygiad a heb orfod aros i ddatblygiad gael ei gwblhau.

SP11 Yr Economi Ymwelwyr
Er lles ein cymunedau, a sicrhau tai i bobol leol a thai fforddiadwy i brynwyr cartrefi cyntaf, mae angen gosod cyfyngiadau ar hawliau datblygu a ganiateir i newid anheddau sy’n bodoli eisoes i gartrefi gwyliau, ail gartrefi, a hefyd llety gwyliau dros-dro fel Airbnb. Mae angen gosod canran o gartrefi o’r math yma a ganiateir mewn cymuned i sicrhau bod bywyd cymunedol yn parhau drwy gydol y flwyddyn a chartrefi priodol ar gael i bobol leol.

SP16 Newid yn yr Hinsawdd
Polisi CCH3 – Pwyntiau Gwefru Cerbydau Trydan
Byddai’n fwy addas a chost-effeithiol a chynaladwy i roi pwyntiau gwefru ‘3-fas’ (3-phase) ymhob annedd newydd. Gallai hyn alluogi’r preswylydd i’w defnyddio ar gyfer gwefru trydan a pwmpiau gwresogi. Byddai hyn hefyd yn galluogi’r preswylydd i ddefnyddio’r technoleg diweddaraf pan fyddent ei angen e.e. ni fydd gan bob preswylydd gar trydan yn syth a gallai’r pwynt gwefru trydan EV rhydu a mynd yn ofer yn y cyfamser.
Byddai hefyd yn well i asesu’r ddarpariaeth lleol wrth glustnodi gofodau pwynt gwefru mewn datblygiadau meysydd parcio gan y gallai fod llawer o bwyntiau gwefru yn y cyffiniau neu os nad oes dim byddai angen cynyddu’r 10%.
Mae’r heriau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus a’r amrywiaeth yn y gofynion yng nghymunedau Sir Gaerfyrddin yn cynnig cyfle i hybu cynlluniau Ceir trydan cymunedol/i’w rhannu a syniadau eraill newydd y dylid eu hystyried yn opsyniau i ateb y gofynion.

Wrth wynebu’r argyfwng newid hinsawdd dylid ystyried polisi cryfach nag anogaeth a rhoi ffafriaeth i roi neu gorfodi rhoi paneli solar, er enghraifft, ar bob tŷ mewn datblygiadau newydd yn enwedig ar bob tŷ fforddiadwy. Os yw to’r tŷ yn wynebu’r de, gorllewin neu’r dwyrain mae hwn yn ddewis fyddai’n gost effeithiol ar sawl lefel ag yn ateb cymharol syml ag effeithiol i leihau allyriadau carbon. Mae paneli solar ar gael sy’n gallu cael eu rhoi yn y to fyddai’n arbed gwario ar osod teils ar y to.
CHH7: Newid yn yr Hinsawdd – Fforestydd, Coetiroedd a Phlannu Coed
Tra’n cydnabod pwysigrwydd plannu coed a choetiroedd fel ymatebion i’r argyfwng hinsawdd, mae cynlluniau i brynu ffermydd lleol er mwyn cyflawni hyn yn tanseilio’r polisi. Dylid mabwysiadu opsiynau a chynlluniau i ffermwyr lleol i ddefnyddio rhan o’u tir i blannu’r coed a choetiroedd.
Byddai hyn yn sicrhau amddiffyn yr amgylchedd, treftadaeth ddiwylliannol, cymunedau a’n tirwedd ag yn sicrhau bywiolaeth i gadw’n pobol ifanc yng nghefn gwlad.

4 Sir Gaerfyrddin – Cyd-destun Strategol
Trosolwg pwynt 4.48
Tra’n cydnabod pwysigrywdd treftadaeth adeiledig y Sir, mae hyn yn her mawr yng ngyd-destun yr argyfwng newid hinsawdd yn arbennig mewn tref fel Llanymddyfri lle nad oes modd, ar hyn o bryd, i osod ynni adnewyddadwy fel paneli solar ar adeiladau’r dre. Nid yw’n ardal addas ar gyfer melinau gwynt chwaith ac mae hynny’n rhoi her arbennig i’r dref i fod yn gynaladwy.

Yn sgil yr argyfwng sydd o ran newid hinsawdd, mae angen datrys y math yma o sefyllfaoedd a chael hyblygrwydd gan fod paneli solar, er enghraifft, yn osodiad dros-dro a ddim yn amharu ar strwythur yr adeiladau.

SP1 Strategic Growth 8 Growth Options
SP8 Welsh Language and Culture
8,822 is too high a number of houses in a relatively short period of time which will be very detrimental to the Welsh language in Carmarthenshire. There is also provision in the 2nd LDP for up to 9,704 new homes which poses a further threat to the Welsh language in terms of its continuity and its ability to thrive in our communities.
The Welsh Government's population growth projections estimate a much lower increase in population and overall more die than are born in Carmarthenshire. According to Welsh Government figures, in 2011 a population increase of 4100 was observed over 10 years.
Consideration should be given to what the requirements are in the communities, but a spatial option considers the land use rather than the impact of the land use on the people and the community.
The preferred option is also too ambitious in terms of the economy and it aims for far too rapid growth which will also greatly impact the Welsh language in the County's communities.
The Scheme identifies immigration as the main factor affecting population numbers in the County and young people are the largest number leaving the County. We need to keep our young people in the County to ensure the future and use of Welsh in our communities. We need affordable housing and housing at an attainable price for our young people to enable them to buy a house and stay in the County. Building a large number of large, expensive houses is out of reach for those who want to buy their first home.
Gradual and careful growth is needed to protect and develop our communities into viable communities. Many of the Welsh language strongholds are located in our villages and rural communities and the numbers of Welsh speakers need to be increased in these areas in particular.
A figure of 6500-7000 houses would be more realistic in terms of the provision needed with 45% of these being affordable housing, a percentage suggested in the National Development Framework 2040 (Welsh Government). This would provide almost 3000 affordable homes, which could include houses that the Council will buy as housing stock as well.
The Welsh Government's National Development Framework 2040 states that 23,400 houses will be needed in the Mid and South West Wales Region until 2039 and over the first 5 years 45% of these are required to be affordable housing. Carmarthenshire is part of this region which includes a population of over 900,00 and includes Neath Port Talbot and Swansea among the 8 areas within the region. 8,822 houses as set out in the second LDP is 37.7% of the total number of housing that is identified by the Welsh Government as being required within the region. This is neither realistic nor practical and reinforces that the figure of 8,822 is too high for Carmarthenshire.
We need to be ambitious for our communities and the continuation of the Welsh language in Carmarthenshire but we must ensure that the ambition is based on the relevant elements that will ensure thriving communities for the benefit of our residents. There is great concern that the total number of houses intended in the 2nd LDP is preventing the prosperity and continuation of Welsh as a community language in Carmarthenshire.

SP8 Welsh Language and Culture
The figures for the number of Welsh speakers in Carmarthenshire in the 2021 census have not been considered for the 2nd LDP and the figures from 2011 that have been used, are out of date. As the latest figures have shown a significant drop in the number of speakers within the County the 2nd LDP has far-reaching implications when considering the figures in detail. One should look not only at the total number of Welsh speakers, but also where the highest numbers of speakers are located in order to protect and develop the Welsh language in those communities.
Planning policies adopted within the 2nd LDP should enable the continuation and development of Welsh as a living language in all communities within the County, with particular attention given to the communities with the highest percentages of speakers in the 2021 census.
As numbers have decreased significantly within the County since the 2011 census, it is clear that the current planning policies are not sufficient for the continuation of Welsh as a viable language within the County. Robust policies are required to ensure that the Welsh language thrives in the County's communities.
The 2nd LDP must be revisited using 2021 Census figures to ensure that the LDP "promotes Welsh language and culture" (Carmarthenshire Well-being Objectives 2017-18) "and is also committed to contributing to the Welsh Government's long-term goal of achieving 1 million Welsh speakers by 2050" (Cymraeg 2050: A million Welsh speakers, Welsh Government 2017). The Well-being of Future Generations Act states "A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language" and the figures from the latest census need to be upheld to ensure that Carmarthenshire is able to achieve that goal.

WL1: Welsh Language and New Developments
To ensure that our communities are locations "of thriving Welsh language", a Welsh Language Impact Assessment must be held for all developments of 5 or more houses in the 2nd LDP including the housing allocations included in the HOM1 and HOM3 policies. Every development is going to impact the Welsh language in the community.
The Language Action Plan is not sufficient for these developments or any development within the County, to ensure the continuity and growth of Welsh as a viable language in our communities. A Welsh Language Impact Assessment is required which is undertaken independently and externally at a similar scale and level as would be for any other assessment e.g. highways, NRW, conservation. The Welsh Language Impact Assessment must also be dealt with and discussed with the same status as the other statutory assessments. The importance of the Welsh language in the County's communities deserves to be considered at this level in order to reach the goals set out in Welsh Government legislations and in Carmarthenshire County Council's objectives and aims set out in Carmarthenshire's Wellbeing Objectives and the Welsh Language Strategy.
We need to be proactive to see the increase in the Welsh language that we desire for the benefit of our communities.

SP5 Affordable Homes Strategy
AHOM1: Provision of Affordable Homes - On-site Contributions
A conditional policy should be set that some of the affordable homes are to be built at the beginning of the development or at least as part of the first 5 or 10 houses in the development to ensure that the affordable homes are built unhindered in the long term.
It is conditional for a single dwelling to pay in part a Commuted Sum as the dwelling is built and a similar condition should also be part of an on-site contribution to affordable homes.
This will also enable an earlier response to the demand for affordable homes as the dwellings will be available at the beginning of development and without having to wait for development to be completed.

SP11 The Visitor Economy
For the benefit of our communities, and to ensure housing for local people and affordable homes for first home buyers, restrictions need to be placed on permitted development rights to change existing dwellings into holiday homes, second homes, and also temporary holiday accommodation such as Airbnb. A percentage of this type of homes allowed in a community needs to be set to ensure that community life continues throughout the year and that suitable homes are available to local people.

SP16 Climate Change
Policy CCH3 – Electric Vehicle Charging Points
It would be more suitable and cost-effective and sustainable to install 3-phase charging points in all new dwellings. This could enable the resident to use them for electric charging and heating pumps. This would also enable the occupant to use the latest technology when they need it e.g. not every resident will have an electric car at once and the EV electric charging point could rust and go to waste in the meantime.
It would also be better to assess local provision when allocating charging points in car park developments as there may be many charging points in the vicinity or if there are none the 10% required would need to be increased.

The public transport challenges and the diversity of requirements within Carmarthenshire communities offer an opportunity to promote community/shared electric car schemes and other new ideas that should be considered as options to meet the requirements.

When facing the climate change crisis, more robust policy should be considered than encouragement and preference should be given to installing or enforcing the installation of solar panels, for example, on all houses in new developments particularly on all affordable homes. If the roof of the house faces south, west or east this is an option that would be cost effective on many levels as a relatively simple and effective solution to reduce carbon emissions. There are solar panels available that can be installed in the roof that would save spending on installing tiles on the roof.
CCH7: Climate Change – Forest, Woodland, and Tree Planting
While recognising the importance of planting trees and woodlands as responses to the climate crisis, schemes to buy local farms to achieve this undermine the policy. Options and schemes should be adopted for local farmers to use part of their land to plant the trees and woodlands.
This would ensure that the environment, cultural heritage, communities and landscape are protected and would ensure livelihoods to retain our young people in the countryside.

4 Carmarthenshire – Strategic Context
Point 4.48 overview
Whilst recognising the importance of the County's built heritage, this is a major challenge in the context of the climate change crisis, particularly in a town such as Llandovery where it is currently not possible to install renewable energy such as solar panels on town buildings. It's also not a suitable area for wind turbines and that poses the town a particular challenge to be sustainable.

In light of the climate change crisis, these kind of situations need to be resolved and there needs to be flexibility as solar panels, for example, are a temporary installation and do not impair the structure of the buildings.


Our response:

Mae hyn yn mater i'w hystyried trwy polisi cenedlaethol gan nad yw dogfen TAN20 yn galluogi'r gofyniad am asesiad effaith ieithyddol o dan yr amodau a nodir.

This is a matter to consider through national policy as TAN20 does not enable the requirement for a inguistic impact assessment under the circumstances noted.


Second Deposit LDP

Representation ID: 5928

Received: 14/04/2023

Respondent: Rhanbarth Sir Gâr Cymdeithas yr Iaith

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Mae'n galonogol bod y polisi ei hun yn glir mai bwriad y Cynllun Gweithredu Iaith Gymraeg fyddai nodi mesurau "i ddiogelu, hyrwyddo a gwella'r Gymraeg", ond mae cymal 11.179 yn cyfeirio at “fesurau lliniaru” Cynllun Gweithredu, sy’n awgrym mai mesurau lliniaru sydd mewn golwg mewn gwirionedd.
Yn ogystal, nodwn eto bod Strategaeth Hybu’r Gymraeg y cyngor yn gosod nod o wneud y Gymraeg yn brif iaith y sir, ac nad yw polisi WL1 yn cyd-fynd â hynny.
It is encouraging that the policy itself is clear that the intention of the Welsh Language Action Plan would be to set out measures "to safeguard, promote and enhance the Welsh language", but para 11.179 refers to the Action Plan’s "mitigation measures", which suggests that it is mitigation measures that are actually in mind.
Additionally, we also note that the Council's Welsh Language Action plan sets the target of making Welsh the main language within the County, and policy WL1 doesn't align with this.

Change suggested by respondent:

Nid oes unrhyw newid wedi'i nodi.
No change specified.

Full text:

Ymateb Rhanbarth Caerfyrddin Cymdeithas yr Iaith i ymgynghoriad ar Gynllun Datblygu Lleol Diwygiedig Adneuo Sir Gaerfyrddin 2018-2033
Sylwadau cychwynnol

Cydnabyddwn fod amcanion y Cynllun Datblygu Lleol Diwygiedig yn uchelgeisiol a bod dyhead y Cyngor Sir i hwyluso creu swyddi o ansawdd uchel yn un clodwiw.
Wedi dweud hynny a wedi dadansoddi’r dogfennau perthnasol, rhaid i ni fynegi pryderon difrifol am effaith y cynllun ar y Gymraeg a rhai o gymunedau ac ardaloedd
Cymreiciaf Sir Gâr.

Credwn nad yw elfennau allweddol o’r cynllun diwygiedig yn seiliedig ar dystiolaeth gadarn, a bod tipyn o waith i’w wneud i sicrhau dyfodol hyfyw i’r Gymraeg cyn i’r
Cyngor gyflwyno’r Cynllun Adneuo i’r Llywodraeth. Nid oes unrhyw ddadansoddiad o sut y gall creu nifer sylweddol o swyddi mewn un gornel o’r sir gyflawni’r nod o atal yr
allfudiad difrifol o bobl ifainc o’n cymunedau ledled y sir. Camgymeriad sylfaenol yw fod y Cynllun yn trin adfywiad economaidd ac adfywiad iaith a chymunedol fel dau
beth ar wahân yn lle ystyriaeth fanwl o ba fath ar ddatblygu economaidd a fydd o fudd pennaf i’r iaith ac i’n cymunedau.

Er bod "gwarchod, gwella a hyrwyddo'r Gymraeg a hunaniaeth ddiwylliannol" yn un o Amcanion Strategol y Cynllun dydy cynnwys y Cynllun ei hun ddim yn adlewyrchu

Ymhellach, mae Strategaeth Hybu’r Gymraeg y Cyngor yn cynnwys y nod o wneud y Gymraeg yn brif iaith y sir. Dydy’r Cynllun Datblygu Lleol ddim yn cyfeirio at hynny o
gwbl, ac yn gweithio yn erbyn hynny.

Anghenion tai ac amcanestyniadau poblogaeth

Fel gyda’r yr ail Gynllun gwrieddiol, mae’n anodd peidio â dod i’r casgliad i’r Cyngor Sir ofyn faint o dai fyddai eu hangen er mwyn cyflawni amcanion ei strategaeth
adfywio gan fod nifer y tai wedi ei seilio ar Adroddiad Tai a Thwf Economaidd (Twf Poblogaeth) Turley.

Mae’r cynllun yn cydnabod y bu dirywiad sylweddol yn nifer y siaradwyr Cymraeg dros y degawdau diwethaf, felly rhaid gofyn pam bod yr ail Gynllun Datblygu Lleol wedi ei seilio ar amcanestyniad deng mlynedd yn Adroddiad Tai a Thwf Economaidd (Twf Poblogaeth) Turley.
Roedd y Cynllun Datblygu Lleol cyntaf wedi ei seilio ar amcanestyniad poblogaeth hefyd, ac yn cynllunio ar gyfer twf.

Mae’r Cynllun Adneuo’n disgwyl twf o 14,468 ym mhoblogaeth y Sir a bod angen 8,822 o dai er mwyn cyflawni amcan o greu 4,140 o swyddi.

Anghytunwn gyda'r Opsiwn a Ffefrir, sef Strategaeth Twf Cynaliadwy a Chymuned Gytbwys felly.

Bydd canolbwyntio'r twf mewn dwy ardal yn nwyrain y sir, Llain Arfordirol Llanelli ac ardal Rhydaman / Cross Hands, yn annog mewnlifiad trwy greu pentrefi cymudwyr.

Mae'r Adroddiad ar yr Ymgynghoriad Cychwynnol yn nodi, mewn ymateb i sylwadau Cymdeithas yr Iaith i bryderon am seilio Cynllun Datblygu Lleol ar gynllun economaidd:

"Further evidence will be produced to inform the economic needs of the County and its impacts upon the County's housing needs."

Mae sylwadau Llywodraeth Cymru i’r ymgynghoriad gwreiddiol hefyd yn nodi:
“Further evidence and explanation is required to explain how and where the level of job growth will be delivered, including both strategic and non strategic allocations. It
is unclear what the level of employment provision is and for what sector and how this translates into a land requirement for employment uses. The current employment evidence base is inconsistent and unclear.

“The authority must fully justify/evidence that the growth levels are directed to the most sustainable places, related to the scale and location of housing need, not impacting negatively on the Welsh language and is realistic and deliverable.”

Does dim cyfeiriad yn y dogfennau diweddaraf at dystiolaeth bellach o effaith nac anghenion yn sgil datblygiadau economaidd.

Dylai’r cyngor gyd-gynhyrchu Asesiad Cymunedol rheolaidd ym mhob ardal o'r sir gyda chymunedau fel partneriaid cyfartal.

Y Gymraeg
Er bod “Asesiad Effaith ar yr Iaith Gymraeg, Rhagfyr 2019” bellach wedi ei gyhoeddi ymddengys nad yw Asesiad o Effaith CDLl diwygiedig Adneuo Drafft Sir Gaerfyrddin
ar y Gymraeg, 2023, ar gael.
Dyma fyddai’r dystiolaeth fwyaf perthnasol o ran y Gymraeg.

Polisi, Y Gymraeg a Diwylliant Cymru

Mae geiriad polisi SP8 yn achos pryder:

“Ni fydd cynigion datblygu sy'n cael effaith anfanteisiol ar fywiogrwydd a hyfywedd y Gymraeg a diwylliant Cymru'n cael eu caniatáu oni bai y gellir lliniaru'r effaith.”

Trwy fynnu mesurau lliniaru mae cydnabod bod effaith negyddol i’r Gymraeg, ac yn unol â’u diffiniad, nid atal effaith negyddol fydd unrhyw fesurau lliniaru ond lleihau’r effaith hynny.

Mae Cymdeithas yr Iaith yn croesawu penderfyniad y Cyngor Sir i ddynodi’r sir gyfan yn ardal yn ieithyddol sensitif eto ond mae angen i’r Cynllun adlewyrchu mor fregus yw’r cymunedau hynny, trwy seilio’r Cynllun ar angen am dai.

Tra yn cytuno ag amcan cymal 11.174 i greu swyddi a chyfleoedd er mwyn galluogi pobl i aros yn y sir anghytunwn bod y twf sy'n cael ei gynllunio yn "gynaliadwy" ac y bydd y Cynllun yn "cynyddu i'r eithaf y cyfleoedd i siaradwyr di-Gymraeg sy'n symud i mewn i'r Sir gael eu hintegreiddio i fywyd cymunedol ar raddfa a chyflymder na fydd yn tanseilio bywiogrwydd a hyfywedd y Gymraeg a diwylliant Cymru.”

Pryderwn bod cymal 11.176 yn nodi y bydd:

“ceisio sicrhau bod datblygu'n mynd rhagddo ar raddfa y gellir ei derbyn a'i chymhathu heb niweidio cymeriad y gymuned.”

Mae “ceisio sicrhau” yn groes i’r egwyddor yng nghymal 11.174 y bydd integreiddio ar raddfa gynaliadwy.

WL1: Y Gymraeg a Datblygiadau Newydd

Mae'n galonogol bod y polisi ei hun yn glir mai bwriad y Cynllun Gweithredu Iaith Gymraeg fyddai nodi mesurau "i ddiogelu, hyrwyddo a gwella'r Gymraeg", ond mae
cymal 11.179 yn cyfeirio at “fesurau lliniaru” Cynllun Gweithredu, sy’n awgrym mai mesurau lliniaru sydd mewn golwg mewn gwirionedd.

Yn ogystal, nodwn eto bod Strategaeth Hybu’r Gymraeg y cyngor yn gosod nod o wneud y Gymraeg yn brif iaith y sir, ac nad yw polisi WL1 yn cyd-fynd â hynny.

Mae’n galonogol hefyd bod y polisi yn rhoi disgwyliadau bod Cynllun Gweithredu Iaith Gymraeg yn dangos bod y datblygiad yn cyfrannu’n gadarnhaol i grwpiau iaith
Gymraeg yn yr ardal.

Dydy hi ddim yn glir beth fyddai'n cael ei ystyried yn ddatblygiad ar "raddfa fawr" ac a fyddai'n gymwys i baratoi Asesiad o'r Effaith ar y Gymraeg.

Credwn bod angen ffigyrau penodol yn yr achos yma, a nodi canran ychwanegol o dai yn achos datblygiad tai neu ganran o weithwyr a phoblogaeth yn achos datblygiadau cyflogaeth.

Nid oes unrhyw sôn o gwbl am y Gymraeg yn y Profion Cadernid. Os mai nod y Cynllun yw “'hyrwyddo'r Gymraeg a'i diwylliant” oni ddylai hynny fod yn rhan o
Brofion Cadernid?


Mae Cymdeithas yr Iaith yn rhannu’r farn gyffredin i’r Cynllun Datblygu Lleol presennol fod yn fethiant, ac roeddem yn gobeithio y byddai’r Cyngor achub ar y
cyfle pellach hwn i lunio cynllun diwygiedig a fyddai’n newid cyfeiriad trwy flaenoriaethu lles cymunedau ledled y Sir a rhoi lle canolog i’r Gymraeg.

Siomedig felly yw gweld strategaeth gorfforaethol sydd yn canolbwyntio ar gyflawni ychydig o ddatblygiadau yn ne a dwyrain y Sir yn hytrach na rhaglen arloesol o hyrwyddo datblygiadau a chyfleoedd cyflogaeth ar raddfa llai ledled Sir Gaerfyrddin.

Teimlwn yn gryf fod diffyg tystiolaeth o ran y dyraniadau tai a safleoedd cyflogaeth. Nid yw gobaith ac uchelgais yr un peth â thystiolaeth.
Croesawn rai o’r camau y mae’r Cyngor am eu gwneud i liniaru ac asesu effaith datblygiadau ar yr iaith ond mae cryn dipyn o waith i’w wneud o hyd, a’r pryder yw y
caiff buddiannau cymunedau Cymraeg eu gosod yn ail i amcanion strategaeth adfywio’r Cyngor Sir, strategaeth sydd yn ei hanfod yn edrych yn hen ffasiwn erbyn

Rhanbarth Caerfyrddin, Cymdeithas yr Iaith Ebrill 2023

Cymdeithas yr Iaith - Carmarthen Region's response to consultation on Carmarthenshire’s Deposit Revised Local Development Plan 2018 - 2033

Initial comments

We recognise that the objectives of the Revised Local Development Plan (LDP) are ambitious and that the County Council's aspiration to facilitate high quality job creation is commendable.
Having said that and having analysed the relevant documents, we must raise serious concerns about the impact of the scheme on the Welsh language and some of Carmarthenshire’s communities and areas where the Welsh language is at its strongest.

We believe that key elements of the revised plan are not based on hard evidence, and that there is a long way to go to ensure a viable future for the Welsh language before the Council submits the Deposit Scheme to the Government. There is no analysis of how creating a significant number of jobs in one corner of the county can achieve the goal of preventing the severe exodus of young people from our communities across the county. A fundamental mistake is that the Plan treats economic regeneration and language and community regeneration as two separate things instead of giving detailed consideration into what kind of economic development will best benefit the language and our communities.

Although "protecting, enhancing and promoting the Welsh language and cultural identity" is one of the Strategic Objectives of the Plan, the content of the Plan itself does not reflect that.

Furthermore, the Council's Welsh Language Promotion Strategy includes the aim of making Welsh the main language of the county. The LDP does not refer to that at all and works against it.

Housing needs and population projections

As with the second original Plan, it is difficult not to conclude that the County Council asked how much housing would be needed to achieve the objectives of its regeneration strategy, as the number of houses is based on Turley's Housing and Economic Growth (Population Growth) Report.

The plan recognises that there has been a significant decline in the number of Welsh speakers in recent decades, therefore one must ask why the second LDP is based on a ten-year projection in Turley's Housing and Economic Growth (Population Growth) Report.
The first LDP was also based on a population projection, and it planned for growth.

The Deposit Plan expects a growth of 14,468 in the County's population and that 8,822 houses are needed to achieve an objective of creating 4,140 jobs.

We disagree with the Preferred Option, which is a Balanced Community and Sustainable Growth Strategy.

Focusing growth in two areas in the east of the county, the Llanelli Coastal Belt and the Ammanford / Cross Hands area, will encourage an influx through the creation of commuter villages.

The Report on the Initial Consultation states, in response to Cymdeithas yr Iaith's comments regarding concerns about basing a Local Development Plan on an economic plan:

"Further evidence will be produced to inform the economic needs of the County and its impacts upon the County's housing needs."

The Welsh Government's comments regarding the original consultation also state:

"Further evidence and explanation is required to explain how and where the level of job growth will be delivered, including both strategic and non strategic allocations. It is unclear what the level of employment provision is and for what sector and how this
translates into a land requirement for employment uses. The current employment evidence base is inconsistent and unclear.

"The authority must fully justify/evidence that the growth levels are directed to the most sustainable places, related to the scale and location of housing need, not impacting negatively on the Welsh language and is realistic and deliverable."

There is no reference in the latest documents to further evidence of impact nor to needs arising from economic developments.

The council should co-produce a regular Community Assessment in all areas of the county with communities as equal partners.

The Welsh Language

Although a "Welsh Language Impact Assessment, December 2019" has now been published it appears that Carmarthenshire's Draft Deposit Revised LDP - Welsh Language Impact Assessment, 2023, is not available.
This would be the most relevant evidence regarding the Welsh language.

Policy, Welsh Language and Culture

The wording of policy SP8 is a cause for concern:

"Development proposals which have a detrimental impact on the vitality and viability of the Welsh language and culture will not be permitted unless the impact can be mitigated."

By requiring mitigation measures it is recognised that there is a negative impact on the Welsh language, and according to their definition, any mitigation measures will not prevent a negative impact but rather minimise that impact.

Cymdeithas yr Iaith welcomes the County Council's decision to designate the whole county as a linguistically sensitive area again but the Plan needs to reflect the vulnerability of those communities, by basing the Plan on housing need.

Whilst agreeing with the objective of clause 11.174 to create jobs and opportunities to enable people to stay in the county, we disagree that the growth being planned is "sustainable" and that the Plan will "maximise opportunities for non-Welsh speakers who move to the County to be integrated into community life at a scale and pace that will not undermine the vitality and viability of the Welsh language and culture."
We are concerned that clause 11.176 states that:
"…will seek to ensure that development occurs at a rate which can be absorbed and assimilated without damaging the character of the community."

"Seeking to ensure" is contrary to the principle in clause 11.174 that integration will be on a sustainable scale.

WL1: Welsh Language and New Developments

It is encouraging that the policy itself is clear that the intention of the Welsh Language Action Plan would be to set out measures "to safeguard, promote and enhance the Welsh language", but clause 11.179 refers to the Action Plan’s "mitigation measures", which suggests that it is mitigation measures that are actually in mind.

In addition, we again note that the council's Welsh Language Promotion Strategy sets a goal of making Welsh the primary language of the county, which does not accord with policy WL1.

It is also encouraging that the policy sets expectations for the Welsh Language Action Plan to show that the development contributes positively to Welsh language groups in the area.

It is unclear what would be considered a "large-scale" development and whether it would qualify to prepare a Welsh Language Impact Assessment.

We believe that specific figures are needed in this case, and that an additional percentage of housing is identified in the case of a housing development or a percentage of employees and population in the case of employment developments.

There is absolutely no mention of Welsh in the Tests of Soundness. If the aim of the Plan is to "promote the Welsh language and its culture" shouldn't that be part of Tests of Soundness?


Cymdeithas yr Iaith shares the common view that the current LDP has been a failure, and we hoped that the Council would take this further opportunity to produce a revised plan that would change direction by prioritising the wellbeing of communities across the County and placing the Welsh language at its heart.

It is therefore disappointing to see a corporate strategy that focuses on delivering a few developments in the south and east of the County rather than an innovative programme of promoting smaller-scale employment developments and opportunities across Carmarthenshire.

We strongly feel that there is a lack of evidence on housing allocations and employment sites.

Hope and ambition are not the same thing as evidence.
We welcome some of the steps the Council wants to take to mitigate and assess the impact of developments on the language but there is still a long way to go, and we are concerned that the interests of Welsh-speaking communities will be placed second to the objectives of the County Council's regeneration strategy, a strategy that essentially looks outdated now.

Cymdeithas yr Iaith, Carmarthen Region April 2023


Our response:

Credir bod y gwrthwynebiad yn ymwneud â'r defnydd o fesurau lliniaru sy'n cael eu hystyried yn anghydnaws â'r nod cyffredinol i ddiogelu, hyrywddo a gwella'r iaieth Gymraeg. Ond gall fesurau lliniaru cael eu defnyddio i amddiffyn yr iaith rhag effeithiau datblygiadau.

It is believed that the objection relates to the use of mitigation measures which are not considered compatible with the overall aim to safeguard, promote and enhance the Welsh language. However, mitigation measures can be used to protect the Welsh language from he impacts of development.


Second Deposit LDP

Representation ID: 5931

Received: 14/04/2023

Respondent: Rhanbarth Sir Gâr Cymdeithas yr Iaith

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Dydy hi ddim yn glir beth fyddai'n cael ei ystyried yn ddatblygiad ar "raddfa fawr" ac a fyddai'n gymwys i baratoi Asesiad o'r Effaith ar y Gymraeg.
Credwn bod angen ffigyrau penodol yn yr achos yma, a nodi canran ychwanegol o dai yn achos datblygiad tai neu ganran o weithwyr a phoblogaeth yn achos datblygiadau cyflogaeth.
Nid oes unrhyw sôn o gwbl am y Gymraeg yn y Profion Cadernid. Os mai nod y Cynllun yw “'hyrwyddo'r Gymraeg a'i diwylliant” oni ddylai hynny fod yn rhan o Brofion Cadernid?
It is unclear what would be considered a "large-scale" development and whether it would qualify to prepare a Welsh Language Impact Assessment.

We believe that specific figures are needed in this case, and that an additional percentage of housing is identified in the case of a housing development or a percentage of employees and population in the case of employment developments.

There is absolutely no mention of Welsh in the Tests of Soundness. If the aim of the Plan is to "promote the Welsh language and its culture" shouldn't that be part of Tests of Soundness?

Change suggested by respondent:

Nid oes unrhyw newid wedi'i nodi.
No change specified.

Full text:

Ymateb Rhanbarth Caerfyrddin Cymdeithas yr Iaith i ymgynghoriad ar Gynllun Datblygu Lleol Diwygiedig Adneuo Sir Gaerfyrddin 2018-2033
Sylwadau cychwynnol

Cydnabyddwn fod amcanion y Cynllun Datblygu Lleol Diwygiedig yn uchelgeisiol a bod dyhead y Cyngor Sir i hwyluso creu swyddi o ansawdd uchel yn un clodwiw.
Wedi dweud hynny a wedi dadansoddi’r dogfennau perthnasol, rhaid i ni fynegi pryderon difrifol am effaith y cynllun ar y Gymraeg a rhai o gymunedau ac ardaloedd
Cymreiciaf Sir Gâr.

Credwn nad yw elfennau allweddol o’r cynllun diwygiedig yn seiliedig ar dystiolaeth gadarn, a bod tipyn o waith i’w wneud i sicrhau dyfodol hyfyw i’r Gymraeg cyn i’r
Cyngor gyflwyno’r Cynllun Adneuo i’r Llywodraeth. Nid oes unrhyw ddadansoddiad o sut y gall creu nifer sylweddol o swyddi mewn un gornel o’r sir gyflawni’r nod o atal yr
allfudiad difrifol o bobl ifainc o’n cymunedau ledled y sir. Camgymeriad sylfaenol yw fod y Cynllun yn trin adfywiad economaidd ac adfywiad iaith a chymunedol fel dau
beth ar wahân yn lle ystyriaeth fanwl o ba fath ar ddatblygu economaidd a fydd o fudd pennaf i’r iaith ac i’n cymunedau.

Er bod "gwarchod, gwella a hyrwyddo'r Gymraeg a hunaniaeth ddiwylliannol" yn un o Amcanion Strategol y Cynllun dydy cynnwys y Cynllun ei hun ddim yn adlewyrchu

Ymhellach, mae Strategaeth Hybu’r Gymraeg y Cyngor yn cynnwys y nod o wneud y Gymraeg yn brif iaith y sir. Dydy’r Cynllun Datblygu Lleol ddim yn cyfeirio at hynny o
gwbl, ac yn gweithio yn erbyn hynny.

Anghenion tai ac amcanestyniadau poblogaeth

Fel gyda’r yr ail Gynllun gwrieddiol, mae’n anodd peidio â dod i’r casgliad i’r Cyngor Sir ofyn faint o dai fyddai eu hangen er mwyn cyflawni amcanion ei strategaeth
adfywio gan fod nifer y tai wedi ei seilio ar Adroddiad Tai a Thwf Economaidd (Twf Poblogaeth) Turley.

Mae’r cynllun yn cydnabod y bu dirywiad sylweddol yn nifer y siaradwyr Cymraeg dros y degawdau diwethaf, felly rhaid gofyn pam bod yr ail Gynllun Datblygu Lleol wedi ei seilio ar amcanestyniad deng mlynedd yn Adroddiad Tai a Thwf Economaidd (Twf Poblogaeth) Turley.
Roedd y Cynllun Datblygu Lleol cyntaf wedi ei seilio ar amcanestyniad poblogaeth hefyd, ac yn cynllunio ar gyfer twf.

Mae’r Cynllun Adneuo’n disgwyl twf o 14,468 ym mhoblogaeth y Sir a bod angen 8,822 o dai er mwyn cyflawni amcan o greu 4,140 o swyddi.

Anghytunwn gyda'r Opsiwn a Ffefrir, sef Strategaeth Twf Cynaliadwy a Chymuned Gytbwys felly.

Bydd canolbwyntio'r twf mewn dwy ardal yn nwyrain y sir, Llain Arfordirol Llanelli ac ardal Rhydaman / Cross Hands, yn annog mewnlifiad trwy greu pentrefi cymudwyr.

Mae'r Adroddiad ar yr Ymgynghoriad Cychwynnol yn nodi, mewn ymateb i sylwadau Cymdeithas yr Iaith i bryderon am seilio Cynllun Datblygu Lleol ar gynllun economaidd:

"Further evidence will be produced to inform the economic needs of the County and its impacts upon the County's housing needs."

Mae sylwadau Llywodraeth Cymru i’r ymgynghoriad gwreiddiol hefyd yn nodi:
“Further evidence and explanation is required to explain how and where the level of job growth will be delivered, including both strategic and non strategic allocations. It
is unclear what the level of employment provision is and for what sector and how this translates into a land requirement for employment uses. The current employment evidence base is inconsistent and unclear.

“The authority must fully justify/evidence that the growth levels are directed to the most sustainable places, related to the scale and location of housing need, not impacting negatively on the Welsh language and is realistic and deliverable.”

Does dim cyfeiriad yn y dogfennau diweddaraf at dystiolaeth bellach o effaith nac anghenion yn sgil datblygiadau economaidd.

Dylai’r cyngor gyd-gynhyrchu Asesiad Cymunedol rheolaidd ym mhob ardal o'r sir gyda chymunedau fel partneriaid cyfartal.

Y Gymraeg
Er bod “Asesiad Effaith ar yr Iaith Gymraeg, Rhagfyr 2019” bellach wedi ei gyhoeddi ymddengys nad yw Asesiad o Effaith CDLl diwygiedig Adneuo Drafft Sir Gaerfyrddin
ar y Gymraeg, 2023, ar gael.
Dyma fyddai’r dystiolaeth fwyaf perthnasol o ran y Gymraeg.

Polisi, Y Gymraeg a Diwylliant Cymru

Mae geiriad polisi SP8 yn achos pryder:

“Ni fydd cynigion datblygu sy'n cael effaith anfanteisiol ar fywiogrwydd a hyfywedd y Gymraeg a diwylliant Cymru'n cael eu caniatáu oni bai y gellir lliniaru'r effaith.”

Trwy fynnu mesurau lliniaru mae cydnabod bod effaith negyddol i’r Gymraeg, ac yn unol â’u diffiniad, nid atal effaith negyddol fydd unrhyw fesurau lliniaru ond lleihau’r effaith hynny.

Mae Cymdeithas yr Iaith yn croesawu penderfyniad y Cyngor Sir i ddynodi’r sir gyfan yn ardal yn ieithyddol sensitif eto ond mae angen i’r Cynllun adlewyrchu mor fregus yw’r cymunedau hynny, trwy seilio’r Cynllun ar angen am dai.

Tra yn cytuno ag amcan cymal 11.174 i greu swyddi a chyfleoedd er mwyn galluogi pobl i aros yn y sir anghytunwn bod y twf sy'n cael ei gynllunio yn "gynaliadwy" ac y bydd y Cynllun yn "cynyddu i'r eithaf y cyfleoedd i siaradwyr di-Gymraeg sy'n symud i mewn i'r Sir gael eu hintegreiddio i fywyd cymunedol ar raddfa a chyflymder na fydd yn tanseilio bywiogrwydd a hyfywedd y Gymraeg a diwylliant Cymru.”

Pryderwn bod cymal 11.176 yn nodi y bydd:

“ceisio sicrhau bod datblygu'n mynd rhagddo ar raddfa y gellir ei derbyn a'i chymhathu heb niweidio cymeriad y gymuned.”

Mae “ceisio sicrhau” yn groes i’r egwyddor yng nghymal 11.174 y bydd integreiddio ar raddfa gynaliadwy.

WL1: Y Gymraeg a Datblygiadau Newydd

Mae'n galonogol bod y polisi ei hun yn glir mai bwriad y Cynllun Gweithredu Iaith Gymraeg fyddai nodi mesurau "i ddiogelu, hyrwyddo a gwella'r Gymraeg", ond mae
cymal 11.179 yn cyfeirio at “fesurau lliniaru” Cynllun Gweithredu, sy’n awgrym mai mesurau lliniaru sydd mewn golwg mewn gwirionedd.

Yn ogystal, nodwn eto bod Strategaeth Hybu’r Gymraeg y cyngor yn gosod nod o wneud y Gymraeg yn brif iaith y sir, ac nad yw polisi WL1 yn cyd-fynd â hynny.

Mae’n galonogol hefyd bod y polisi yn rhoi disgwyliadau bod Cynllun Gweithredu Iaith Gymraeg yn dangos bod y datblygiad yn cyfrannu’n gadarnhaol i grwpiau iaith
Gymraeg yn yr ardal.

Dydy hi ddim yn glir beth fyddai'n cael ei ystyried yn ddatblygiad ar "raddfa fawr" ac a fyddai'n gymwys i baratoi Asesiad o'r Effaith ar y Gymraeg.

Credwn bod angen ffigyrau penodol yn yr achos yma, a nodi canran ychwanegol o dai yn achos datblygiad tai neu ganran o weithwyr a phoblogaeth yn achos datblygiadau cyflogaeth.

Nid oes unrhyw sôn o gwbl am y Gymraeg yn y Profion Cadernid. Os mai nod y Cynllun yw “'hyrwyddo'r Gymraeg a'i diwylliant” oni ddylai hynny fod yn rhan o
Brofion Cadernid?


Mae Cymdeithas yr Iaith yn rhannu’r farn gyffredin i’r Cynllun Datblygu Lleol presennol fod yn fethiant, ac roeddem yn gobeithio y byddai’r Cyngor achub ar y
cyfle pellach hwn i lunio cynllun diwygiedig a fyddai’n newid cyfeiriad trwy flaenoriaethu lles cymunedau ledled y Sir a rhoi lle canolog i’r Gymraeg.

Siomedig felly yw gweld strategaeth gorfforaethol sydd yn canolbwyntio ar gyflawni ychydig o ddatblygiadau yn ne a dwyrain y Sir yn hytrach na rhaglen arloesol o hyrwyddo datblygiadau a chyfleoedd cyflogaeth ar raddfa llai ledled Sir Gaerfyrddin.

Teimlwn yn gryf fod diffyg tystiolaeth o ran y dyraniadau tai a safleoedd cyflogaeth. Nid yw gobaith ac uchelgais yr un peth â thystiolaeth.
Croesawn rai o’r camau y mae’r Cyngor am eu gwneud i liniaru ac asesu effaith datblygiadau ar yr iaith ond mae cryn dipyn o waith i’w wneud o hyd, a’r pryder yw y
caiff buddiannau cymunedau Cymraeg eu gosod yn ail i amcanion strategaeth adfywio’r Cyngor Sir, strategaeth sydd yn ei hanfod yn edrych yn hen ffasiwn erbyn

Rhanbarth Caerfyrddin, Cymdeithas yr Iaith Ebrill 2023

Cymdeithas yr Iaith - Carmarthen Region's response to consultation on Carmarthenshire’s Deposit Revised Local Development Plan 2018 - 2033

Initial comments

We recognise that the objectives of the Revised Local Development Plan (LDP) are ambitious and that the County Council's aspiration to facilitate high quality job creation is commendable.
Having said that and having analysed the relevant documents, we must raise serious concerns about the impact of the scheme on the Welsh language and some of Carmarthenshire’s communities and areas where the Welsh language is at its strongest.

We believe that key elements of the revised plan are not based on hard evidence, and that there is a long way to go to ensure a viable future for the Welsh language before the Council submits the Deposit Scheme to the Government. There is no analysis of how creating a significant number of jobs in one corner of the county can achieve the goal of preventing the severe exodus of young people from our communities across the county. A fundamental mistake is that the Plan treats economic regeneration and language and community regeneration as two separate things instead of giving detailed consideration into what kind of economic development will best benefit the language and our communities.

Although "protecting, enhancing and promoting the Welsh language and cultural identity" is one of the Strategic Objectives of the Plan, the content of the Plan itself does not reflect that.

Furthermore, the Council's Welsh Language Promotion Strategy includes the aim of making Welsh the main language of the county. The LDP does not refer to that at all and works against it.

Housing needs and population projections

As with the second original Plan, it is difficult not to conclude that the County Council asked how much housing would be needed to achieve the objectives of its regeneration strategy, as the number of houses is based on Turley's Housing and Economic Growth (Population Growth) Report.

The plan recognises that there has been a significant decline in the number of Welsh speakers in recent decades, therefore one must ask why the second LDP is based on a ten-year projection in Turley's Housing and Economic Growth (Population Growth) Report.
The first LDP was also based on a population projection, and it planned for growth.

The Deposit Plan expects a growth of 14,468 in the County's population and that 8,822 houses are needed to achieve an objective of creating 4,140 jobs.

We disagree with the Preferred Option, which is a Balanced Community and Sustainable Growth Strategy.

Focusing growth in two areas in the east of the county, the Llanelli Coastal Belt and the Ammanford / Cross Hands area, will encourage an influx through the creation of commuter villages.

The Report on the Initial Consultation states, in response to Cymdeithas yr Iaith's comments regarding concerns about basing a Local Development Plan on an economic plan:

"Further evidence will be produced to inform the economic needs of the County and its impacts upon the County's housing needs."

The Welsh Government's comments regarding the original consultation also state:

"Further evidence and explanation is required to explain how and where the level of job growth will be delivered, including both strategic and non strategic allocations. It is unclear what the level of employment provision is and for what sector and how this
translates into a land requirement for employment uses. The current employment evidence base is inconsistent and unclear.

"The authority must fully justify/evidence that the growth levels are directed to the most sustainable places, related to the scale and location of housing need, not impacting negatively on the Welsh language and is realistic and deliverable."

There is no reference in the latest documents to further evidence of impact nor to needs arising from economic developments.

The council should co-produce a regular Community Assessment in all areas of the county with communities as equal partners.

The Welsh Language

Although a "Welsh Language Impact Assessment, December 2019" has now been published it appears that Carmarthenshire's Draft Deposit Revised LDP - Welsh Language Impact Assessment, 2023, is not available.
This would be the most relevant evidence regarding the Welsh language.

Policy, Welsh Language and Culture

The wording of policy SP8 is a cause for concern:

"Development proposals which have a detrimental impact on the vitality and viability of the Welsh language and culture will not be permitted unless the impact can be mitigated."

By requiring mitigation measures it is recognised that there is a negative impact on the Welsh language, and according to their definition, any mitigation measures will not prevent a negative impact but rather minimise that impact.

Cymdeithas yr Iaith welcomes the County Council's decision to designate the whole county as a linguistically sensitive area again but the Plan needs to reflect the vulnerability of those communities, by basing the Plan on housing need.

Whilst agreeing with the objective of clause 11.174 to create jobs and opportunities to enable people to stay in the county, we disagree that the growth being planned is "sustainable" and that the Plan will "maximise opportunities for non-Welsh speakers who move to the County to be integrated into community life at a scale and pace that will not undermine the vitality and viability of the Welsh language and culture."
We are concerned that clause 11.176 states that:
"…will seek to ensure that development occurs at a rate which can be absorbed and assimilated without damaging the character of the community."

"Seeking to ensure" is contrary to the principle in clause 11.174 that integration will be on a sustainable scale.

WL1: Welsh Language and New Developments

It is encouraging that the policy itself is clear that the intention of the Welsh Language Action Plan would be to set out measures "to safeguard, promote and enhance the Welsh language", but clause 11.179 refers to the Action Plan’s "mitigation measures", which suggests that it is mitigation measures that are actually in mind.

In addition, we again note that the council's Welsh Language Promotion Strategy sets a goal of making Welsh the primary language of the county, which does not accord with policy WL1.

It is also encouraging that the policy sets expectations for the Welsh Language Action Plan to show that the development contributes positively to Welsh language groups in the area.

It is unclear what would be considered a "large-scale" development and whether it would qualify to prepare a Welsh Language Impact Assessment.

We believe that specific figures are needed in this case, and that an additional percentage of housing is identified in the case of a housing development or a percentage of employees and population in the case of employment developments.

There is absolutely no mention of Welsh in the Tests of Soundness. If the aim of the Plan is to "promote the Welsh language and its culture" shouldn't that be part of Tests of Soundness?


Cymdeithas yr Iaith shares the common view that the current LDP has been a failure, and we hoped that the Council would take this further opportunity to produce a revised plan that would change direction by prioritising the wellbeing of communities across the County and placing the Welsh language at its heart.

It is therefore disappointing to see a corporate strategy that focuses on delivering a few developments in the south and east of the County rather than an innovative programme of promoting smaller-scale employment developments and opportunities across Carmarthenshire.

We strongly feel that there is a lack of evidence on housing allocations and employment sites.

Hope and ambition are not the same thing as evidence.
We welcome some of the steps the Council wants to take to mitigate and assess the impact of developments on the language but there is still a long way to go, and we are concerned that the interests of Welsh-speaking communities will be placed second to the objectives of the County Council's regeneration strategy, a strategy that essentially looks outdated now.

Cymdeithas yr Iaith, Carmarthen Region April 2023


Our response:

Bydd y Canllaw Cynllunio Atodol ar yr iaith Gymraeg yn rhoi gwybodaeth pellach ynghylch y polisi. Gellir rhoi ystyriaeth pellach i hyn yn ystod yr archwiliad.
Y mae'r profion cadernid yn mater i'w hystyried tu allan i'r archwiliad.

The SPG on the Welsh language will provide additional information on the policy. Further consideration can be given to the matter during the examination.
The tests of soundness is a matter to be considered outside of the examination.