Second Deposit LDP

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Second Deposit LDP


Representation ID: 4636

Received: 03/03/2023

Respondent: Melyn Ltd

Agent: Mr Joe Ayoubkhani

Representation Summary:

Support is given to the Deposit LDP where it states: “The close cross border relationship of the area to those communities in Ceredigion is noted, as is the role that settlements such as Llandysul, Lampeter and Cardigan play to the communities in this area. This relationship is recognised in various policy documents, and is a key consideration in the distribution and supply of homes within the 2nd Deposit LDP”.

Change suggested by respondent:

No change to the Plan.

Full text:

10.21 Teifi Cluster
We support the Deposit LDP where it states: “The close cross border relationship
of the area to those communities in Ceredigion is noted, as is the role that
settlements such as Llandysul, Lampeter and Cardigan play to the communities in
this area. This relationship is recognised in various policy documents, and is a key
consideration in the distribution and supply of homes within the 2nd Deposit LDP” continued


Our response:

Comments welcomed


Second Deposit LDP

Strategic Policy – SP3: Sustainable Distribution – Settlement Framework

Representation ID: 4637

Received: 03/03/2023

Respondent: Melyn Ltd

Agent: Mr Joe Ayoubkhani

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Yes

Representation Summary:

Although the Deposit LDP does not require any explicit amendments, it is important to note that Cwmann scored highly in the Strategic Spatial Options and Settlement Hierarchy Topic Paper. The RLDP should make explicit reference to the close functional relationship between Cwmann and Lampeter.

Given its designation as a Sustainable Village in close proximity and with a sustainable functional linkage to Lampeter, Cwmann should be allocated sufficient housing reflective of its position, in line with guidance in PPW and to align with the WBFG Act.

Change suggested by respondent:

Reference the close functional relationship between Cwmann and Lampeter.

Full text:

10.21 Teifi Cluster
We support the Deposit LDP where it states: “The close cross border relationship
of the area to those communities in Ceredigion is noted, as is the role that
settlements such as Llandysul, Lampeter and Cardigan play to the communities in
this area. This relationship is recognised in various policy documents, and is a key
consideration in the distribution and supply of homes within the 2nd Deposit LDP” continued


Our response:

The policies and proposals of the Revised LDP are considered sound and deliverable emerging from a robust evidence base and having been formulated with regard to, and in a manner consistent with the Integrated Sustainability Appraisal.

The settlements concerned have been allocated sufficient housing in accordance with the spatial hierarchy and is sufficiently evidenced within background and topic papers.


Second Deposit LDP


Representation ID: 4638

Received: 03/03/2023

Respondent: Melyn Ltd

Agent: Mr Joe Ayoubkhani

Representation Summary:

Support is given the allocation of the site, which is owned by Melyn Ltd. An Illustrative Masterplan has been included, and studies in respect of transport and ecology at the site have been undertaken. The site is deliverable, is sustainably located and does not have any constraints. There is also evidence of demand for properties in Cwmann.

Change suggested by respondent:

No change to the Plan.

Full text:

10.21 Teifi Cluster
We support the Deposit LDP where it states: “The close cross border relationship
of the area to those communities in Ceredigion is noted, as is the role that
settlements such as Llandysul, Lampeter and Cardigan play to the communities in
this area. This relationship is recognised in various policy documents, and is a key
consideration in the distribution and supply of homes within the 2nd Deposit LDP” continued


Our response:

Support welcomed.

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