Second Deposit LDP

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Second Deposit LDP

EME3: Employment Proposals on Allocated Sites

Representation ID: 5446

Received: 14/04/2023

Respondent: Welsh Government

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Yes

Representation Summary:

A Representation was made to the First Deposit Revised LDP in 2020 to include land in the ownership of the Welsh Government (WG) and adjoining land, (now in the ownership of Marelli) to be allocated as employment land. The land in the ownership of WG is shown as proposed employment land in the 2nd Deposit Revised LDP (ref PrC2/E2(i)). However, the Marelli Land is not. This representation is for the Marelli land to be also allocated for employment use (Reference AS2/086/004).
The WG considers that the Marelli land represents a suitable and sustainable location for development. Development on this site will strive to meet the goals of the WBFGA and policy 28 of Future Wales. The site is also considered to align with key objectives of WG’s PDP and therefore will meet the requirements for appropriate WG funding required to provide the necessary site infrastructure for future private and public sector commercial /industrial investment.

Change suggested by respondent:

Include Marelli Land as part of the employment allocation PrC2/E2(i)

Full text:

A Deposit Revised LDP Representation was made on 01/10/20 to include land in the ownership of the Welsh Government (WG) and adjoining land in the ownership of Calsonic Kansei (Now Marelli) to be allocated as employment land. The land in the ownership of WG is shown as proposed employment land in the 2nd Deposit Revised Carmarthenshire Local Development Plan 2018-2033. However, the Marelli Land is not. This representation is for the Marelli land to be also allocated for employment use.
WG own the freehold interest in an undeveloped site of circa 12 acres situated on the Dafen Industrial Park, Llanelli, an established commercial/industrial location. In 2022, surveys and ground investigation works were undertaken with the aim of preparing a master plan and a planning application. This landholding adjoins a further undeveloped site to the north under the ownership of Marelli (as shown edged red on the first attached plan). Together, the two sites (totalling approximately 25 acres, (shown edged red on the second attached plan) lie on the edge of the existing and proposed employment areas at Dafen Industrial Park, comprising approx. 56 acres of B1, B2 and B8 allocated land, the vast majority of which is developed.
Dafen Industrial Park is considered a sustainable location, situated approximately 1 mile to the North East of Llanelli Town Centre and is easily accessed via Llethri Road, which links to the A4138 and in turn to the M4 motorway via junction 48. It
accommodates a range of established occupiers including Marelli, Prima Foods
UK and Yodel.
The Welsh Governments Property Development Plan (PDP) recognises that there
is a shortage of readily available sites for industrial/commercial development
throughout Wales and considers that the Marelli (in addition to the WG land)
should be allocated for development within the emerging Carmarthenshire LDP
for B1, B2 and B8 use.
The PDP seeks to deliver approximately 1.6 million sq. ft. of new premises and
450 acres of investment ready employment sites across Wales over the next
seven years. WG consider that this site would make a valuable contribution to the
overall employment land supply required to achieve the PDP’s overarching
In addition to the Investment already being made to being forward the WG land for
employment use, WG has commenced negotiations to acquire the Marelli land.
Following acquisition, it aims to undertake surveys and ground investination works
on this land, in the same way that has already occured on the WG land. This
would allow a master plan to be prepared for the two areas and ensure that the
development layout better accommodates development on the two areas.
Policy 28 of Future Wales (the National Plan for Wales) sets out that Swansea Bay
and Llanelli is a National Growth Area, with text highlighting that “Local
Development Plans should recognise the National Growth Area as the focus for
strategic economic and housing growth”. This is also recognised in Strategic Policy
1 of the Deposit LDP.
In summary, WG considers that the Marelli land represents a suitable and
sustainable location for development. Development on this site will strive to meet
the goals of of the WBFGA and policy 28 of Future Wales. The site is also
considered to align with key objectives of WG’s PDP and therefore will meet the
requirements for appropriate WG funding required to provide the necessary site
infrastructure for future private and public sector commercial /industrial
investment. As such, WG considers its proposals for this site are viable and
deliverable within the next Plan period and would meet all the tests for soundness
required for inclusion within the LDP.


Our response:

Disagree. There is sufficient and more appropriate land available for employment purposes within the settlement to accommodate its employment need.

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