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Second Deposit LDP

BHE2: Landscape Character

Representation ID: 5182

Received: 13/04/2023

Respondent: Llangadog Community Council

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Representation Summary:

On checking the current Revised Local Development Plan, it was clear that the Special Landscape Areas in the LDP, for Llangadog had been omitted? And not only omitted for the Llangadog area but omitted on all of the original 18 areas in the previous LDP. On questioning the reasons as to why, it was given that the SLAs would be “ replaced with policy BHE2- intended to maintain, protect and where appropriate enhance the character and quality of the landscape – The intention is to strengthen our policies on landscapes.”

Change suggested by respondent:

Include SLAs in the Plan

Full text:

I write on behalf of the Llangadog Community Council, who attended the Drop-In Session on 7th March 2023, at Llangadog Community Centre.

On checking the current Revised Local Development Plan, it was clear that the Special Landscape Areas in the LDP, for Llangadog had been omitted? And not only omitted for the Llangadog area but omitted on all of the original 18 areas in the previous LDP. On questioning the reasons as to why, it was given that the SLAs would be “ replaced with policy BHE2- intended to maintain, protect and where appropriate enhance the character and quality of the landscape – The intention is to strengthen our policies on landscapes.”

We are greatly concerned about these changes were not in place before the Revised Plan was published. Until the Carmarthenshire County Council can produce a stronger policy to protect ANOB both locally in Llangadog and throughout the county, we therefore urgently request that all the Special Landscape Areas on the previous LDP are re-instated into the Revised Local Development Plan before it is finalised.


Our response:

The Plan seeks to recognise the high quality landscapes across the plan area and will be supported by a Landscape Character Assessment which will seek to characterise landscape importance and inform future decision making. Those areas currently identified as Special Landscape Areas will be fully considered as part of the Landscape Character Assessment. This will be prepared and published as Supplementary Planning Guidance for adoption concurrent with the Plan.

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