Second Deposit LDP

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Second Deposit LDP


Representation ID: 5578

Received: 13/04/2023

Respondent: Cilymaenllwyd Community Council

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Nid gwrthwynebiad i’r datblygiadau arfaethedig yw’r sylwadau hyn ond apêl cymuned am waith datblygu sydd yn sensitif i anghenion a chymeriad y gymuned.
Mae'r pwyntiau a godwyd yn cynnwys:
- mae tai Efailwen a Glandy Cross yn cael problemau gyda’u cyflenwad dŵr yn achlysurol oherwydd gwasgedd dŵr isel iawn,
- yr effaith diwyllianol, ieithyddol a chymunedol ar y pentref a’r gymuned ehangach.
- Dylid rhoi blaenoriaeth I bobl sy’n cael ei geni yn yr ardal.
- Dylid adeiladu tai fforddiadwy ar safleoedd.

Mae Cyngor Cymuned Cilymaenllwyd yn awyddus i wneud y gymuned yn lle dymunol i’w phobl leol fyw a gweithio ynddi; cynyddu’r cyfleoedd i bobl allu cyfrannu’n gadarnhaol mewn ffordd gynaliadwy a diogel er mwyn gwarchod y gymuned ar gyfer y genhedlaeth nesaf. I allu gwneud hynny, rhaid i’r Cynllun Datblygu Lleol allu cefnogi hynny.
Whilst the comments are not objections, they are a community appeal for development that is sensitive to the needs and character of the community.
Points raised include:
- Houses in Efailwen & Glandy Cross have occasional problems with water supply due to low water pressure.
- The effect on the culture, language on the village and the wider community
- Prioiry should be given to housing people born in the area.
- Affordable housing should be built on sites.

Cilymaenllwyd Community Council is keen to make the community a desirable place for its local people to live and work; increase opportunities for people to be able to contribute positively in a sustainable and safe way to protect the community for the next generation. To be able to do that, the LDS must be able to support that.

Change suggested by respondent:

Ni nodwyd unrhyw newid penodol
No specific change noted

Full text:

Sylwadau cyffredinol yw’r canlynol, gan Gyngor Cymuned Cilymaenllwyd yn ymateb i’r ymgynghoriad ar Ail Gynllun Datblygu Lleol Adneuo Diwygiedig Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin.

Mae’r sylwadau yn perthyn yn benodol i’r 3 safle o fewn cymuned Cilymaenllwyd a ddyrannwyd yng Nghlwstwr 6, fel y nodwyd yn nhabl 23 (tudalen 87 o’r ddogfen ymgynghorol), sef:

SuV44/h1 Tir i gefn o Talar Wen
SuV55/h2 Tir i gefn Maes Glas
SuV55/hs Tir i’r Gogledd o Dafarn Cross Inn

I ddechrau, mae tai Efailwen a Glandy Cross yn cael problemau gyda’u cyflenwad dŵr yn achlysurol oherwydd gwasgedd dŵr isel iawn, yn enwedig mewn cyfnodau o sychder, sy’n creu llawer o rwystredigaeth ymysg trigolion. Mae hyn felly’n codi’r cwestiwn a all y datblygiadau arfaethaedig yn y safleoedd dan sylw ymdopi â’r galw cynyddol hwn am ddŵr? Mae'r systemau carthffosiaeth yn hunangynaliadwy ond mae'r system ddŵr yn barod o dan straen. Teimlir nad yw'r isadeiledd presennol yn ddigonol fel ag y mae. Mae’r pridd hefyd yn yr ardal yn llawn clai sy’n achosi problemau draenio a allai achosi llawer o ddŵr i gronni ar y ffyrdd mewn cyfnodau o law trwm.

Rhaid hefyd ystyried yr effaith ddiwyllianol, ieithyddol a chymunedol ar y pentref a’r gymuned ehangach. Mae sawl tŷ ar werth yn y pentref ar hyn o bryd a nifer helaeth o'r rhain wedi’u prynu eisioes gan bobl sydd wedi symud i'r ardal, gan amlaf yn ddi-Gymraeg. Mae natur ieithyddol yr ysgol gynradd leol o ganlyniad wedi newid yn syfrdanol ers y 5 mlynedd diwetha.

Fodd bynnag, mae nifer o'r tai sydd ar werth yn ddrud ac nid ydynt yn cael eu hystyried yn dai fforddiadwy. Efallai byddai’r datblygiad yn denu, neu’n galluogi pobl leol a theuluoedd â chanddyn nhw blant ifanc, i brynu, aros neu ddychwelyd i'r ardal, am bris teg wrth gwrs.

Teimlir yn gryf bod angen ystyried sut bydd y Cyngor Sir yn mynd ati i roi blaenoriaeth i bobl leol sydd wedi cael eu magu yn yr ardal. Ni fyddai datblygwr sy’n adeiladu tai ar y tir, ac yna’n eu gwerthu ymlaen am bris sydd y tu hwnt i gyrraedd pobl leol, yn datrys y sefyllfa o gwbl. Efallai y byddai’n fuddiol i’r Cyngor ystyried y posibilrwydd o adeiladu tai i’w rhentu am bris teg wrth wneud yn siwr mai pobl sydd wedi cael eu codi ac yn gweitho yn yr ardal fyddai’n cael blaenoriaeth. Nid oes tai cyngor ar gael yn yr ardal am eu bod wedi cael eu gwerthu. Pe byddai hyn yn opsiwn byddai’n rhaid gwneud yn siwr bod polisi lleol mewn grym i wneud yn siwr mai pobl leol byddai’n cael cynnig y tai hyn. Mewn nifer o ardaloedd mae adeiladu tai wedi arwain at gynyddu niferoedd y mewnfudwyr i’r ardal a cholli ein pobl a’n teuluoedd ifanc – cylch na all cymunedau gwledig ei reoli na dylanwadu arno ar hyn o bryd.

Ategir y sylwadau uchod drachefn: os yw’n fwriad i fwrw ymlaen â’r datblygiadau hyn yn y 3 safle uchod, mae’n hanfodol bwysig eu bod yn dai fforddiadwy er mwyn cadw ein pobl ifanc yn yr ardal. Modd llwyddiannus byddai cynnig tai ar rent. Pwy fydd yn cael y contract adeiladu? Yn aml mae’r rhain yn mynd i gwmnïoedd mawr, nid adeiladwyr lleol, felly ddim yn cefnogi’r economi leol. Beth am effaith y mewnlifiad ar ein diwylliant? Yn aml mae pobl o bant yn prynu, yn enwedig gyda phobl erbyn hyn yn gallu gweithio gartref, gan fod y tai yn llawer rhatach yn y parthau hyn o gymharu â’r ardaloedd maen nhw’n symud oddi wrthyn nhw. Mae’r effaith i’w weld yn amlwg ar ein cymuned a’i Chymreictod yn erydu o un ddegawd i’r llall.

Mae cyfrifiad 2022 yn dangos bod 51% o drigolion Cilymaenllwyd yn siarad Cymraeg a 53% yn gallu siarad, darllen neu ysgrifennu Cymraeg. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, mae angen blaengynllunio cyfrifol a gofalus iawn a gosod polisïau fydd yn cefnogi pobl leol i allu aros yn lleol, yn hytrach na’u gwthio allan o fro eu mebyd. Mae angen i’r polisïau a’r cynlluniau fod yn rhai sydd wir yn gwarchod yr hyn sydd gyda ni; nid rhai sy’n cyfrannu at ddirywiad diwylliannol a ieithyddol pellach.

Nid gwrthwynebiad i’r datblygiadau arfaethedig yw’r sylwadau hyn ond apêl cymuned am waith datblygu sydd yn sensitif i anghenion a chymeriad y gymuned; sy’n ychwanegu at gynaliadwyedd y gymuned; sy’n ateb anghenion ein pobl leol; nid gwaith datblygu a allai arwain at newid cymeriad unigryw’r gymuned.

Mae Cyngor Cymuned Cilymaenllwyd yn awyddus i wneud y gymuned yn lle dymunol i’w phobl leol fyw a gweithio ynddi; cynyddu’r cyfleoedd i bobl allu cyfrannu’n gadarnhaol mewn ffordd gynaliadwy a diogel er mwyn gwarchod y gymuned ar gyfer y genhedlaeth nesaf. I allu gwneud hynny, rhaid i’r Cynllun Datblygu Lleol allu cefnogi hynny.

Teimlwn ei bod yn bwysig bod Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin yn clywed llais cymuned Cilymaenllwyd ynglŷn â’r Cynllun Datblygu hwn, a mawr obeithiwn y bydd y sylwadau hyn yn cael ystyriaeth deilwng.

The following are general comments by Cilymaenllwyd Community Council, responding to the consultation on Carmarthenshire County Council’s Second Deposit Revised Local Development Plan.

The comments relate specifically to the three sites within the community of Cilymaenllwyd that were allocated in Cluster 6, as noted in table 23 (page 87 of the consultation document), namely:

SuV44/h1 Land to the rear of Talar Wen
SuV55/h2 Land to the rear of Maes Glas
SuV55/hs Land to the north of the Cross Inn Pub

To begin, the houses of Efailwen and Glandy Cross occasionally have problems with their water supply, due to very low water pressure, especially in periods of drought, which causes much frustration among residents. Therefore, this raises the question of whether the proposed developments on the sites in question can cope with this increasing demand for water? The sewerage systems are self-sustainable but the water system is already under strain. It is felt that the current infrastructure is insufficient as it is. Also, the soil in the area is full of clay, which causes drainage problems that could cause a lot of water to accumulate on the roads during periods of heavy rain.

The cultural, linguistic and community effect on the village and wider community must also be considered. There are currently several houses for sale in the village and a vast number of houses have already been bought by people who have moved to the area, usually non-Welsh speakers. As a result, the linguistic nature of the local primary school has changed significantly in the last five years.

However, many of the houses that are for sale are expensive and they are not considered to be affordable housing. The development may attract or enable local people and families who have young children to buy, stay or return to the area, for a fair price of course.

It is strongly felt that there is a need to consider how the County Council will give priority to local people who have been raised in the area. A developer who builds houses on the land, and then sells them on for a price that is beyond the reach of local people, will not solve the situation at all. It may be beneficial for the Council to consider the possibility of building houses to be rented for a fair price, ensuring that people who have been raised and who work in the area have priority. There are no council houses available in the area as they have been sold. If this were an option, it would have to be ensured that there is a local policy in place to ensure that local people would be offered these houses. In many areas, building houses has led to increasing the number of immigrants to the area and losing our young people and families – a circle that rural communities cannot currently control or influence.

The above comments are reiterated: if it is intended to proceed with these developments on the three sites above, it is crucially important that they are affordable housing, in order to keep our young people in the area. A successful method would be to offer houses for rent. Who will have the building contract? These often go to large companies, not local builders, and therefore do not support the local economy. What about the effect of the influx on our culture? Often, people from away buy the houses, especially now that people can work from home, as they are much cheaper in these parts compared to the areas that they are moving from. The effect is clearly seen on our community and its Welshness, which is eroding from one decade to the next.

The 2022 census shows that 51% of the residents of Cilymaenllwyd speak Welsh and that 53% can speak, read or write Welsh. With this in mind, there is need for very responsible and careful forward planning and imposing policies that will support local people to be able to stay locally, rather than push them out of the area where they were raised. The policies and plans need to protect what we have, not contribute to further cultural and linguistic decline.

These comments are not an objection to the proposed developments but the appeal of a community for development work that is sensitive to the needs and character of the community; that adds to the sustainability of the community; that answers the needs of our local people; not development work that could lead to changing the unique character of the community.

Cilymaenllwyd Community Council is eager to make the community a pleasant place for its local people to live and work and increase the opportunities for people to be able to contribute positively in a sustainable and safe way, in order to protect the community for the next generation. To be able to do this, the Local Development Plant must be able to support that.

We feel that it is important that Carmarthenshire County Council hears the voice of the community of Cilymaenllwyd regarding this Development Plan and we very much hope that these comments will receive worthy consideration.


Our response:

Yn anghytuno, mae dyraniad y safle o fewn y CDLl at ddibenion preswyl wedi cael ei ystyried yn llawn drwy'r fethodoleg asesu safle. Fel rhan o'r broses asesu hon paratowyd pro fforma safle manwl.

Disagree, the allocation of the site within the LDP for residential purposes has been subject to full consideration through the site assessment methodology. As part of this assessment process a detailed site pro forma has been prepared.


Second Deposit LDP


Representation ID: 5579

Received: 13/04/2023

Respondent: Cilymaenllwyd Community Council

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Nid gwrthwynebiad i’r datblygiadau arfaethedig yw’r sylwadau hyn ond apêl cymuned am waith datblygu sydd yn sensitif i anghenion a chymeriad y gymuned.
Mae'r pwyntiau a godwyd yn cynnwys:
- mae tai Efailwen a Glandy Cross yn cael problemau gyda’u cyflenwad dŵr yn achlysurol oherwydd gwasgedd dŵr isel iawn,
- yr effaith diwyllianol, ieithyddol a chymunedol ar y pentref a’r gymuned ehangach.
- Dylid rhoi blaenoriaeth I bobl sy’n cael ei geni yn yr ardal.
- Dylid adeiladu tai fforddiadwy ar safleoedd.

Mae Cyngor Cymuned Cilymaenllwyd yn awyddus i wneud y gymuned yn lle dymunol i’w phobl leol fyw a gweithio ynddi; cynyddu’r cyfleoedd i bobl allu cyfrannu’n gadarnhaol mewn ffordd gynaliadwy a diogel er mwyn gwarchod y gymuned ar gyfer y genhedlaeth nesaf. I allu gwneud hynny, rhaid i’r Cynllun Datblygu Lleol allu cefnogi hynny.
Whilst the comments are not objections, they are a community appeal for development that is sensitive to the needs and character of the community.
Points raised include:
- Houses in Efailwen & Glandy Cross have occasional problems with water supply due to low water pressure.
- The effect on the culture, language on the village and the wider community
- Prioiry should be given to housing people born in the area.
- Affordable housing should be built on sites.

Cilymaenllwyd Community Council is keen to make the community a desirable place for its local people to live and work; increase opportunities for people to be able to contribute positively in a sustainable and safe way to protect the community for the next generation. To be able to do that, the LDS must be able to support that.

Change suggested by respondent:

Ni nodwyd unrhyw newid penodol
No specific change noted

Full text:

Sylwadau cyffredinol yw’r canlynol, gan Gyngor Cymuned Cilymaenllwyd yn ymateb i’r ymgynghoriad ar Ail Gynllun Datblygu Lleol Adneuo Diwygiedig Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin.

Mae’r sylwadau yn perthyn yn benodol i’r 3 safle o fewn cymuned Cilymaenllwyd a ddyrannwyd yng Nghlwstwr 6, fel y nodwyd yn nhabl 23 (tudalen 87 o’r ddogfen ymgynghorol), sef:

SuV44/h1 Tir i gefn o Talar Wen
SuV55/h2 Tir i gefn Maes Glas
SuV55/hs Tir i’r Gogledd o Dafarn Cross Inn

I ddechrau, mae tai Efailwen a Glandy Cross yn cael problemau gyda’u cyflenwad dŵr yn achlysurol oherwydd gwasgedd dŵr isel iawn, yn enwedig mewn cyfnodau o sychder, sy’n creu llawer o rwystredigaeth ymysg trigolion. Mae hyn felly’n codi’r cwestiwn a all y datblygiadau arfaethaedig yn y safleoedd dan sylw ymdopi â’r galw cynyddol hwn am ddŵr? Mae'r systemau carthffosiaeth yn hunangynaliadwy ond mae'r system ddŵr yn barod o dan straen. Teimlir nad yw'r isadeiledd presennol yn ddigonol fel ag y mae. Mae’r pridd hefyd yn yr ardal yn llawn clai sy’n achosi problemau draenio a allai achosi llawer o ddŵr i gronni ar y ffyrdd mewn cyfnodau o law trwm.

Rhaid hefyd ystyried yr effaith ddiwyllianol, ieithyddol a chymunedol ar y pentref a’r gymuned ehangach. Mae sawl tŷ ar werth yn y pentref ar hyn o bryd a nifer helaeth o'r rhain wedi’u prynu eisioes gan bobl sydd wedi symud i'r ardal, gan amlaf yn ddi-Gymraeg. Mae natur ieithyddol yr ysgol gynradd leol o ganlyniad wedi newid yn syfrdanol ers y 5 mlynedd diwetha.

Fodd bynnag, mae nifer o'r tai sydd ar werth yn ddrud ac nid ydynt yn cael eu hystyried yn dai fforddiadwy. Efallai byddai’r datblygiad yn denu, neu’n galluogi pobl leol a theuluoedd â chanddyn nhw blant ifanc, i brynu, aros neu ddychwelyd i'r ardal, am bris teg wrth gwrs.

Teimlir yn gryf bod angen ystyried sut bydd y Cyngor Sir yn mynd ati i roi blaenoriaeth i bobl leol sydd wedi cael eu magu yn yr ardal. Ni fyddai datblygwr sy’n adeiladu tai ar y tir, ac yna’n eu gwerthu ymlaen am bris sydd y tu hwnt i gyrraedd pobl leol, yn datrys y sefyllfa o gwbl. Efallai y byddai’n fuddiol i’r Cyngor ystyried y posibilrwydd o adeiladu tai i’w rhentu am bris teg wrth wneud yn siwr mai pobl sydd wedi cael eu codi ac yn gweitho yn yr ardal fyddai’n cael blaenoriaeth. Nid oes tai cyngor ar gael yn yr ardal am eu bod wedi cael eu gwerthu. Pe byddai hyn yn opsiwn byddai’n rhaid gwneud yn siwr bod polisi lleol mewn grym i wneud yn siwr mai pobl leol byddai’n cael cynnig y tai hyn. Mewn nifer o ardaloedd mae adeiladu tai wedi arwain at gynyddu niferoedd y mewnfudwyr i’r ardal a cholli ein pobl a’n teuluoedd ifanc – cylch na all cymunedau gwledig ei reoli na dylanwadu arno ar hyn o bryd.

Ategir y sylwadau uchod drachefn: os yw’n fwriad i fwrw ymlaen â’r datblygiadau hyn yn y 3 safle uchod, mae’n hanfodol bwysig eu bod yn dai fforddiadwy er mwyn cadw ein pobl ifanc yn yr ardal. Modd llwyddiannus byddai cynnig tai ar rent. Pwy fydd yn cael y contract adeiladu? Yn aml mae’r rhain yn mynd i gwmnïoedd mawr, nid adeiladwyr lleol, felly ddim yn cefnogi’r economi leol. Beth am effaith y mewnlifiad ar ein diwylliant? Yn aml mae pobl o bant yn prynu, yn enwedig gyda phobl erbyn hyn yn gallu gweithio gartref, gan fod y tai yn llawer rhatach yn y parthau hyn o gymharu â’r ardaloedd maen nhw’n symud oddi wrthyn nhw. Mae’r effaith i’w weld yn amlwg ar ein cymuned a’i Chymreictod yn erydu o un ddegawd i’r llall.

Mae cyfrifiad 2022 yn dangos bod 51% o drigolion Cilymaenllwyd yn siarad Cymraeg a 53% yn gallu siarad, darllen neu ysgrifennu Cymraeg. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, mae angen blaengynllunio cyfrifol a gofalus iawn a gosod polisïau fydd yn cefnogi pobl leol i allu aros yn lleol, yn hytrach na’u gwthio allan o fro eu mebyd. Mae angen i’r polisïau a’r cynlluniau fod yn rhai sydd wir yn gwarchod yr hyn sydd gyda ni; nid rhai sy’n cyfrannu at ddirywiad diwylliannol a ieithyddol pellach.

Nid gwrthwynebiad i’r datblygiadau arfaethedig yw’r sylwadau hyn ond apêl cymuned am waith datblygu sydd yn sensitif i anghenion a chymeriad y gymuned; sy’n ychwanegu at gynaliadwyedd y gymuned; sy’n ateb anghenion ein pobl leol; nid gwaith datblygu a allai arwain at newid cymeriad unigryw’r gymuned.

Mae Cyngor Cymuned Cilymaenllwyd yn awyddus i wneud y gymuned yn lle dymunol i’w phobl leol fyw a gweithio ynddi; cynyddu’r cyfleoedd i bobl allu cyfrannu’n gadarnhaol mewn ffordd gynaliadwy a diogel er mwyn gwarchod y gymuned ar gyfer y genhedlaeth nesaf. I allu gwneud hynny, rhaid i’r Cynllun Datblygu Lleol allu cefnogi hynny.

Teimlwn ei bod yn bwysig bod Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin yn clywed llais cymuned Cilymaenllwyd ynglŷn â’r Cynllun Datblygu hwn, a mawr obeithiwn y bydd y sylwadau hyn yn cael ystyriaeth deilwng.

The following are general comments by Cilymaenllwyd Community Council, responding to the consultation on Carmarthenshire County Council’s Second Deposit Revised Local Development Plan.

The comments relate specifically to the three sites within the community of Cilymaenllwyd that were allocated in Cluster 6, as noted in table 23 (page 87 of the consultation document), namely:

SuV44/h1 Land to the rear of Talar Wen
SuV55/h2 Land to the rear of Maes Glas
SuV55/hs Land to the north of the Cross Inn Pub

To begin, the houses of Efailwen and Glandy Cross occasionally have problems with their water supply, due to very low water pressure, especially in periods of drought, which causes much frustration among residents. Therefore, this raises the question of whether the proposed developments on the sites in question can cope with this increasing demand for water? The sewerage systems are self-sustainable but the water system is already under strain. It is felt that the current infrastructure is insufficient as it is. Also, the soil in the area is full of clay, which causes drainage problems that could cause a lot of water to accumulate on the roads during periods of heavy rain.

The cultural, linguistic and community effect on the village and wider community must also be considered. There are currently several houses for sale in the village and a vast number of houses have already been bought by people who have moved to the area, usually non-Welsh speakers. As a result, the linguistic nature of the local primary school has changed significantly in the last five years.

However, many of the houses that are for sale are expensive and they are not considered to be affordable housing. The development may attract or enable local people and families who have young children to buy, stay or return to the area, for a fair price of course.

It is strongly felt that there is a need to consider how the County Council will give priority to local people who have been raised in the area. A developer who builds houses on the land, and then sells them on for a price that is beyond the reach of local people, will not solve the situation at all. It may be beneficial for the Council to consider the possibility of building houses to be rented for a fair price, ensuring that people who have been raised and who work in the area have priority. There are no council houses available in the area as they have been sold. If this were an option, it would have to be ensured that there is a local policy in place to ensure that local people would be offered these houses. In many areas, building houses has led to increasing the number of immigrants to the area and losing our young people and families – a circle that rural communities cannot currently control or influence.

The above comments are reiterated: if it is intended to proceed with these developments on the three sites above, it is crucially important that they are affordable housing, in order to keep our young people in the area. A successful method would be to offer houses for rent. Who will have the building contract? These often go to large companies, not local builders, and therefore do not support the local economy. What about the effect of the influx on our culture? Often, people from away buy the houses, especially now that people can work from home, as they are much cheaper in these parts compared to the areas that they are moving from. The effect is clearly seen on our community and its Welshness, which is eroding from one decade to the next.

The 2022 census shows that 51% of the residents of Cilymaenllwyd speak Welsh and that 53% can speak, read or write Welsh. With this in mind, there is need for very responsible and careful forward planning and imposing policies that will support local people to be able to stay locally, rather than push them out of the area where they were raised. The policies and plans need to protect what we have, not contribute to further cultural and linguistic decline.

These comments are not an objection to the proposed developments but the appeal of a community for development work that is sensitive to the needs and character of the community; that adds to the sustainability of the community; that answers the needs of our local people; not development work that could lead to changing the unique character of the community.

Cilymaenllwyd Community Council is eager to make the community a pleasant place for its local people to live and work and increase the opportunities for people to be able to contribute positively in a sustainable and safe way, in order to protect the community for the next generation. To be able to do this, the Local Development Plant must be able to support that.

We feel that it is important that Carmarthenshire County Council hears the voice of the community of Cilymaenllwyd regarding this Development Plan and we very much hope that these comments will receive worthy consideration.


Our response:

Yn anghytuno, mae dyraniad y safle o fewn y CDLl at ddibenion preswyl wedi cael ei ystyried yn llawn drwy'r fethodoleg asesu safle. Fel rhan o'r broses asesu hon paratowyd pro fforma safle manwl.

Disagree, the allocation of the site within the LDP for residential purposes has been subject to full consideration through the site assessment methodology. As part of this assessment process a detailed site pro forma has been prepared.


Second Deposit LDP


Representation ID: 5580

Received: 13/04/2023

Respondent: Cilymaenllwyd Community Council

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Nid gwrthwynebiad i’r datblygiadau arfaethedig yw’r sylwadau hyn ond apêl cymuned am waith datblygu sydd yn sensitif i anghenion a chymeriad y gymuned.
Mae'r pwyntiau a godwyd yn cynnwys:
- mae tai Efailwen a Glandy Cross yn cael problemau gyda’u cyflenwad dŵr yn achlysurol oherwydd gwasgedd dŵr isel iawn,
- yr effaith diwyllianol, ieithyddol a chymunedol ar y pentref a’r gymuned ehangach.
- Dylid rhoi blaenoriaeth I bobl sy’n cael ei geni yn yr ardal.
- Dylid adeiladu tai fforddiadwy ar safleoedd.

Mae Cyngor Cymuned Cilymaenllwyd yn awyddus i wneud y gymuned yn lle dymunol i’w phobl leol fyw a gweithio ynddi; cynyddu’r cyfleoedd i bobl allu cyfrannu’n gadarnhaol mewn ffordd gynaliadwy a diogel er mwyn gwarchod y gymuned ar gyfer y genhedlaeth nesaf. I allu gwneud hynny, rhaid i’r Cynllun Datblygu Lleol allu cefnogi hynny.

Whilst the comments are not objections, they are a community appeal for development that is sensitive to the needs and character of the community.
Points raised include:
- Houses in Efailwen & Glandy Cross have occasional problems with water supply due to low water pressure.
- The effect on the culture, language on the village and the wider community
- Prioiry should be given to housing people born in the area.
- Affordable housing should be built on sites.

Cilymaenllwyd Community Council is keen to make the community a desirable place for its local people to live and work; increase opportunities for people to be able to contribute positively in a sustainable and safe way to protect the community for the next generation. To be able to do that, the LDS must be able to support that.

Change suggested by respondent:

Ni nodwyd unrhyw newid penodol
No specific change noted

Full text:

Sylwadau cyffredinol yw’r canlynol, gan Gyngor Cymuned Cilymaenllwyd yn ymateb i’r ymgynghoriad ar Ail Gynllun Datblygu Lleol Adneuo Diwygiedig Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin.

Mae’r sylwadau yn perthyn yn benodol i’r 3 safle o fewn cymuned Cilymaenllwyd a ddyrannwyd yng Nghlwstwr 6, fel y nodwyd yn nhabl 23 (tudalen 87 o’r ddogfen ymgynghorol), sef:

SuV44/h1 Tir i gefn o Talar Wen
SuV55/h2 Tir i gefn Maes Glas
SuV55/hs Tir i’r Gogledd o Dafarn Cross Inn

I ddechrau, mae tai Efailwen a Glandy Cross yn cael problemau gyda’u cyflenwad dŵr yn achlysurol oherwydd gwasgedd dŵr isel iawn, yn enwedig mewn cyfnodau o sychder, sy’n creu llawer o rwystredigaeth ymysg trigolion. Mae hyn felly’n codi’r cwestiwn a all y datblygiadau arfaethaedig yn y safleoedd dan sylw ymdopi â’r galw cynyddol hwn am ddŵr? Mae'r systemau carthffosiaeth yn hunangynaliadwy ond mae'r system ddŵr yn barod o dan straen. Teimlir nad yw'r isadeiledd presennol yn ddigonol fel ag y mae. Mae’r pridd hefyd yn yr ardal yn llawn clai sy’n achosi problemau draenio a allai achosi llawer o ddŵr i gronni ar y ffyrdd mewn cyfnodau o law trwm.

Rhaid hefyd ystyried yr effaith ddiwyllianol, ieithyddol a chymunedol ar y pentref a’r gymuned ehangach. Mae sawl tŷ ar werth yn y pentref ar hyn o bryd a nifer helaeth o'r rhain wedi’u prynu eisioes gan bobl sydd wedi symud i'r ardal, gan amlaf yn ddi-Gymraeg. Mae natur ieithyddol yr ysgol gynradd leol o ganlyniad wedi newid yn syfrdanol ers y 5 mlynedd diwetha.

Fodd bynnag, mae nifer o'r tai sydd ar werth yn ddrud ac nid ydynt yn cael eu hystyried yn dai fforddiadwy. Efallai byddai’r datblygiad yn denu, neu’n galluogi pobl leol a theuluoedd â chanddyn nhw blant ifanc, i brynu, aros neu ddychwelyd i'r ardal, am bris teg wrth gwrs.

Teimlir yn gryf bod angen ystyried sut bydd y Cyngor Sir yn mynd ati i roi blaenoriaeth i bobl leol sydd wedi cael eu magu yn yr ardal. Ni fyddai datblygwr sy’n adeiladu tai ar y tir, ac yna’n eu gwerthu ymlaen am bris sydd y tu hwnt i gyrraedd pobl leol, yn datrys y sefyllfa o gwbl. Efallai y byddai’n fuddiol i’r Cyngor ystyried y posibilrwydd o adeiladu tai i’w rhentu am bris teg wrth wneud yn siwr mai pobl sydd wedi cael eu codi ac yn gweitho yn yr ardal fyddai’n cael blaenoriaeth. Nid oes tai cyngor ar gael yn yr ardal am eu bod wedi cael eu gwerthu. Pe byddai hyn yn opsiwn byddai’n rhaid gwneud yn siwr bod polisi lleol mewn grym i wneud yn siwr mai pobl leol byddai’n cael cynnig y tai hyn. Mewn nifer o ardaloedd mae adeiladu tai wedi arwain at gynyddu niferoedd y mewnfudwyr i’r ardal a cholli ein pobl a’n teuluoedd ifanc – cylch na all cymunedau gwledig ei reoli na dylanwadu arno ar hyn o bryd.

Ategir y sylwadau uchod drachefn: os yw’n fwriad i fwrw ymlaen â’r datblygiadau hyn yn y 3 safle uchod, mae’n hanfodol bwysig eu bod yn dai fforddiadwy er mwyn cadw ein pobl ifanc yn yr ardal. Modd llwyddiannus byddai cynnig tai ar rent. Pwy fydd yn cael y contract adeiladu? Yn aml mae’r rhain yn mynd i gwmnïoedd mawr, nid adeiladwyr lleol, felly ddim yn cefnogi’r economi leol. Beth am effaith y mewnlifiad ar ein diwylliant? Yn aml mae pobl o bant yn prynu, yn enwedig gyda phobl erbyn hyn yn gallu gweithio gartref, gan fod y tai yn llawer rhatach yn y parthau hyn o gymharu â’r ardaloedd maen nhw’n symud oddi wrthyn nhw. Mae’r effaith i’w weld yn amlwg ar ein cymuned a’i Chymreictod yn erydu o un ddegawd i’r llall.

Mae cyfrifiad 2022 yn dangos bod 51% o drigolion Cilymaenllwyd yn siarad Cymraeg a 53% yn gallu siarad, darllen neu ysgrifennu Cymraeg. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, mae angen blaengynllunio cyfrifol a gofalus iawn a gosod polisïau fydd yn cefnogi pobl leol i allu aros yn lleol, yn hytrach na’u gwthio allan o fro eu mebyd. Mae angen i’r polisïau a’r cynlluniau fod yn rhai sydd wir yn gwarchod yr hyn sydd gyda ni; nid rhai sy’n cyfrannu at ddirywiad diwylliannol a ieithyddol pellach.

Nid gwrthwynebiad i’r datblygiadau arfaethedig yw’r sylwadau hyn ond apêl cymuned am waith datblygu sydd yn sensitif i anghenion a chymeriad y gymuned; sy’n ychwanegu at gynaliadwyedd y gymuned; sy’n ateb anghenion ein pobl leol; nid gwaith datblygu a allai arwain at newid cymeriad unigryw’r gymuned.

Mae Cyngor Cymuned Cilymaenllwyd yn awyddus i wneud y gymuned yn lle dymunol i’w phobl leol fyw a gweithio ynddi; cynyddu’r cyfleoedd i bobl allu cyfrannu’n gadarnhaol mewn ffordd gynaliadwy a diogel er mwyn gwarchod y gymuned ar gyfer y genhedlaeth nesaf. I allu gwneud hynny, rhaid i’r Cynllun Datblygu Lleol allu cefnogi hynny.

Teimlwn ei bod yn bwysig bod Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin yn clywed llais cymuned Cilymaenllwyd ynglŷn â’r Cynllun Datblygu hwn, a mawr obeithiwn y bydd y sylwadau hyn yn cael ystyriaeth deilwng.

The following are general comments by Cilymaenllwyd Community Council, responding to the consultation on Carmarthenshire County Council’s Second Deposit Revised Local Development Plan.

The comments relate specifically to the three sites within the community of Cilymaenllwyd that were allocated in Cluster 6, as noted in table 23 (page 87 of the consultation document), namely:

SuV44/h1 Land to the rear of Talar Wen
SuV55/h2 Land to the rear of Maes Glas
SuV55/hs Land to the north of the Cross Inn Pub

To begin, the houses of Efailwen and Glandy Cross occasionally have problems with their water supply, due to very low water pressure, especially in periods of drought, which causes much frustration among residents. Therefore, this raises the question of whether the proposed developments on the sites in question can cope with this increasing demand for water? The sewerage systems are self-sustainable but the water system is already under strain. It is felt that the current infrastructure is insufficient as it is. Also, the soil in the area is full of clay, which causes drainage problems that could cause a lot of water to accumulate on the roads during periods of heavy rain.

The cultural, linguistic and community effect on the village and wider community must also be considered. There are currently several houses for sale in the village and a vast number of houses have already been bought by people who have moved to the area, usually non-Welsh speakers. As a result, the linguistic nature of the local primary school has changed significantly in the last five years.

However, many of the houses that are for sale are expensive and they are not considered to be affordable housing. The development may attract or enable local people and families who have young children to buy, stay or return to the area, for a fair price of course.

It is strongly felt that there is a need to consider how the County Council will give priority to local people who have been raised in the area. A developer who builds houses on the land, and then sells them on for a price that is beyond the reach of local people, will not solve the situation at all. It may be beneficial for the Council to consider the possibility of building houses to be rented for a fair price, ensuring that people who have been raised and who work in the area have priority. There are no council houses available in the area as they have been sold. If this were an option, it would have to be ensured that there is a local policy in place to ensure that local people would be offered these houses. In many areas, building houses has led to increasing the number of immigrants to the area and losing our young people and families – a circle that rural communities cannot currently control or influence.

The above comments are reiterated: if it is intended to proceed with these developments on the three sites above, it is crucially important that they are affordable housing, in order to keep our young people in the area. A successful method would be to offer houses for rent. Who will have the building contract? These often go to large companies, not local builders, and therefore do not support the local economy. What about the effect of the influx on our culture? Often, people from away buy the houses, especially now that people can work from home, as they are much cheaper in these parts compared to the areas that they are moving from. The effect is clearly seen on our community and its Welshness, which is eroding from one decade to the next.

The 2022 census shows that 51% of the residents of Cilymaenllwyd speak Welsh and that 53% can speak, read or write Welsh. With this in mind, there is need for very responsible and careful forward planning and imposing policies that will support local people to be able to stay locally, rather than push them out of the area where they were raised. The policies and plans need to protect what we have, not contribute to further cultural and linguistic decline.

These comments are not an objection to the proposed developments but the appeal of a community for development work that is sensitive to the needs and character of the community; that adds to the sustainability of the community; that answers the needs of our local people; not development work that could lead to changing the unique character of the community.

Cilymaenllwyd Community Council is eager to make the community a pleasant place for its local people to live and work and increase the opportunities for people to be able to contribute positively in a sustainable and safe way, in order to protect the community for the next generation. To be able to do this, the Local Development Plant must be able to support that.

We feel that it is important that Carmarthenshire County Council hears the voice of the community of Cilymaenllwyd regarding this Development Plan and we very much hope that these comments will receive worthy consideration.


Our response:

Yn anghytuno, mae dyraniad y safle o fewn y CDLl at ddibenion preswyl wedi cael ei ystyried yn llawn drwy'r fethodoleg asesu safle. Fel rhan o'r broses asesu hon paratowyd pro fforma safle manwl

Disagree, the allocation of the site within the LDP for residential purposes has been subject to full consideration through the site assessment methodology. As part of this assessment process a detailed site pro forma has been prepared

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