NE4: Development within the Caeau Mynydd Mawr SPG Area

Showing comments and forms 1 to 2 of 2


Second Deposit LDP

Representation ID: 4993

Received: 06/04/2023

Respondent: Mrs Wendy Evans

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Representation Summary:

Objection to Policy NE4: Development within the Caeau Mynydd Mawr SPG Area for the following reasons:
Site reference AS2/159/004. Land covered by candidate site SR/159/014 is included within a Coal Board Conveyance (in 1988) which contains covenants relating to the specific use of the land for the community’s recreation or amenity. It should therefore be placed into the Caeau Mynydd Mawr SPG area which does allow for potential development, albeit with special conditions is in contravention of the appropriate covenant, which is stated in the conveyance as being for eighty years from the date of the original conveyance (20th October 1988), hence active until 2068.

Change suggested by respondent:

Place candidate site within the Caeau Mynydd Mawr SPG area.

Full text:

In the 2018 LDP sites map, the whole of the land conveyed by the coal board was confirmed as being protected from development, and a 700+ residents petition delivered to Mr Ian R Llewelyn at the Carmarthenshire council offices confirmed the community support for this protection.

It is still necessary to include as protected from development the area bordered in red on

Attachment 2

There is an error in the current ldp map development outline ,

the two strips of land identified in

Attachment 3

formed part of the original conveyance of 1988 see

Attachment 4

these two parcels of land need to be placed outside the development limits and
included as being protected from development

Attachment 5

is an extract supplied by the coal board estates dept with a red hatched area clearly
showing the areas bordering Heol Brown, including the two strips of land referred to
above, as being included in the conveyance and hence covered by the relevant

Attachment 6

This land registry document confirms the registration of these two strips as being
part of the main parkland contained in the conveyance, and need to be registered as
protected from development along with the previously explained section within the
main green park area.

This needs to be confirmed as being the intention to comply with the perpetuity
period stipulated by the coal board to 2068 to safeguard from development this much
used and enjoyed open green space.


Our response:

The delineation of the Caeau Mynydd Mawr SPG area is based upon robust evidence. It is not considered appropriate to revise the area of coverage at this stage. Matter to be considered at Examination.


Second Deposit LDP

Representation ID: 5751

Received: 25/05/2023

Respondent: Natural Resources Wales

Representation Summary:

We support the inclusion of this policy and the supporting SPG. We welcome the commitment to prioritise contributions regarding the Caeau Mynydd Mawr SPG area, for the sites subject to the requirements of Policy NE4.

Change suggested by respondent:

No change to Plan

Full text:

Thank you for consulting Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru/National Resources Wales (NRW) on the above, which was received on 17 February 2023.

We welcome the opportunity to provide comments on your Second Deposit Revised

We support the intent of the plan’s policies and proposals to enable the delivery of sustainable development and ensure social, economic, environmental and cultural
well-being goals are all suitably balanced in the decision-making process, so the right development occurs in the right place.

We also acknowledge that you have taken on board advice from our previous correspondence which has enabled positive provisions in the second Deposit Plan
both in policy terms and regarding allocation of sites. However, there are issues with the latest draft which we feel challenge the Soundness of the Plan. These key
issues are highlighted below:
• SAC rivers / Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
• Flood risk regarding the following sites allocated for housing under Strategic Policy 4: A Sustainable Approach to Providing New Homes
PrC3/h33 Llys Dolgader
PrC3/h19 Land off Llys y Nant
SeC19/h1 Land at Park View, Whitland
Sec19/h2 Land at Whitland Creamery
• Flood risk regarding allocation - PrC2/GT1 – Land at Penyfan, Trostre, Llanelli, under Strategic Policy SP 10: Gypsy and Traveller provision.
• Biodiversity and ecosystem resilience regarding six allocations (two housing and four employment).
In addition, to matters of soundness we also advise that some refining/clarity be made to the plan in respect of several policies and supporting text to ensure the
robustness of the plan.

Our detailed comments on the plan and supporting documents can be found in the annexes to this letter.

Please note that our comments are without prejudice to any comments we may wish to make when consulted on any subsequent formal planning application submissions
to develop any of the land identified within the plan. At the time of any other consultation there may be new information available which we will need to consider
in providing our formal advice.

Finally, we look forward to continuing to work closely with you to progress the plan and trust these comments are of assistance. If you have any queries, or if you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at the above address.


Our response:

Support welcomed.