PSD5: Development and the Circular Economy

Showing comments and forms 1 to 2 of 2


Second Deposit LDP

Representation ID: 4777

Received: 11/04/2023

Respondent: The Home Builders Federation

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? Yes

Representation Summary:

Remove the requirement to require a 'natural materials management plan' as this is not supported by national policy.

Include these requirements in other policies in the plan such as PSD1.

Change suggested by respondent:

Rewording of and or clarification over what the policy requires in terms of formal documentation. However, HBF consider all of the identified asks could be included in the planning or the sustainability / placemaking statement, thus avoiding the need for another separate document.

Full text:

The HBF question the requirement for a 'natural materials management plan' a document which we have not come across before in a Development Plan in Wales or one which is supported by National Policy. Further we note that the dictionary definition of a material Management plan is as follows - A materials management plan (MMP) is a mechanism by which those who are developing a site can comply with Environment Agency regulations for excavated ground materials, this appears to be something very different to what the policy is looking to capture around the circular economy.

Again like other policy requirements in the plan this will unduly impact on smaller house builders, creating more up front work prior to planning.

Our response:

Disagree. Making best use of material resources and promoting the
Circular Economy is a key principle within Planning Policy Wales. Choices about the use of material resources should be based on making the most appropriate and sustainable use of finite resources and promoting the principles of a circular economy. It is considered that the submission of a natural materials management plan through Policy PSD5 will be an appropriate method to facilitate these requirements.


Second Deposit LDP

Representation ID: 5016

Received: 14/04/2023

Respondent: Gwyn Stacey

Representation Summary:

Highly support this policy. Requires a dedicated SPG to provide guidance, minimum standards and a framework for implementations and review. There are multiple organisations that can provide support on this, including Centre for Alternative Technology and WLGA. Please make contact if you wish to engage CAT as I am an employee.

Full text:

Highly support this policy. Requires a dedicated SPG to provide guidance, minimum standards and a framework for implementations and review. There are multiple organisations that can provide support on this, including Centre for Alternative Technology and WLGA. Please make contact if you wish to engage CAT as I am an employee.

Our response:

Support welcomed