PSD4: Green and Blue Infrastructure – Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

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Second Deposit LDP

Representation ID: 5741

Received: 25/05/2023

Respondent: Natural Resources Wales

Representation Summary:

PSD4: Green and Blue Infrastructure – Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows
We support the inclusion of this policy and the recognition of the importance of protecting these features. During our previous discussions we have expressed concern that development of several allocated sites would not reflect your policy to retain and extend tree cover. This is concerning considering Welsh Governments (WG) recent declaration on Climate Change and biodiversity.
Point 3 states “Provide appropriate compensation planting for unavoidable loss of trees, woodlands, and hedgerows to deliver overall enhancement to extent and cover.” We would welcome further details on this aspect.

Change suggested by respondent:

Amend Plan if necessary

Full text:

Thank you for consulting Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru/National Resources Wales (NRW) on the above, which was received on 17 February 2023.

We welcome the opportunity to provide comments on your Second Deposit Revised

We support the intent of the plan’s policies and proposals to enable the delivery of sustainable development and ensure social, economic, environmental and cultural
well-being goals are all suitably balanced in the decision-making process, so the right development occurs in the right place.

We also acknowledge that you have taken on board advice from our previous correspondence which has enabled positive provisions in the second Deposit Plan
both in policy terms and regarding allocation of sites. However, there are issues with the latest draft which we feel challenge the Soundness of the Plan. These key
issues are highlighted below:
• SAC rivers / Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
• Flood risk regarding the following sites allocated for housing under Strategic Policy 4: A Sustainable Approach to Providing New Homes
PrC3/h33 Llys Dolgader
PrC3/h19 Land off Llys y Nant
SeC19/h1 Land at Park View, Whitland
Sec19/h2 Land at Whitland Creamery
• Flood risk regarding allocation - PrC2/GT1 – Land at Penyfan, Trostre, Llanelli, under Strategic Policy SP 10: Gypsy and Traveller provision.
• Biodiversity and ecosystem resilience regarding six allocations (two housing and four employment).
In addition, to matters of soundness we also advise that some refining/clarity be made to the plan in respect of several policies and supporting text to ensure the
robustness of the plan.

Our detailed comments on the plan and supporting documents can be found in the annexes to this letter.

Please note that our comments are without prejudice to any comments we may wish to make when consulted on any subsequent formal planning application submissions
to develop any of the land identified within the plan. At the time of any other consultation there may be new information available which we will need to consider
in providing our formal advice.

Finally, we look forward to continuing to work closely with you to progress the plan and trust these comments are of assistance. If you have any queries, or if you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at the above address.


Our response:

Comment noted. This matter will be further considered during examination. A dedicated SPG is expected to support this policy. This will aim to clarify issues such as what will classify as appropriate compensation, and what is considered as unavoidable in line with the requirement set out in Point 3 (i.e., maximising the retention, protection, and integration of such GBI assets).


Second Deposit LDP

Representation ID: 5887

Received: 14/04/2023

Respondent: Cllr. Tyssul Evans

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Gorfodi tirfeddianwyr ac asianteithiau i ofyn am hawl cynllunio i blannu degau o erwau o goed yn arbennig ar dir ffermydd mwyaf ffrwythlon Sir Gar. Derbynir fod yna dir o ansawdd gwael sydd yn addas i blannu coed arno ond dylid gwarchod ein tir mwyaf ffrwythlon er mwyn diogelu tir fydd yn gallu cynhyrchu bwydydd yn y dyfodol.
Force landowners and agents to seek planning permission to plant tens of acres of trees especially on Carmarthenshire's most fertile farmland. It is accepted that there is poor quality land suitable to plant trees on but our most fertile land should be protected to protect land that will be able to produce foods in the future.

Change suggested by respondent:

Newid fel y nodir
Change as set out.

Full text:

FOLLOWING ON FROM the response which I am 100% supportive of which was forwarded to the department yesterday & presented by Cllr. Carys Jones on behalf of the 38 strong Plaid Cymru members of Carmarthenshire County Council I myself as the present Chairman of Carmarthenshire County Council’s Planning Committee wish to place on record these particular comments below which I personally am most concerned about within that document.

1) Creu mwy o degwch rhwng ceisiadau anghenion lleol/tai fforddiadwy i gymharu a cheisiadau DUP/OPD e.e. yr angen i greu cynllun busnes ymlaen llaw gyda tai fforddiadwy a thai anghenion lleol yn erbyn creu cynllun busnes 5 mlynedd ar ol derbyn caniatad gyda’r OPD’s.

2) Gyda amcanion Llywodraeth Llafur Cymru i gael miliwn o siaradwyr cymraeg dros y chwartref canrif nesa, amcan sydd i’w groesawi’n fawr : sicrhau trwy ddodi amodau llym ar bob cais yng nghefn gwlad fel ei bod yn mynd at ddibenion pobol ifanc sydd am aros a chodi cartref yn ei cymuned yn hytrach na gweld mwy o fewnlifiad yn enwedig o deuluoedd sydd am ymadael a’r dinasoedd a dod mas i gefn gwlad wrth iddynt baratoi ymddeol a thrwy hynny amddifadu teuluoedd ifanc lleol rhag gallu cystadlu yn y farchnad eiddo agored.

3) Mae dyletswydd arnom fel Adran Gynllunio sicrhau fod gweledigaeth ein aelodau etholedig ar draws Cymru yn derbyn cefnogaeth wrthym er mwyn mynd ati o ddifrif i hybu datblygiad ein iaith dros y genedl gyfan. Dylid ystyried a chofio mae yn y llefydd mwyaf gwledig ag anghysbell mae’n iaith gryfaf ac mae dyletswydd arnom i anog ein ieuenctid i sefyll yn y gymuned lle ei magwyd a thrwy iddynt wneud hynny sicrhau fod bywyd pob dydd y cymunedau gwledig hynny yn ffynnu a bod ysgolion, neuaddau a chapeli cefn gwlad ymysg pethau arall yn gwynebu sicrwydd cadarnhaol i’r dyfodol.

4) Rhoi’r mwy o gyfle i fobol ifanc sydd am sefydlu busnesau bach yn y gymuned lle ei magwyd i ddatblygu busnes o fewn ei cymunedau

5) Gorfodi tirfeddianwyr ac asianteithiau i ofyn am hawl cynllunio i blannu degau o erwau o goed yn arbennig ar dir ffermydd mwyaf ffrwythlon Sir Gar. Derbynir fod yna dir o ansawdd gwael sydd yn addas i blannu coed arno ond dylid gwarchod ein tir mwyaf ffrwythlon er mwyn diogelu tir fydd yn gallu cynhyrchu bwydydd yn y dyfodol.

6) Dod ‘nol ac adfeilion tai byw sydd wedi mynd yn adfael ond gyda’g amodau llym fod y defnydd yn mynd at anghenion pobol lleol a DDIM i’w gwerthu ymlaen a chreu mwy o fewnlifiad

7) Rhoi’r cyfle i greu mwy o pods, shepperd huts, safleoedd carafanau a thebyg yng nghefn gwlad hynny o bosib fel prosiectau arall gyfeirio ?

8) Rhoi hawl i bentrefi sydd bellach heb llinell datblygu ffurfiol i dyfu dipyn mwy na 10%, efallai lan at rhywle tebyg i 25% - 30% o dwf.


Our response:

Nodwyd y sylwadau
Comments noted.