INF3: Broadband and Telecommunications

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Second Deposit LDP

Representation ID: 4785

Received: 11/04/2023

Respondent: The Home Builders Federation

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? Yes

Representation Summary:

The requirements for new development to be served by high speed broad band are unnecessary as this is covered by Building Regulations, so is repeating other existing policy requirements.

Change suggested by respondent:

Remove unnecessary wording from the policy.

Full text:

The requirements for new development to be served by high speed broad band are unnecessary as this is covered by Building Regulations, so is repeating other existing policy requirements.

Our response:

Disagree, PPW Edition 12 para 5.2.23 specifically states "Planning authorities in urban and rural areas should include policies in their development plans to address the need for broadband infrastructure and its improvement or replacement."