Ail Gynllun Datblygu Lleol Adneuo Diwygiedig Sir Gaerfyrddin

Chwilio sylwadau

Canlyniadau chwilio Llanllawddog Community Council

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd


Ail Gynllun Datblygu Lleol Adneuo Diwygiedig Sir Gaerfyrddin


ID sylw: 4901

Derbyniwyd: 13/04/2023

Ymatebydd: Llanllawddog Community Council

Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Ydi

Cadarn? Ydi

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The Community Council is concerned that the developer in phases 1 and 2 of the development at Cefn Farm has so far not provided public open spaces / play areas the LDP be amended so that site reference SuV14/h1 at Cefn Farm, Rhydargaeau encompasses play areas and which should be of the highest quality.
Given the lack of any play areas in Rhydargaeau, which has been identified by the County Council's Parks Department, the Council is concerned how much residential development in Rhydargaeau could be sustained before play areas are developed.

Newid wedi’i awgrymu gan ymatebydd:

The Council requests that the LDP be amended so that site reference SuV14/h1 at Cefn Farm, Rhydargaeau encompasses play areas and which should be of the highest quality. As the site will have in excess of 5 or more units proposed, the Council requests that the developer is required to enter into a Section 106 Agreement to contribute towards open space in accordance with the County Council's open space standards.
There is a duty under the Well-Being of Future Generations Act to maintain and enhance the resilience of our ecosystems for our own continued existence and for future generations. The Council would wish to see a grassed play area to enhance the resilience of the eco-system as opposed to plastic grass and chopped up plastic mulch. The public open space / play area should also lend itself to the planting of trees, shrubs, flowers and sensory plants.

Testun llawn:

This representation is being made by Llanllawddog Community Council. The Council is concerned that the developer in phases 1 and 2 of the development at Cefn Farm has so far not provided public open spaces / play areas the LDP be amended so that site reference SuV14/h1 at Cefn Farm, Rhydargaeau encompasses play areas and which should be of the highest quality.
Given the lack of any play areas in Rhydargaeau, which has been identified by the County Council's Parks Department, the Council is concerned how much residential development in Rhydargaeau could be sustained before play areas are developed.

Ein hymateb:

This is a matter that would relate to the determination of a planning application for the site.

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut I ddefnyddio’r system ac I wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.