
Safleoedd Ymgeisio a Gyflwynwyd / Candidate Site Submissions

ID sylw: 737

Derbyniwyd: 05/02/2019

Ymatebydd: Mr Joel Brown

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

I think all this housing which is being planned is appalling. There is total Insuffient/Inadequate Infrastructure in Llangennech/Bryn to manage this. Also the road network will be unable to cope with the traffic. A lot of this would come from the motorway and through the village there is parked cars and if it gets much busier there will be a tragedy at some point. It is very narrow and any extra vehicles to support all this housing is utterly wrong. This particular site is loss of narrow green belt resulting in the merger of the villages of Bryn and Llangennech